Chapter Five

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~~ Skylar's POV ~~

As I came to, I heard beeping that sounded like a heart monitor. Every part of me hurt, especially my ribs and my head. My stomach was aching, but that's when what happened last night came back to me.

No way did I actually try and kill myself!

I finally opened my eyes and looked around to see that I was in fact in hospital, my brothers and my mother asleep in chairs either side of me. The doctor came in and smiled at me.

"How you feeling this morning, Sky?" She asked me gently.

"Achey." I muttered.

"That is to be expected, can I ask you what happened to your forehead please?" She asked, coming and gently peeling some thing off it. I winced as she pulled a steri-strip off it.

"I fell up the stairs a couple weeks ago and hit my head on the radiator. But wait, who found me?" I asked.

"Social services came, a neighbour complained, so we know about your father, meaning you can tell me the truth." She smiled gently at me still.

"That was the truth, except I was running from him. It kept re-opening every time he smashed my head against the wall." I replied quietly as she checked my vitals. She then came back and put clean strips on my gash.

"There's a man outside with two little kids, says his name is Evan, shall I-"

"Yes! Let him in please." She chuckled at my quick response and left the room, Alex and Felicity running in with Evan behind them. They both jumped on the bed and hugged me tightly, making me groan.

"Sorry!" They both apologised, backing up quickly.

"Don't worry, it's fine, I just think I broke my ribs." I smiled weakly at them.

"How you feeling?" Evan asked me quietly. I shrugged.

"I've been better, just a little bit achey." I replied. Evan nodded. Ethan started stirring, waking up and rubbing his eyes sleepily, forgetting his glasses were there.

"Fucking hell." He muttered as he pulled them off and rubbed his eyes properly.

"That's no way to talk in front of the kids." I giggled. His head shot towards me as a grin spread across his face. He then jumped up and engulfed me in a hug in which I gladly returned.

"Don't you ever, scare me like that again." He told me, smiling weakly. I nodded.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I didn't know what I was-" but Ethan cut me off.

"But your going home and your safe now, it's fine." He told me. I gave him a small smile and nodded as mum and Riley began to wake up also. Riley and mum jumped up and hugged me too.

"You had me worried sick! Don't scare me like that again!" My twin literally cried on to my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I won't." I whispered, looking down at my arm, seeing it was bandaged about midway. I frowned. What happened there?

"Hey, what happened to my arm?" I asked, looking up at every one.

"You cut it, don't you remember?" Riley replied, frowning. I shook my head.

"It can be an affect of the pills she took, and some times how many, it can cause some memory loss. Sometimes it's just of what happened when she took the pills, some times other memories." Evan told us. I looked down guiltily.

"Does anyone want coffee, might as well go on a coffee run now everyone's awake." Evan smiled.

"I would." Chorused me, Ethan, Riley and my mother.

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