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Putting on the less revealing one, I stepped back into my room, he was laid out on the bed, his socks on the floor and his belt was gone as well. Going up to the bag of toys on my side table, I threw the whole bag into the trash can. "Hey why you do that for?" He asked. Staying quiet, I went into my dresser giving him a perfect view of my ass. Moving on the bed, he leaned out and smacked my ass. "Yeah this one is a no" he announced and leaned up so he can see me pull out a small bag hidden in the locked drawer where all my makeup also sat and some valuables.
"Now this bag... This bag is full of new toys. The other one I forgot I still had" I shrugged and handed him the bag before retreating back into the bathroom. He then began turning on one of the vibrators and changing the speeds.

Coming out in the most revealing one because the other one didn't fit, his eyes dragged ever so slowly over my body. "Definitely keep that one" he growled once I was close enough he pulled me onto the bed. "Damn woman" he groaned low as he continued to look me over. Pulling him down, I slammed my lips on his.

Three Months Later

Walking into the store, I looked over the cute clothes but nothing stood out. "How's that brother of yours?" Noah's growl behind me made me jump and spin around to face him. Angel and Kitty were two sections over looking at clothes for the kids. "What do you want Noah?" I growled lowly and looked around making sure we didn't start getting an audience.
"I want you to stop seeing him" he hissed.
"Why?" My heart began beating erratically against my ribs.
"Because you are only mine. You don't get to be with anyone else" he continued on. His arm snaked out and gripped the side of my neck tightly. To anyone watching it would look affectionate but it fucking hurt and would bruise for sure. Looking down I noticed the track marks. He has never done heroin. He did pills and weed sure but nothing this hard. He was even more unpredictable. "If I see you two together anymore than friendly, I will kill those kids of yours. Even my mum can't keep me away from them" he hissed and let my neck go before he disappeared further into the store. Not before he glanced at my stomach in disgust. He knew. Placing my hands on my stomach, I felt sick at his threat and my neck throbbed.

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