Chapter Six

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~~ 2 1/2 weeks later ~~

Finally! I'm getting released from the hospital today! And to be frank, I fucking. Hate. Hospitals.

I sat on the bed waiting for mum and my clean change of clothes. She'd taken everyone home apart from Seth, who was sat next to me at this point in time.

I was watching Seth, (not in a creepy way) and noticed the slight blush and beautiful smile that would appear on his cheeks every time he turned to look at me and caught me staring back, or the gleam in his eyes that made the brown just sparkle.

"It's good that your going home, you can be happy again." Seth smiled at me, his comment making me blush slightly.

I'd learnt to really appreciate what it was like to have friends, not just family.

Mum then walked in with a bag that obviously contained my clothes. I smiled and took the bag from her, making my way shakily to the bathroom. I still felt rather weak, from both the attempt and the look of food.

I looked in the mirror to see I looked like an absolute fucking mess! My hair was sticking up in every which way, and was also knotty as hell, I had extreme bags under my eyes, my skin was pale, my already petite frame was even smaller and bonier, and because of the pale skin, the bruises stuck out a lot more.

Sighing, I pulled the clothes out of my bag, which was a red flannel shirt, black skinny jeans, My Chemical Romance hoodie and my converse, as well as my make up bag and glasses.

I brushed out my hair, applying eyeliner and mascara, not bothering to hide the bruises or tired eyes because I was only going back to my family that have seen me in this state anyway.

I then folded the hospital gown, slung the black satchel over my shoulder then walked out, placing the hospital gown on the bed.

"Just be sure to take it easy for a couple of weeks, ok? You'll still be a bit weak." Nurse Addenbrooke told me. I nodded. I walked down the hall with Seth, having to hold on to him for support as we met my mother.

"She said she's waiting in the car." Seth told me, putting his phone back in his pocket. I groaned, I didn't want to walk that far, mainly because the parking lot was fucking huge. Before I could react Seth had put his arm under my legs, carrying me bridal style, supporting my back too. I blushed slightly as he crossed the car park to the other side, meeting mum.

He put me down gently, opening the car door for me. I blushed and got in, uttering a thank you as he shut the door and got in the other side. I realised this must be Evan's car, because mum's car was a blue people carrier. I buckled my seatbelt as mum pulled out.

"Do you want McDonalds sweet?" My mother asked, looking at me through her rear view mirror.

"Can I just have a chocolate milkshake please?" I asked her, not feeling at all hungry.

"What would you like Seth?" My mother asked him.

"Oh, um, the same please." He replied slightly uneasily.

"Alrighty then, McDonalds then home." Mum smiled, driving down the road. The ride was silent, but I could tell Seth kept looking at me, every time I would turn to look at him, he would look away and a blush would creep up on his cheeks. But I could still see him looking out of the corner of my eye.

"Mum, please can I have the AUX?" I asked. She nodded, pulling the cable out from the cup holder. I chuckled and plugged my iPod in. I pressed shuffle and Black Veil Brides- Devil In The Mirror had come on. I smiled and started singing along, even if my throat hurt, I didn't care.

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