The Human World

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"Did you set all those spirits free?!" Luke shouted as he saw the other spirits running around behind and around you two.

"I needed a distraction!" You yelled as you ran up to him.

You quickly went over to a guys open truck as he was filling it up with gas, and grabbed one of his jackets in the back. You wrapped your crystal in it, and threw it to Luke. He caught it and told you to follow him, and you did. You ran behind the little boy, and he was a lot faster than he looked, surprisingly. Luke stopped running and turned around, and started to look for you, even though you were right beside him.

He held out the balled up hoodie with the crystal in it and told you to grab it. He was starting to get worried because he couldnt see you anymore. You took it in your hands and he got a little startled when he saw you again.

"Hold onto that, please. I can see you when you do." He said and started running again.

You didnt say anything and started running after him once again. Luke lead you to a large apartment complex, and ran up the stairs for like 6 flights. Then, he finally got to his destination and opened one of the doors labeled 602, letting you come in.

You set the jacket down ok n the table, and he started to look for you again. His eyes wondered the room, and you put your hand on the jacket.

You took the crystal out the jacket "you can ok only see me when I touch this thing, right?"

"Mhmm." He nodded "I have to make it into a necklace for you so youd always be armed, and are always seen no matter where you are."

"Alright." You nodded "how long will that take?"

"Not long if I work fast enough." He said while pulling out rubber gloves from a drawer "but I have to be careful, because if I touch it with my skin, I'd probably get hurt."

"Ok but how do you know how to make jewlery?"

"Simeon taught me."

"Of course he did." You said before setting the crystal down again.

Luke picked it up and put it into a metal bowl, and went into another room for a second before coming back out with a hammer. He hit the crystal a few times before it broke into 3 small pieces that would be easier for him so work with. Then the small angel got out some wire from a box and started to wrap it around each individual piece. He finished up surprisingly really quickly, and got the crystals on a thick silver chain. It didnt take more than 20 minutes for him.

"Alright!" He said once he finished, an gently set the beautiful necklace on the table once more "put it on, and let's go. We have to meet Zeraphine somewhere now."

You did as you were told and picked up the object. You clipped the chain together behind your neck and saw Luke's bright smile shine at you.

He didnt waist to grab your hand with his small one and drag you out of the apartment complex. When the sun shined on the both of you, an angel tried to swoop down and take Luke from you. You pushed the boy out of the way before he was taked into the air though, and got taked off the ground instead.

You started to freak out the moment your feet left the ground. You thrashed and kicked the angel who had ahold on you, but his grip wouldn't budge. Suddenly, the necklaces jems started to glow a bright blue color, and a force pushed him away really hard, forcing him to let go of you.

You started to fall back down, but landed on your feet. You were really light on your feet now and not even hurt. You ran back over to Luke and he started to lead you off in some direction.

You got tired of the Angel's trying to take Luke really quickly, so you picked him up like a baby, and he clung to you. He told you where to go, and you didnt hesitate to go where you were told to.

After a while of dodging, and occasionally punching an angel in the face, you realized that you were getting weird glances from people- alive people.

"They cant see the angels, can they?" You asked Luke.

"Looks like they used a spell to not be able to be seen." Luke said angrily.

"Its ok." You groaned and saw people taking pictures of you "I'm dead, I know!"

"Turn left!" Luke said "now!"

You turned sharp left and saw Zeraphine holding a vile of what looked to be blood, and unknown herbs.

"Cmon, hurry up!" He urged.

"How did you get here before me?!" You asked with shock.

"I'm a reaper, I have to be from here to Hawaii to Canada to Japan all in the time span of five minutes! Dont ask questions!"

I Still Need You! {I'm greedy for you! Sequal}(Mammon x Female Reader)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now