Chapter Seven

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~~ another week later ~~

Ethan, Riley and Seth went back to school last week, no-one else had. Mainly because I still didn't feel quite up to it, and James and Jacob just didn't want to, so we didn't push them.

I was helping to pack for the move. It was only a temporary move until we could find a good house. This was just because we needed the room.

I put the last of my things in the box and taped it up, putting it in the corner with the rest of my stuff. Sighing, I walked down stairs to Heaven's room.

Everything was where it was supposed to be, nothing had been touched, except for the carpet, mum had cleaned up the floor, but apart from that, everyone just seemed to avoid the room as though it were cursed. But I guess that was just more bad memories.

I closed my eyes then took a deep breath.

"You shouldn't let them get to you Sky, your beautiful and you are amazing, they are all dickheads." Heaven told me softly, hugging my small, crying figure.

"But how do you do it? You don't even cry about it!" I sniffled. Her face seemed to darken but she shook it off and smiled at me.

"Because I learnt that there's no point in letting them win, their not worth my tears, and I think it's time you did the same." She whispered, wiping my tears away and hugging me tighter.

I didn't know then that a year later my sister was going to kill herself. But I finally understood. She kept it hidden away. She just didn't want me to make the same mistakes.

"I don't want to leave it either." Mother whispered from next to me. I turned to look at her, my smile not even a smile.

"I just miss her." I whispered.

"Me too sweety, but she's still here with us, in here." Mum whispered, pointing to my heart. Cliché moment there. I nodded and watched as she walked off, wiping my eyes.

It was hard to describe how I felt after I lost Heaven. It literally felt like there was hole in my chest, and that there was a monster trying to tear my chest in half. Not a day goes by when I don't think about my sister.

I then walked downstairs, helping mum with the last few boxes.

"So where is this house?" I asked her.

"Spring lane dear, grandmother rented it for us until we can actually find a house." She told me with a smile. I nodded, wrapping the photo frames in bubble wrap.

"Excuse me Miss?" James asked nervously, walking over.

"Please James, just call me Willow, what's up?" She asked.

"Please may I have a drink?" He asked politely. Mum chuckled.

"I told you dear, you don't have to ask, if you need help, then you can ask." Mum chuckled. James smiled and went into the kitchen.

"Poor kids, they shouldn't of had to see that." Mum whispered.

"It was horrible." I whispered, taping the box shut and stacking it with the other boxes.

"That's the last box and we can move tomorrow." Mum smiled. I smiled just as Ethan and Riley walked in.

"Hey." They both grumbled, Seth walking in after.

"Hey boys, how was school?" Mum asked.

"Crap." All three of them muttered at the same time.

"What happened?" She asked them.

"Emily. That's what." Riley growled.

"What did she do this time?" I asked.

"Making comments about you, she kept asking if you finally died because she hadn't seen you, then she started calling you names and stuff, God I just wanted to fucking punch her face in!" Riley replied.

"She is a bitch." I shrugged, walking into the kitchen to make myself some water.

I could hear the others in the front room, suddenly talking in hushed voices. Are they starting to say the same things as Emily too? Or they do think I'm just going to completely break in the next minute?

Unable to bear the thought I went up to my now plain room, laying on my bed and staring up at the ceiling.

What if Emily was right? I mean, I am worthless, I'm fat, I'm ugly, I'm stupid. Would anyone notice? If I finally died, would she regret everything she ever said? Probably not, she's a heartless bitch.

I sighed, grabbing my iPod and plugging my earbuds in.

"Saints born together to fight against their holy fables
The streets are where we pray
Hymns for the lonely, wretched and forgotten
The feeling in our hearts won't ever fade away

We stand tall (united)
Watch them fall (divided)
Break the chains and now we'll show them all (fight)

Fight for all you know
When your backs against the wall
Stand against the liars
Stronger than before
When your life becomes a war
Set the world on fire

Sing out united against the ones you left in hatred
Our message of today
Like children crying when all they knew was dying
And we will raise our flags up
It's time for them to pay." I sang quietly to myself.

"Sky?" Ethan called from my doorway. I sat up and pulled my earbuds out.

"Yeah?" I called back.

"The moving van's here." He told me. I frowned.

"I thought we were moving tomorrow?" I questioned. Ethan shook his head.

"Mum wants to move today so we have more time to unpack tomorrow." He replied. I nodded, shoving my iPod in my pocket and standing up, following Ethan downstairs to find mum, Evan, Riley and Seth already packing boxes into the moving truck.

Shrugging, I began to help too, getting all the boxes in within the hour.

We then all got in the cars, Evan offering to drive a couple of us because we didn't all fit in mum's car, and then drove to the new house.

~~~ 6 hours later ~~~

Finally all of the boxes and furniture had been moved in to the house.

"Evan! Have you got the pizza?" Mum called, giving everyone cups as she poured us all drinks, Riley, Alex and James all fighting over what movie to watch with dinner.

"Just coming!" Evan called, shutting the front door. He then came in with the pizza boxes, spreading them all out on the table.

Alex then pulled a DVD out the box and ran over before the others could even see what it was.

"I guess we're watching despicable me." Mum laughed, throwing it to Riley who put it on.

We then all sat down on our pile of blankets and pillows and tucked in to the pizza as we watched the movie.

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