Almost to our destination

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"I'm a reaper, I have to be from here to Hawaii to Canada to Japan all in the time span of five minutes! Dont ask questions!" Zeraphine said quickly "ditch the kid!"

"What?!" You shouted while punching an angel that tried to grab Luke from you "I'm not ditching Luke here! He'd get taken away and hurt!"

"Just trust me, damn it!" Zeraphine groaned "we got you this far, just trust us a little more!"

"Itll be alright y/n." Luke's small voice said sweetly "this is part of the plan. Itll all be alright in the end."

You hugged Luke tightly and felt his warm embrace as he returned the hug, then you set him down on the road and took the reapers hand. Luke turned around and started running away in the opposite direction of you as quickly as he could to try and lure the Angel's away.

Zeraphine threw the vile down on the ground, and a bright blue light appeared above you. It expanded bigger and bigger, creating a portal, but not quite exactly straight to the Devildom. It was like a black hole, so you couldnt see what exactly was on the other side. It created wind that was trying to suck something inside it. You started to float up and get closer towards the portal.

"Uh oh." Zeraphine mumbled under his breath.

"Uh oh?!" You exclaimed "what do you mean uh oh?!"

"Nothing, nothing!" He chuckled "let's go!"

He jumped and jerked you inside the portal with him. The portal closed behind you, and everything went dark. You couldnt see anything, you couldnt smell anything, and you couldnt even see Zeraphine who was supposed to be holding your hand. You squeezed your hand and felt his grasp tighten around yours.

"Dont let me go." He said.

Or tried to say. Both of you could talk, but it sounded like a whisper when you tried to talk at a normal volume.

Your necklace started to glow, but you screamed at what you saw. It was like a human, but it wasn't. The skin was melting. The eyes were cut out, and he was nailed to a wall by his limbs. The kill looked fresh, too because the blood was still gushing out of his wounds.

" me." The person said with pain laced in their voice "please help me."

The sight was so horrifying, but you couldnt bring yourself to look away. Zeraphine pulled you towards him and put your head onto his chest.

"Its ok." He said "it's not real. Nothing here except me and you are real, ok?"

Images of the tortured person were flashing through your mind, making you start to tremble in fear. Zeraphine started to lead you around without letting you look at anything, but it was obvious he didnt know where to go.

You kept your head down and burried in Zeraphines arm. There were a lot of weird sounds around you that scared and sent shivers down your spine. Some clicking noises, some people crying out in pain and misery. But the one thing that actually made you look up was the one thing that made you want to die all over again.

"Y/n, why'd you do this to me?" Mammon said with a spear with a cross engraved on it going through his chest "what'd I ever do other than love you to deserve this?"

"Its not real, y/n." Zeraphine reminded you "dont look at him, hes not really here."

"Where are we?" You asked Zeraphine with tears prickling at your eyes.

The reaper sighed heavily "wherever this place is, is where I was born- all of us reapers were born. We have to keep in mind that none of these horrible things are real for a few hundred years and we get let out to do our jobs. Or, we find the door out."

"Which one did you do?" You asked.

"The first one." He answered quickly "not everyone gets let out that way, and they give up and die."

"Then where's the door?!"

"I dont know."

You looked back where Mammon was, and he was gone.

Zeraphine took a few steps forwards "we'll find the door. And when we do, we'll finally be in the Devildom."

"Ok." You nodded.

You and Zeraphine took a few more steps forwards, and saw your necklaces glow start to turn green. You steps back and it turned yellow.

"The hell?" He asked.

"Guess itll be like the game red light, green light." You chuckled "this could be fun."

I Still Need You! {I'm greedy for you! Sequal}(Mammon x Female Reader)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now