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After the first few minutes, I pulled over onto the side of the road. "Okay talk" I announced and faced him.
"Was it just a one night stand or something?" I asked and I finally allowed myself to look him over. God he looked even more delicious in clean jeans and the nice button up shirt.
"No. God no Penelope. I haven't answered your texts back because... I don't know. I just wasn't sure how to go about asking you out on a date..."
"Is it because I have kids?" I asked cutting him off.
"Definitely not. I just like you and I don't want anything to blow up in our faces because of how close you are with my dad and brothers. I don't want any rift to happen between you all" he admitted.
"Well that's what I was hung up on with too but I don't want to go on and not try to make it work"
"Okay. Would you like to go on a date?"
"Yes" I answered quickly. His eyes lighting up.
"Okay" I replied and drove off again.


Getting out of the car, Rickey meet me at the back of my car. Grabbing my hand, he stopped me from walking further. Moving a finger into one of my belt loops on my jeans, he pulled me into him. Grabbing my cheek he kissed me. Leaning into him, we pulled apart. "Like I said. You're fucking one of the brothers" Noah's voice destroyed the moment. Turning around I found him holding a pizza and a chick was under arm. "Grow the fuck up Noah" I hissed before going inside. Thankfully he walked away. Paying for the pizza Rickey grabbed the drinks and desserts. Going out to the car, we got in.


Taking the food inside, Olivia helped put some paper plates out onto the table. Putting the pizzas in the middle of the table and the garlic bread. Rickey put the desserts in the microwave and the drinks in the fridge. "Can I have some milk?" Olivia turned and asked Kane who sat at the top of the table.
"Of course. Go ask Rickey to pour you a cup" he ordered her. Smiling happily she went and asked Rickey. Her bright eyes shinning up at her. "She's gonna be a heartbreaker like her mumma" Garrett teased as he pulled the lids off the pizza boxes.
"You smell funny" Denny whispered behind me. Sniffing my shoulder, I smelt of weed and Noah's cologne.
"Bumped into Noah" I shrugged and went and washed my hands.
"Literally" Rickey perked up as he sat down beside my spot. Olivia sat on the other side of me. Julius was asleep in a makeshift bed on the couch. Thankfully he doesn't move much in his sleep anyway, just like Olivia.

Serving some pizza for Olivia, I got myself some. Sipping her milk she talked to Kane about her new friends at school. Under the table Rickey wrapped his foot with mine. Eating my pizza, I moved my foot up his leg a little, he began choking on his pizza. We all began laughing as he took a sip of his beer. As I finished my dinner, Julius began crying from the couch. Untangling my foot from his, I got up and picked Julius up. Grabbing the bottle from the warmer in the nappy bag, I popped the lid off and shook it a little and gave him the milk. Going back to my seat, I held the bottle as he stared up at me, his hand grabbing onto my jaw. Wiping her mouth, Olivia leaned over and kissed his head, making him look towards her. Before turning back to me. "Remember when you had that cup of milk Frankie?" Garrett suddenly spoke up. Smirking, I watched as Frankie paled and turned a little green. "So it was a week after they came home from the hospital right? And she was stocking up her milk and she had run out of bottles so she had to pump into this cup. Well Frankie saw it and took a drink from it that night... You could hear him gagging from upstairs" Garrett explained the story to Rickey. Everyone burst into laughter. Smiling, I burped Julius. Olivia also helping tap his back. Feeling the burp come out, he relaxed. Sitting him against my chest, I sat back as he faced the table. His small hands tapping on it, Olivia got up and took the bottle to the bag and came back with a biscuit, the biscuit stick and his bib. "Thank you baby" kissing her head, she sat back into her chair again. Putting the biscuit into the stick for better grip. Putting the bib on, he swung the stick a little before putting it in his mouth and put his other hand in his mouth like he normally does.

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