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Two Months Later

Rickey rubbed my slowly growing stomach, Olivia also joining in. "Are we gonna find out if it's a girl or boy?" I looked up at Rickey as we waited for the technician to give me an ultrasound.
"I want to know" he smiled down at me.
"Well then we'll find out" I smiled up at him. Just then the technician walked in.
"Aw. Are you here to see your brother or sister?" The technician asked Olivia. She nodded happily with a big smile. "What do you think it is? Boy or Girl?"
"Girl" she smiled brightly.
"So are we gonna find out today or are we keeping it a surprise?" She turned to us.
"We'll be finding out" I smiled at her.
"You want me to write it down and have a gender reveal?"
"No. We want to know now" I replied. Nodding she smiled and then started her exam.
"Huh" she whispered to herself and checked my file.
"Huh? Is something wrong?" Rickey asked her, getting worried. He was focused on her and not at the screen as she stopped to show what she is seeing.
"Huh is right" I whispered and slapped Rickey's arm and pointed at the screen. "Twins" I told him as he stared open mouthed at the screen.
"Let's see what they are?"
"Twins?" Olivia asked turning to me confused.
"Two babies. Just like uncle Frankie and Denny" I explained to her.
"Two babies?" Her eyes widened excitedly.
"Baby A is a... Girl" the technician announced. Olivia began jumping happily at getting her guess right.
"And baby B is... Ironically a boy"
"You hear that baby. Two of each" I smiled up at Rickey. Looking down at me, he smiled happily. "I love you" he announced surprising me.
"I love you too" I admitted and he leaned down and kissed me quickly before looking at Julius in the pram asleep in the corner, then to Olivia and then the two babies on the screen. Our family.

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