Chapter Sixteen

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I woke and got out of bed gently as to not wake Seth. Looking out the window, today looked like it was going to be HOT!

I went into my closet and pulled out a Green Day t-shirt, blue short shorts with black tights and my combat boots, I brought them with me into the bathroom and hopped into the nice, steaming hot shower. I relaxed into it, the hot water no longer stinging at my wrists.

Crap. I suddenly realised I left all my bracelets on the vanity, I just pray Seth will be asleep still.

I washed my self down and hopped out, wrapping myself and hair in a towel, I spread my clothes out, then quickly changed, and towel dried my hair, quickly running my hands through my hair. I hung up my towels and put my pyjamas in my clothes hamper, and quietly walked and sat at the vanity. I put on my necklace and bracelet from nan, and all my band bracelets, being sure to cover all my scars and cuts.

"Morning." Seth said, walking over. He had gotten himself dressed too.

"May I treat the lady today?" He asked, I giggled slightly and nodded, letting him do my hair and make up today, him doing it perfectly like usual. I smiled at the result and kissed his cheek.

I grabbed my school bag and shoved my school stuff In it, being sure to take my drawing for the competition thing. I was nervous, I wanted to win, but I hoped their wasn't a massive fuss about it.

We walked downstairs and grabbed our coffees, Seth grabbed a bowl of cereal. Ethan and Riley still half asleep at the table. I giggled to myself.

~~School Skip~~

We walked to home room, me and Seth holding hands, and so were Eve and Riley, we were laughing at a joke Riley made. When I was suddenly on the floor. I flinched and looked up to see Claire above me. I flinched back more, scared. I heard her snicker above me.

"Bitch come back to play?" She cooed, bending down and slapping me hard across the face. I looked down, forcing back tears and not saying anything.

"Leave her alone!" Three voices yelled, which happened to be Eve, Riley and Seth. She looked at them all and laughed.

"Yeah, whatever. I'll leave her alone once she grants our wishes and goes die." She spat disgustedly, looking at me as if I were something off the bottom of her shoe, and then she walked off. Seth pulled me up and we continued to home room. I hadn't said a word, even though they were tying to talk to me. I shook my head and completed the finishing touches to my drawing since it had to be handed in first lesson.

Home room passed by slowly and I walked to my art class with Eve.

"Sky?" She sighed as we waited outside the door. I looked up at her.

"Please don't listen to it, it's not worth it, your worth so much more and I would literally die without you." Eve said, giving me a weak smile. I returned the favour and hugged her, getting interrupted by cough from the teacher. I let go, blushing and handed him my art work, going straight over to my desk so I didn't have to hear him say how terrible it was. He walked in, spread the artwork on a table, took a brief look around before his eyes landed on one and he picked it up.

"Now this, this is definitely the winner. This shows originality, it's deep, it's personal, it's perfect, would the owner mind explaining it?" The teacher asked, showing everyone my drawing as he looked straight at me. Usually I would object because I hated going in front of people, but today was an exception, sir called the attention of the class.

"Skylar will now explain her beautiful piece of art." My teacher smiled. I looked down and took a deep breath.

"Yesterday, I went for a walk with my Stepdad, I finally bonded with him and learnt about him, I got know him and he finally told me about his past, and brought me to meet his brother and sister, who I found were buried in front of my sister. He told me how his past was broken, and I thought, we were two broken families put together to form a whole family, and we're happy. But this, it shows that we're both broken, but we're still standing strong and all this is what's broken us, name calling, abusive fathers, loss of siblings, and that's what all of this represents, the cracked faces show that we're broken, but not shattered." I replied, pointing everything out. I had quite a few jealous looks and lots of looks of amazement, but I also had a fair share of looks of hatred. I sat back down and Eve looked at me incredulously.

*editing* Is This What You Call A Family?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum