Welcome to Hell!

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It felt like it had been hours since you and Zeraphine have been stuck in that horrid place. When the jems would turn green, they'd turn automatically turn red or yellow. It was like the door was moving from place to place when you got closer to it.

You sighed, exhausted "how long have we been here?"

"Possibly a few days." He groaned "give me to your other hand."

"Ok." You simply said.

You grabbed Zeraphines other hand with your free one, and he let go of your sweaty one that hed been holding for a while. Then, he got onto your other side to walk around with you better.

"Why do we have to hold hands?" You asked "it's weird."

"Because if we let go, we'd automatically be separated." He answered while staring into the black abyss "damn, I need a cigarette."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. You opened the small box and pulled one out for him, and took the lighter with your free hand. He put the other cigarettes back in his pocket, while you popped the one in his mouth and it it up for him. Then, he took the lighter and put it in his pocket.

"Thanks." He mumbled while smoking a few puffs off it.

"No problem." You sighed "do you think luke and Simeon are alright?"

"I think they're locked up by now, honestly." Zeraphine blinked a few times "but after all this is done, we'll all be fine."

"I hope so." You said with your necklace turning green again as you walked further forwards "hopefully the door wont move again."

The necklace was bright green,and was brighter than before. The only problem was that you and your reaper friend were standing infront of a pile of dead bodies.

"Uh.. is this real?" You asked.

"It is." He said while finishing his cigarette quickly and looking at their faces "oh no..."

"What?" You asked.

He bent down and cupped a girls dead face that looked really fresh "I knew her... so this is the door, I guess."

"How do we open it?"

Zeraphine wiped his sleeve on his eyes, quickly getting rid of a few small tears "I dont know."

You bend down next to him "Who was she?"

Zeraphine looked at the girls face sadly "she was my friend."

"Was she a reaper too?"

"No. She's a human."

"Then what's she doing here?"

"She was a witch, a powerful one. So, shes apperiently one of the door keepers now."

Suddenly, her eyes snapped open, making you both jump back and fall on your asses. She started breathing heavily like she was out of breath.

"M-my stomach." She said "the d-door, Zeraphine! Get it out!"

"What?" He asked worriedly and tightened the grip on your hand "Lilah, what are you talking about?"

"I-its inside my stomach!" She cried out in pain "kill me already! Get the door, and kill me!"


You took Zeraphines hand and made him grab your ankle so you wouldn't get separated, and stood up straight. The girl was suffering badly, and was dying slowly. You decided to out her out if her misery. You reached into Zeraphines suit and found a pocket knife. You flicked it open, walked over to Lilah, and sliced her throat open. She quickly died on the spot, but now you were covered in her blood. Zeraphine was silent, but he didnt let go of your ankle.

"Might not wanna see this next part." You suggested.

"Why?" He asked.

You sighed "do you really wanna see me cut open your friends stomach and fig around in there?"

He didnt respond, but just turned his red eyes to his feet. You turned back to the dead girls body, and pulled her out a bit from the pile of other bodies. You cut her belly open, then her stomach. There wasnt anything in there except for a small, white marble with black swirls in it.

"Found the door." You sighed, picking it up and somewhat cleaning it off on your shirt "here." You handed it to Zeraphine.

He took it, and you grabbing his hand, letting him let go of your ankle. He finally stood up to his feet, and just looked at the marble like he didnt know what to do with it.

"This is the door?" He asked bordly.

"I guess." You shrugged "unless your friend ate marbles for fun."

"Well, I dont know what to do with it." He shrugged.

"Well, what if we just.." you took the marble out of his hand, and smashed it on the ground as hard as you could, breaking it into a million little pieces.

"What the hell?!" He exclaimed.

"Look." You pointed to the side and saw a portal to your side, leading right to the main room of the House of Lamentation "it apperiently leads us to hell."

"Oh." He said plainly "good job."

You smiled "thank you."

You and Zeraphine both jumped into the portal, and tumbled on the ground. Your necklace stopped glowing, and turned back to it's normal blue. You groaned in what small pain you received by the way you landed on the ground.

You rolled away from Zeraphine, who somehow got hit in the balls and was laying on the floor in pain, and snatched your hand away from him.

Then you hopped to your feet and started running through the big house shouting "I'm back! I'm still dead, but I'm back! Hello?!" You ran upstairs and ran to Mammons bedroom, then started banging on the closed door, shouting "Mammon! Mammon! Mammon! Mammon! Mammon! Mammon! Mammon! Mammon!" Over and over again.

"For the last time, fuck off!" His angry voice shouted on the other side on the door "stop trying to prank me into coming out of here, Satan."

"Its really me!" You yelled back while trying to open the door "Mammon, open up!"

The door was locked, the house seemed completely empty and dead, and no one was in sight.

"Haha, real funny." He said sarcastically "if this is the real y/n, then what's the last thing she said to me before she died?"

Mammon was in a lot of pain, and didnt seem to trust anyone at all now. You sighed, feeling how heartbroken he was.

"I said I love you so much." You said softly "now please open the door and let me see you again."

There was a quick click, then the door swung open quickly. Mammon looked like he hadn't been taking care of himself in weeks. His hair was a greasy mess, he stank, and his cloths were all stained. But still, you trapped him in a tight hug before he could properly process that you were actually there again. He hugged you back, and started to cry on your shoulder that was still soaked in Zeraphines friends blood.

"I love you so much! I missed you so damn much, please dont ever leave me again!" He sobbed loudly.

"I wont, I promise." You said softly "I love you, Mammon."

Zeraphine slowly walked towards you two with a smile "well, I'm glad you two got back together, but theres a war going on right now soooo.."

I Still Need You! {I'm greedy for you! Sequal}(Mammon x Female Reader)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now