Keep it a Secret

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Another night of barely any sleep, but there's a good reason for that. I've been trying to rid my face of this grin, but that's not happening any time soon. Cassidy. The kiss. Well, more than one kiss. Normal me would have told her to stay the night, but I didn't, which still confuses me. 

My thoughts are interrupted by a knocking on my door. It's of course the knock of Thor.

"Go away, brother. I'm sleeping," If he could just go away, all would be good.

Thor laughs as he opens the door to my room. "If you're telling me you're sleeping, Loki, you're not sleeping." 

His entering got rid of my grin, "What could you possibly want?"

"We're needed in Asgard. Nothing major, but Heimdall contacted me," Thor says, picking things up on my shelf.

"Great. I'll meet you out there. Thanks, Thor," I nearly push him outside of my room, closing the door.

"Could you both be any louder?" I hear Cassidy say as I close my door.

Cassidy/You POV:

It's almost 7am when I hear Thor and Loki talking in the hallway. I stand-up as Thor is walking back to the main room. "Could you both be any louder, especially this early?"

"Sorry, Cassidy," Thor gives me a pat on the back as he walks by.

I close my door a little, and begin making my bed, when I feel a presence behind me, causing me to turn around.

"Geez, Loki," I notice this grin he has on his face, and I find myself fighting back one that will equal his.

"Morning," He closes the door quietly and begins walking over to me.

"I....happen to like the door open, Loki," now I'm confused, but he's still smiling.

Before I can say something else, his lips are on mine. Initially, it shocked me, but I can't help my hands, which immediately make their way to his neck and hair. 

"And that was for? Not that I'm complaining...." I pull back, catching my breath a bit.

"Just...needed to continue last night," Loki says, his thumb rubbing my cheek. 

I can't help but move-in to kiss him again, which he gladly accepts, kissing me back.

"As much as I want to continue this, love, I have to go to Asgard with my brother for a few days," he reluctantly steps towards the door. 

"I won't lie, you will be missed," I say turning off my alarm clock.

"Probably only by you," Loki laughs.

That upsets me to hear him say, but unfortunately, I know he is probably right.

"LOKI!" We hear Thor calling from the main room, "We must be off!" 

"Come, we can walk to the main room," Loki says, taking my hand, but releasing it, when we are in the hallway.

"There you are! Hello again, Cassidy. Apologies for waking you this morning," Thor greets me with a hug.

"That's quite alright; I was pretty much awake anyway," I hug Thor back, but see Loki eyeing us a few feet away.

"Odd that you two are walking out TOGETHER," Nat says looking at me with a knowing grin on her face. 

Loki's eyes squint, but I interrupt, "Definitely not. I was already awake, and Loki stopped by my door to apologize, just as Thor did, for being so loud. I was coming down for breakfast anyway."

"We will be in Asgard for a few days, so don't miss us too much," Thor says. Nat, Steve, and Tony are also in the main room having breakfast.

"We'll try to manage," Tony says sarcastically.

Thor holds-up his hammer, "Heimdall." Loki stands next to him, looking directly at you as the light comes down, and they both disappear.

"We're on for training today, girlie!" Nat looks at me.

"Deal! I'll meet you down there," I already know that there will be more conversations about what happened yesterday during decorating. 

The next few days go by pretty quick. Spent 2 days in training, and the 3rd in the lab. I'm finishing up lunch with Nat and Bruce, when the Bifrost opens and Thor and Loki appear on the balcony. My eyes light-up, which I tone-down, when I notice Nat looking in my direction.

"Welcome back, boys!" Nat says, finishing up her plate of food.

"Hello, Nat, Banner, Cassidy," Thor greets all of you with a big smile.

Bruce nods in their direction as he's eating.

"Thor, Loki. Glad to have you back," My eyes linger on Loki a little longer, noticing his eyes on me as well.

"Extra tacos are on the counter, gents," I made them earlier, and made extra, just incase Thor and Loki returned.

Thor is chatting with Nat and Bruce, when Loki makes his way over to me.

"We need to make this interaction seem as normal as possible," I can't help biting my cheek as I say this. I can see Loki glancing at my lips, which sends that familiar feeling back into my ribs.

"Not the easiest, but I shall try, darling," Loki says looking back in my eyes.

"So how was Asgard?" I need to change the subject back to regular conversation.

"Fine, actually. They just needed Thor and I for some things, but all is well," Loki's hand brushes yours under the kitchen island counter. 

"Good. We're all glad to have you back," Taking a last bite of my taco, with my free hand that's not intertwining itself with Loki's. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Loki smile, which makes me squeeze his hand. "Go eat, I need to get back to work in the lab," standing to put my plate in the dishwasher.

"Make sure yo...." I turn back around and Loki is gone. How does he do that so quietly? 

"Teleportation," Thor answers the question I was just asking myself, "Annoying, but kind of jealous. Just don't tell him I said that."

I can't help but smile. "Secret is safe with me, Thor." When I check my watch, I'm already late for the lab. 

Just when I reach the stairs, an arm pulls me into a little corner of the hallway, out of the way of cameras.

"Hello, love," I hear Loki's voice before he kisses my neck.

"Missed you too," This is an ok welcoming.

"Hmmm," Loki hums against your neck.

"Ok, enough of that," I need his lips, well, needed them, 10 minutes after he and Thor left, and Loki smiles into the kiss that I pull him into.

"Cassidy, please report to the lab. You were due here 5 minutes ago. JARVIS can and will find you if you're not here in the next 2 minutes," Tony's voice booms over the compound, interrupting you and Loki.

"Crap, ok, Loki, we have to....." He starts kissing me again. "Loki....." I need to force my hands to lightly push him off of me, against everything I currently want.

"Just skip work...." Loki says trying to kiss me again.

"As much as I would prefer that, I can't. I will see you later though, promise," The defeat is evident on his face when I say this. As I walk away, I turn around and mouth, "Sorry," but blow him a kiss, which causes him to laugh, shaking his head, walking-off in the opposite direction.

Cassidy Scott-StarkWhere stories live. Discover now