Getting out

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It was like a huge hallway of just different doors you were going down. The doors had different names on them, different people behind each door.

An alarm went blaring like a fire alarm in schools. It was signaling youd gotten out. You needed a fast distraction, so you began opening the doors and letting the spirits out. You told them to open more doors, and the were confused at first, but obliged. It wasnt long before you were surrounded by a few hundred spirits.

The Angel's couldnt find you, so you decided to start making an escape for it, and ran down a random hallway. Hoping that there would be an exit door somewhere, the crowd still kept opening more doors and you were seeing more and more faces, more and more voices of confusion. Was there ever going to be an end to these long and confusing hallways.

You turned down one, and bumped into someone. You got ready to use the crystal in your hand to kill them, but they put their hands over yours.

"Its ok, it's just me." Zeraphine said "dont kill me, you dont even know how to use that thing yet. Follow me, kid."

You nodded, and followed him as he grabbed ahold of your wrist, running quickly down the hallways. You closed mlm your eyes, and suddenly when you opened them again, you and Zeraphine were running down the side of a castle. Down a 90° angle wall.

You freaked out, screamed, and your feet let go of the wall. You slipped from the reapers grasp, and he sighed in annoyance.

He jumped and started falling as well, but aiming straight for you. He was falling at a more faster speed. He grabbed you and pulled you close to him, and it was obvious he was uncomfortable with the way he caught you.

He pulled out his phone and called someone, which they picked up quickly, and said "James, now would be a good time, dude!"

He hung up the phone, and put it back in his suit pocket. Then, he let go of you and pushed you away from him to get some distance. You looked down and saw the ground was getting really close- a little too close for comfort- and close your eyes shut tight for the possible pain.

Then, you werent falling anymore. You were flying now. You opened your eyes and saw you were in James's arms. He smiled at you and laughed loudly, but kept flying quickly.

"Alright!" He said like he was fixing to explain something "I might end up getting killed for this, but I'm gonna try my best to get you as far as possible from here before I get slaughtered."

"What?!" You shouted at your friend "no, you cant die too! That isnt fair!"

"Heavens law." He chuckled as if he didnt care about his own life "cant get any spirit out of heaven no matter what. Zeraphine might die, too by the way."

"Oh damn." You rolled your eyes "you guys shouldnt risk your fucking lifes for me!"

He laughed again "Well too bad! Simeon and Luke are in on this too!"

"WHAT!? No! Dont get them dragged into this!"

"They volunteered."

"You guys are stupid!"

"And? We all already knew that the moment we met you."

You giggled at the joke, and looked behind you and James flying. There was an entire hoard on angels following you two. And they were pissed.

You frowned "oh shit."

"They're already following us?" James asked.

"Yup." You said plainly.

"Ok then, that's my cue."

"For wha-" you were cut off by James suddenly dropping you without warning "AAAAH!"

You were caught by Simeon swooping over and catching you like a gentleman. He gently set you on your feet and started to lead you away from the angels, and to what looked to be a huge gray cloud.

"Y/n, do you still have that box?" He asked.

"Yeah." You answered and saw the loose spirits running towards you all scattered with Angel's chasing them "why?"

"Let me see it. I'll distract the Angel's. Follow Luke, and give him the crystal- with a cloth around it because only you can touch it bare skinned."

"Ok." You said without asking questions and handedSimeon the box.

Simeon took it and lead you to what looked to be an old stair case going down to the human world. It looked decayed, and like if a feather touch it, it would crumble into pieces.

"You expect me to run down that? Itll fall!" You argued.

"You're dead, y/n." Simeon chuckled "if it does fall, you wont get hurt. You'll see Luke at the nearest gas station to your right. Now go!"

You rolled your eyes and started to run as quickly as you could down the old stairs. It should have rocked and creaked, but it was as if you werent even touching it.

You glanced back and saw Simeon trapping a lot of his brothers and sisters in the box, but let the spirits do whatever they wanted. A lot of them followed you down the staircase, and some excitedly jumped off the edge, making their way to the surface of earth.

You jumped off as well because it seemed like a faster alternative and clutched the bright blue crystal in your hand. You handed on the ground, and there wasnt any pain, and it felt like you just jumped off a small obstical.

You ran to the nearest gas station to your right, and saw Luke waiting for you there by a gas pump like a lost child.

I Still Need You! {I'm greedy for you! Sequal}(Mammon x Female Reader)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now