Escape plan!

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What felt to be like the next day, Zeraphine kept his word and returned with James by his side. You stopped trying to kick the wall in, saw the blue haired angel and ran up to him. You hugged him tightly, and he hugged you back just a much.

"You dumbass." He mumbled "why'd you have to go and die?"

You smiled "missed you too, James."

He pulled away from the hug and said quietly "it's something small that'll be in here in every one of your memories that wasnt there before when they happened."

"What?" You asked "what do you mean?"

"I-it could be something like a crystal, or maybe a marble- but something small and easy to carry-"

"James, you know the rules, we cant help her get out." Zeraphine said loudly, and stepped closer then whispered "use it to get out, dont loose it no matter what if you ever want to see Mammon again. When you pick it up, prepare use it quickly."

They both stepped back and you smiled that they were both actually helping you wit hbk your escape plan.

"I'll tell Mammon." James said with his happiest smiled he'd ever shown you "we all miss you."

Zeraphine snapped his fingers, and the two were gone in a flash. You rushed around the place that looked like Mammons room, and kept moving things, looking for something that you didnt even know what it was. Then, you went over and examined Mammons desk that he was selling small, shiny things online with. Maybe it was there after all.

The memory changed, making you be in the kitchen with Beel as he talked about what he had for lunch at school. You looked around the kitchen and kept looking.

Then something caught your eye that was the same memory on Mammons table. It was a small, blue crystal that was glowing on the counter, ontop of the fridge. It couldnt have been bigger than a small bakery brownie.

But you couldnt grab it yet, you had to make sure it was the thing you needed so badly. So, you waited a few more minutes until the memory changed to a new one.

This memory wasnt you in the Devildom at all, actually. It was the day of your eighth birthday at home. Dad was talking to kid you in moms arms about where you were going to go for your birthday. You froze and looked at the scene happening.

"Eight years old ago today!" Your mother said while putting a locket around your neck with a picture of your family in it "I have birth to the most amazing daughter I could have ever asked for."

"No." You mumbled while looking at your moms and dads faces "mom, I'm not the amazing daughter you asked for."

Little you as your dad scooped you up in his arms and 'flew' you around the room. This was the first memory that you werent plugged into where you were when the memory happened. You actually got you see it all play out without you having to directly say or do anything.

Your dad put the eight year old version of you on the kitchen counter and smiled widely "guess where we're going today, pumpkin?"

"Where?" You asked all excited "aunt Sammy and Jenny's?!"

"Please dont go to the zoo." You whined at the grown ups "you'll die if you go."

"Close!" He booped your nose and giggled "we wanted to take you there, but aunt Sammy is sick, so guess one more time."

"Dont go, please." You pleaded desperately.

Kid version of you gave up and asked "I dunno, where?!"

"The big cat zoo!" Your mom smiled.

"Mom, dont go!" You said with tears pricking at your eyes "mom! Dad! Please dont go to the zoo! Go see aunt Sam and Jenny even if Sam's sick!"

Tiny you gasped "TIGERSSSSSSS!!"

"No!" You yelled out into the room "this is is supposed to heaven! Paradise! Where I can see all my favorite memories, right?! This is worse than hell!"

The family started to walk out of your old house, and you saw the sam blue crystal on the kitchen table, hiding in plain sight.

With fear, sadness and anger rolled up into one, you quickly ran over to it and picked it up. A random wall opened up like a door, and four unknown Angel's walked in with a small, magic box to probably trap you in it forever.

One angel appeared behind you and tried to take the crystal, but you screamed and the angel turned to dust. You screamed again with all your negative emotions as loudly as you could, and the other three Angel's disintegrated into dust as well. The box fell to the ground with a thud.

You went over and picked up the box, clenched the crystal in your hand, and ran out the door. Now, you were finally on your way to your destination.

I Still Need You! {I'm greedy for you! Sequal}(Mammon x Female Reader)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now