Chapter three

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My eyes finally fluttered open to dark surroundings at around five. I rubbed my eyes furiously before I hauled myself away from the warmth of my surprisingly comfy bed.

I flicked on my lamp and looked in the mirror, flinching at the sight. I hadn't realised I had cried myself to sleep. My eyes were bloodshot and the remnants of yesterday's make up had run in trails down my cheeks or smudged around my eyes. My hair was a mess, a dark purple and bruise was even more prominent from Troy, with black and blue around my neck to match. My throat felt raw and achey, hurting to swallow.

I sighed and hopped in the shower, the hot water relaxing my extremely tense muscles. I looked down at my stomach to see that it was also going black and blue too.

I washed myself and my hair down before getting out and wrapping myself in a towel.

I walked over to my suitcase, pulling out some black skinny jeans, a Kick-Ass tee and my converse, throwing them all on quickly. I dried my hair and brushed it, applying concealer to my bruises and then my usual eyeliner. I fumbled around for my glasses and threw them on too.

I grabbed my school bag and threw it over my shoulder, picking up my phone and iPod and stowing them away.

I then jogged down the stairs to the front door to find the monster blocking it.

"Where do you think your going?" He asked, practically growling at me like a dog.

"Um, it's Wednesday, I have school thanks." I replied, attempting to push past him, but he pushed me back.

"I don't think so! you have chores to do!" He stated angrily.

"Yeah, well, I believe my education is more important than your laziness, so see ya." I retaliated, attempting and failing yet again to push past him. I huffed at him, crossing my arms again.

"Don't talk to me like that child! Put that bag down and meet me back down here in the kitchen in five minutes!" He huffed back, stalking off. I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to my room.

I went over to my window and opened it, looking below. There was the porch about three feet below me with a six foot drop off that. I could make that, easy.

I climbed out the window and on to the porch, then slipping off quite easily.

I turned behind me to see dad's angry face staring at me from the kitchen window.

Well, I'm paying for this when I get home.

He started towards the door so I did the first thing that came naturally to me, I ran. I ran down the street, round the corner, down another and repeat twice.

I looked back to see if I lost him and ended up crashing in to a person. I fell to the floor and scraped my palms slightly. Looking up at whom I had collided with, said person turned and it was Seth, frowning down at me.

He held out a hand for me which I gladly took. I stood there for a minute, clutching my chest and trying to regain my breath, realising I just ran at least two miles.

"Why were you running?" He asked, raising his eyebrows as he looked at me weirdly.

"Fucking massive dog chasing me. I'm scared of dogs." I replied breathlessly, even though it was half a lie. I wasn't chased by a dog, but I am scared of them.

"Fair enough. What was up yesterday? I watched you get in the car and you weren't replying to me yesterday?" Seth asked. I pursed my lips, not really wanting to tell him.

My sides were beginning to cramp up, making my breathing hard to come by. I stopped and searched through my bag, looking for my inhaler to see that I couldn't find it. Fuck.

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