hangin with the twins

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An update from my last a/n. Safe to say I'm single now 💖🥰 well, I'm still with anime characters but we dont talk about that 🙄✋

A few days later, you and Beel were chilling in his and Belphis room while his brother slept on his own bed. Beel and yourself were eating of course, and talking about crazy and funny stories that happened to you two.

"So then I said, how about I kill you?" You giggled "then we got to keep Ruby- where is she?"

"Oh," Beel smiled "shes always outside now. She just likes to spend time with the street cats a lot more now."

"Oh." You smiled and ate one of your chips, then pet Beels hair "your hair is so soft, it's unfair."

He giggled "thank you, I let Asmo do my hair so he would stop flirting with me for two months."

You laughed, and earned a tired groan from Belphi, basically meaning "I'm sleeping, shut up."

Beel and yourself giggled, then ate more Honey Budda chips that he got ahold of. You couldnt blame Liciel for loving the chips so much, they were amazing with Doctor Pepper. But he shouldnt eat those all the time.

"Here." You offered Beel the rest of yours "I'm full."

He took them gratefully and hugged you tightly. Then, he let go and quickly ate the rest of the chips and soda.

"Wheres Mammon?" Beel asked "hes not with you, so is something wrong?"

You shook your head "no, I don't know what hes doing, but I'm just chilling with you guys right now."

"Oh." Beel smiled "ok."

Belphi climbed onto Beels bed and layed down next to you, tired as usual.

"Are we friends?" The tired demon asked.

"Yeah!" You smiled "we arent close friends, but yeah, we're friends."

"Ok." Belphi smiled back and drifted back to sleep.

Yes, it's a short chapter but idk what to write, I just felt like I had to write something XD

I Still Need You! {I'm greedy for you! Sequal}(Mammon x Female Reader)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now