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The next day, you woke up and realized your necklace had broken in your sleep. The two jens were on the floor, and two were lost in your bed sheets.

"Shit!" You said while picking up the ones on your ground and your phone.

You called Asmo, and he picked up with a slightly tired tone asking "hmm? What is it, y/n darling? Do you need a morning face mask?"

"No." You sighed heavily "I need you to help me make jewlery out of the jems on my necklace. It broke in my sleep last night, I got two jems in my hand."

You could tell he sprung out of bed and smiled brightly "you got it! So I'm thinking we could make you come earrings, and a bellybutton ring? And also just a normal ring?"

You smiled "that sounds fine, but you'll have to pierce my bellybutton."

"Of course!" He giggled on the line "clean your room in fifteen minutes, I'll have Beel and Mammon bring in the supplies there."

"Ok, you got it." You chuckled and hung up the phone.

Next, you located the other jems, and set three on your desk, while clutching one in your fist. Then, y ok u started cleaning your room, and making room on the floor. As promised, fifteen minutes later, the three men walked in with Asmo carrying the light things, and the other two the more heavy things.

Asmo set everything up, and you handed him all four of the jems, with a paper towel over them so he wouldn't get hurt. Then, he started to get to work, breaking the blue jems, shaving them down, and making almost professional like jewlery with them.

When he was done, no one could see you, so you put on the ring he finished first. Then, you decided he could pierce your bellybutton next. It was quick, you didnt feel pain, it was just a bit of pressure, really. Then, your ears, and you were all loaded and good to do so you didnt have to worry about disappearing again hopefully any time soon.

Mammon kissed your cheek and you hugged him tightly.

"What's this for?" He smiled.

"I just love you." You smiled back up at him.

~time skip bc I said so- also pls real the a/n at the end~

"Ok!" You smiled with excitement while waiting for Lucifer to give the ok to go to the human world now "can we go yet?!"

"Not yet." He said calmly "Belphigor cant find his pillow."

"He can just use Beel!" You shouted "hes basically a walking pillow, muscle man!"

"Found it!" Belphi shouted while walking back over to his brothers and yourself.

"YES!" you shouted in victory "LETS FUCKIN GOOOOO!"

Lucifer pressed a button on his watch, and there was a bright flash around you all. Then, next thing you knew, you were in the human world infront of Saeyoungs house.

The red head rushed out of his house, opened the gates, and tackled you to the ground with tears fogging his glasses as he cried. It was his first time seeing you since your funeral, and he missed you dearly. You hugged him back and cried a little yourself by how much you realized y ok u missed your best friend as well.

"Y/n!" He sat up next to you and cried more "you're now not allowed to leave me for that long ever again! I-if that's cool with you."

You giggled and wiped the small tears away from your eyes with a nod "you got it."

You two stood up and saw a limo pull up. It was obviously Jumins. He stepped out of the car and looked at you in shock as if he didnt really beleive you were truly there at all.

"Y/n." He finally smiled a sweet and genuine smile "I'm glad to see you're back. It's always a pleasure to see you."

Jaehee jumped out of the long vehicle and hugged you tightly "I missed you so much!"

You hugged her back "I missed you too, Jaehee."

She pulled away and let the demons and yourself in the car. Then, your best friend, and herself and Jumin. Surprisingly, there was still enough room for four more people in the car.

"We're gonna watch Zen's musical!" Jaehee said happily "I'm so glad you also wish for him to stop obsessing over you as well, y/n. He needs to focus on his work as much as he can."

You chuckled "I don't care what he focuses on, but it cant be me. Hes a good guy, he just needs to realize that One: I'm dead now. And Two: I love Mammon."

She smiled "I'm happy for you."

"Thank you." You smiled back "I hope Jumin will stop leaving Elizabeth the third with you when out of office hours."

"Me too." She whined "but I get paid for it, so it's ok I suppose."

The books coming to an end soon-

B U T :D I will make a Beel x reader book right after, I promise. I might post like maybe 10 more chapters in here before it ends lol, but itll be great I promise ^^ yes, you get a happy ending.

I Still Need You! {I'm greedy for you! Sequal}(Mammon x Female Reader)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now