Chapter One

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"Sky, wake up, you have school." My mother told me, shaking me awake. I groaned loudly.

"Come on, pip pip." She laughed, exiting my room and shutting the door behind her.

I pushed myself out of bed, fumbled around for my iPod and placed it on my docking station, pressing shuffle as Black Veil Brides- Heart Of Fire came on.

I looked through my closet and pulled out a white t-shirt with long black sleeves, a My Chemical Romance baseball jacket, black shorts and black tights with my combat boots.

I brushed my hair did my thick eyeliner and then put my glasses on.

I slung my already packed school bag over my shoulder and picked up my phone, iPod, inhaler and earphones and put them in the front pocket, except for my phone that went into my shorts pocket.

I found both my brothers falling asleep at the dining table as mum made lunches.

"Sky dear, you wouldn't mind checking on the other two for me, would you?" Mum asked as I placed my bag on the chair.

"Sure." I shrugged, going back up the stairs.

I opened Alex and Felicity's door to see them both struggling with shoes. I chuckled and helped them, picking them both up and carrying them downstairs.

I made them both a bowl of cereal then made myself a coffee before finally sitting down.

"Kids, I need to talk to you about something." My mum said uneasily, taking up the last chair at the table. Ethan and Riley perked up a little bit more, now suddenly interested. Mum placed everyone's lunch on the table before she spoke again.

"You see, I've been seeing someone for the last couple months..." She started uneasily.

"Really? How come you've never mentioned him?" I asked.

"I didn't want to tell you guys until we were absolutely sure about the relationship we had, and now I want you guys to meet him. I have invited him round for dinner tonight and his name is Evan. He's into Kiss and Metallica, he knows about you guys, and I think it's finally time you met him." She replied.

"Ok, but just let him know that if he hurts you, he will know what it's like to have a period." I said seriously, not able to hide my smirk. Mum smiled slightly.

"I'd rather we not resort to violence, I've had enough with the boys." Mum laughed, raising her eyebrows at Ethan and Riley. We chuckled.

"Ok, we'll be good, as long as he's not a dick." Ethan said.

"He's not like your father, don't worry." Mum smiled wearily as the door bell rang. I jumped up and answered the door to see Seth waiting.

Seth was our neighbour, he moved here from North Carolina about three weeks ago. He was into bands and stuff too. He had snakebites as well, long, side swept, brown hair, deep, chocolate brown eyes, and quite a lanky frame.

"Come on boys!" I shouted, grabbing my bag and saying goodbye to mum and the kids.

"Hey, I was wondering if you guys wanted to come to the park after school?" Seth asked as we walked to school.

"Oh, sorry, we can't, we have to go home and meet our mum's boyfriend." Riley replied.

"It's fine." Seth shrugged as we walked through the front doors of the school.

I kept close to Riley as people stared at us, many pointing and laughing.

"Dicks." Riley muttered as we made our way out back.

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