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Quick question- if I made an oc x they/them reader book, would any of yall read it?? Just wondering bc yall comment most in this book XD

"You dick." Was the first thing that came flying out of your mouth towards Michael.

"Excuse me?" The archangel asked sarcastically.

"Yah." You tightened your grip on your broom "you're a dick. And I'm fixing to crush yours with my broom here."

Michael took a few steps back cautiously and said "you should be in the Celestial realm."

"I dont wanna be there." You rolled your eyes "if someone gets the right to go to heaven, they should get to choose if they dont wanna go. If they deserve to go to hell, they should stay here for obvious reasons. But me? I wanna go to hell."

"And for what?" Michael chuckled "your boyfriend?"

"Not just for him!" You hissed, making the archangel flinch "I wanna see my friends I've made there as well! I wanna travel all the worlds, see things I didnt get to when I was alive now that death isnt holding me back anymore. So i suggest that you take your angel puppets, and go home without me or hurting anyone else."

Michael shook his head "I cant."

"Cant or wont?"

"I wont."

"Then I guess I'll just make you a shish kabob." You growled at the angel "and all your other friends as well."

Michael scoffed "you wouldn't dare to try and attack an archangel."

"Yes she would." Lucifer smiled at you "shes like an attack dog."

"But I dont listen very well." You added.

"Exactly." Diavolo smiled at the angel "I can honestly see y/n willing if this turned into a fight between you two."

You smirked evily at the angel "pack up and take your shit home, and let's all pretend none of this bullshit ever happened."

"And," Lucifer smiled "I also suggest not putting any harm towards Zeraphine, Simeon, James and Luke."

Michael looked as if he were thinking for a few seconds before saying "alright. Have it your way."

You frowned as he turned away and started to fly away "damn, I wanted to beat him up though!" Then a familiar spirit ran past you, making you turn around and shout "hey- wait!"

The spirit turned around and looked at you questioningly. Your heart sank, and you dropped your broom.

"Mom." You said while blinking a few times to see if mlm you were hallucinating.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" She asked.

"I'm your daughter." You sniffled "y/n."

"No." She smiled apologetically "my y/n is eight years old."

You stepped towards her "Mom, you've dead for a long time now. Aunt Sam and Jenny took care of me."

She looked at you slowly, and ran up to you when she realized it was you, and hugged you tightly. You hugged her back and tried not to cry, since youd been crying a lot lately.

"Y/n." She said with tears of joy "you're so beautiful."

"Mom, you gotta go back to heaven." You chuckled and pulled away from her "you and dad will be happy together there again."

"But we want to explore the world again." She smiled "we all could!"

"I cant right now, mom, I have a few things to take care of first."

"Where? Me and your dad could come with you, you could tell us everything that's happened to you-"

"Mom I really cant " you said while trying to make sure she didnt see Mammon "this has to be done alone, really. Go with dad, go see France or whatever."

"Well, I have to find your dad first." She chuckled "but we will. We both love you so much, I'm so proud of you. So is your dad, honey."

You smiled widely and let her turn around and run off to find your dad somewhere. The angels flew back up to the clouds all together, and the demons started to dissapear, going back to Devildom. You ran back over to Mammon and smacked your lips onto his. Everything was finally getting better.

I Still Need You! {I'm greedy for you! Sequal}(Mammon x Female Reader)[COMPLETE]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora