Chapter Eighteen

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I woke up next morning with a smile in my face. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 8:13, so I carefully got out of bed and walked to my door, steadying myself as I swayed slightly. I opened the door and Chris was stood there, hand outstretched looking as though he was about to grab the door handle. I jumped back in surprise, losing my balance and falling over.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry!" He said, rushing over and helping me up.

"What are you doing here? I was going to come to you!" I exclaimed as he helped me onto my bed.

"Well, I noticed yesterday you were really weak, and I thought I would come to you so you wouldn't have to strain yourself." He replied, turning around and blushing. I blushed too.

"That's sweet of you, thank you." I smiled, getting back into bed. El came in, and looked surprised to see Chris.

"Well good morning you two." She smiled, coming over and checking all the machines and stuff and putting the needle back into my arm that she forgot to do yesterday. I squeezed my eyes shut and looked away as she did so, and I know she had an apologetic look on her face.

"Well, you seem good, your improving, you should be out of here by next week." She told me, smiling, and she walked out.

"When are you getting out?" I asked him. He looked up at me and frowned.

"Sometime next week I think, I'm in no hurry, I have nothing to get out to." He shrugged. He looked away, eyes turning glassy. I looked at him sympathetically.

"So, did you hear about Danny Worsnop?" I asked him, changing the subject, he looked up and raised his eyebrows.

"What about him?" He asked, a small smirk on his face.

"He's leaving the band to put all his time into that We Are Harlot, which is terrible as it is." I told him, laughing.

"Oh yeah! Danny was a dick anyway! Their better off without him." He chuckled, I nodded. My door opened and felicity ran in and jumped on my bed.

"Oh shiesen Felicity! Careful!" I laughed, pulling her up carefully and hugging her. Then Eve ran in, then Ethan, Riley, Alex, James, Jacob, Seth, and finally mum and dad.

"Hey guys! Eve, how's Avery?" I asked, Eve looked away slightly.

"She's excited she's having her operation next week, but she um, she fell down the stairs yesterday." She said, pursing her lips.

"Oh shit! Is she ok?" I asked, she nodded.

"She's ok now, just a bit shook up and a couple bruises, nothing major." She said, giving me a small smile.

"Look, you all have an hour then I'm taking you all to school, you've missed enough time, Eve can stay because I have no control." Mum said, everyone groaned. Chris looked around looking very nervous.

"Oh yeah, guys this is Chris, Chris, this is Mum, Dad, Seth, James, Jacob, Alex, Felicity, Riley, Ethan, and Eve." I introduced. He smiled weakly and waved.

"What brings you to Sky's room?" Ri asked.

"El told me about him." I replied for him, sensing his awkwardness.

"El?" They all asked, looking confused.

"Nurse Addenbrooke, she said I could call her El because nurse Addenbrooke is just a mouthful." I replied, my cheeks flushing red with embarrassment.

"Ethan?" He turned to look at me.

"Where's Holly?" I asked, his face darkened and he looked away.

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