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One Week Later

Pulling up into the driveway, I watched as Olivia ran out the house. Noah's mother, Janice, walked out, Julius on her hip. Shutting the car off, I got out and picked her up. "Mumma" she smiled happily and hugged me tightly.
"You all packed?" I asked sitting her down on the ground again.
"Yep" she smiled proudly.
"Well go get them. Then we can go shopping" I smiled down at her. Bouncing back inside, I went up to Janice and took Julius from her. "Thank you for doing this"
"They're my grandchildren, I'm always happy to have them stay. Rumours are swirling though that you're back and so is he"
"Yeah I saw him a week ago. Pissed as a rabbit like usual, on god knows what"
"Yeah well I'm not making any more excuses for him"

Packing everything into the car, I drove towards the main strip of town. Finding a parking spot, I got out and set up the pram. Getting Julius out his car seat, I went and opened Olivia's door. Helping her down, I grabbed onto her hand. Putting Julius in the pram, I locked the car as Olivia went and stood between the handle bar and the seat. Walking into Target, I went to the kids section. Going into the girls clothes, I went and grabbed some clothes for Olivia. Pointing at some shoes and shirts she liked, I grabbed out her new size. Going to the boys clothes, I grabbed a bigger size of clothes for Julius as well. Just skimming over some of the toys and books, I found some educational cards for Olivia. Paying, I went into the Woolworths and went and got some food we needed and dinner.

As we were leaving, I almost ran into Garrett and Rickey, the other two brothers, twins, walked behind them, Dennis and Franklin. "Penelope?" the twins both chocked out in unison. Moving out the road of the door, they came up and hugged me. Kneeling down to Olivia's level, I looked at her. "Remember when I told you about the brothers?" she nodded and smiled. "Well these are the brothers" I announced and picked her up. "This is Denny, Frankie and Garrett" I pointed at each of them.
"You used to scream whenever I held you" Dennis announced holding his hand out to her. Taking it, he flipped it and kissed her small knuckles, making her giggle.
"I told dad that you were in town, he wants to have dinner if you're interested" Garrett shrugged.
"Yeah. Here text me" pulling out my phone, I made a new contact for him. Typing in his number he handed the phone back to me. "I have to go, kids to feed" I joked as I let Olivia down. Hugging them all goodbye, except for Rickey who stayed to the back of the group. I walked towards the car.

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