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Stirring from my sleep, Julius' cries echoed through the house from his room. Slipping out from under Rickey's arm, he woke up at my movement. Hearing the cries, he kissed my shoulder and laid on his back. Pulling on my underwear and shirt, I went to Julius' room next to Olivia's. Flipping the light on, I went up to the crib. Picking him up, I made him a bottle. Going to the chair in the corner, I sat down and put my feet up on the ottoman. Giving him the bottle, I rocked the chair lightly.

Finishing his bottle, I gave him a small stretch to help with any gas he had. Putting him against my chest, I rubbed his back as he slowly fell back asleep. Looking up, I saw Olivia in the doorway, her blanket in her arms. Motioning her over to me, she climbed up and snuggled into me. Closing my eyes, I smiled as I felt my heart swell holding my two babies.


"Hey Penelope. You fell asleep, I put Julius back in his crib" Rickey whispered.
"Thank you" I mumbled. He leaned down and kissed my forehead and threw a blanket over me and I went back to sleep, Olivia still holding onto me.


Stretching out my back, I picked up Julius and followed the smell of pancakes cooking. Behind the stove Rickey flipped the pancake over while Olivia sat in a dress on the counter behind him. She was eating away at a pancake, her legs swinging happily and she was talking about Janice's dog. Flipping Julius against my other boob, I unclipped the right side of my bra. They still hadn't noticed I had walked in.

Walking up to Rickey, he looked up as I grabbed a cool pancake. Taking a bite, I moaned softly. "These are so good" I mumbled around my mouthful and kissed his cheek. "Right you medication" I pointed at Olivia. Going to the fridge, I poured her a cup of milk. Grabbing the bottle, I held it awkwardly and pulled the cap off. Pouring the right amount into the medicine cup, I handed Olivia it. Taking it down quickly, she took a big gulp of milk. Kissing her head, I threw the cup in the sink and put the bottle back away. "Good girl. You have two days left of taking it. Then we go to the doctor's. Okay?" Nodding, she grabbed the last pancake on the plate beside her. Burping Julius, I held him against my shoulder. "Help?" Olivia asked putting her pancake down. Stepping up to her, she clipped my bra up for me. Julius burped and then farted, making Olivia laugh.

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