School time is not fun time

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Monday. Juvia usually likes school. No she wasn't the most popular or the smartest, nor was she a suck up(kinda). She was just a girl who liked school. She liked getting up early and seeing all her friends. She liked her teachers, they were funny and nice. She classes were enjoyable, hard and confusing but she enjoyed the challenge. She also liked it because it was her home away from home. At school she wasn't a poor orphan girl that is forbidden to see her father. At school no one knows about how she prays to God every night not because the workers make her but because she wants to tell God some specific people he can help that she can't. At school she was just Juvia Loxar, a crazy blue haired girl. She was still sometimes bullied and she sometimes hated by her fellow piers but that was okay, because no matter what people said it didn't hurt her because nobody really knows her. Juvia truly likes school. But this time, this Monday, she did not. No, it wasn't the lack of sleep, or the dreams that caused her to wake up drenched in sweat.

It was him.

It was all his fault.


He was all she could think about. He stuck on her mind, plaguing her every memory. Especially the sex. Oh god the sex.

Juvia wasn't a virgin, her first time was with her ex-boyfriend Bora, that dick face. But the sex with Gray couldn't even be on the same planet as sex with Bora. With Gray every move was filled with a lustful mixture of passion, desire, and hardcore raw emotions. It was addictive. Juvia remembers how much she begged for more, how much she wanted it even if her body was aching. He was a god and Juvia took full advantage of it. He got her to do things she would have never done before, he made her feel so good she couldn't speak even if she wanted to. He made her loose her mind over and over again.

Lyon was forgotten that night. Then she woke up and realized the horrible terrible awful mistake she had made. Juvia knew there was a special place in hell for cheating girlfriends. It made her stomach knot and her chest hurt. She thought about Lyon and her's kiss they shared and she wanted to scream. Then Gray came back into her thoughts which made her feel good but so terribly bad all at the same time. How could something so bad feel so damn good? Why?!

That's what Juvia prayed last night. She never prayed for herself but she figures all that selflessness gives her some free passes for a little selfishness. That night she was on her knees on the side of the bed praying to God why, why did it feel so good, why doesn't Juvia feel worse, why is Juvia so damn attracted to Gray!? But she received no answer. No special dreams, no angle appearing before her, no post card, nothing. All she got was dreams of Gray sexually teasing and practically torturing her with, well, everything. His hands, his eyes, his face. Everything was able to cause her physical pain because she couldn't touch or feel him.

When her alarm clocked screamed she wanted to cried. Gray would be at school. She wanted to put the covers over her head and fake being sick. But then Juvia would have to deal with the orphanage workers and when someone is sick they get super annoying and they never leave you alone. Juvia wanted to be alone, to be with her own thoughts. Maybe she could skip? No, Juvia was too much of a goody-goody to do that. Says the girl who cheated on her boyfriend.

Maybe Juvia shouldn't be alone to her thoughts. Juvia got out of bed letting her unbrushed hair fall around her face. She must look terrible, Juvia's hair is naturally curly and when she sleeps it curls in the most unattractive way possible. Juvia didn't care about her unkept clothes, the guys were in the building next to here and all the girls here has seen each other naked tons of times.


When Juvia walked off the final step to get to the front Desk to tell Kista that she was sick, she wanted to scream. There stood Lyon. He had his hair combed and his clothes looked fresh and newly washed. Then there was Juvia.

"Hey Juvia, new fashion statement?" Lyon joked. Juvia gave him a cheeky smile.

"Sure, something like that... what is Lyon doing here?" Juvia asks while she tries to fix her unkept appearance.

"I was going to drive you to school but I guess I came early."

Gray didn't

Juvia pinched herself.

"Oh, then let Juvia get ready." she said as she turned. Oh shit she was going to skip. Well too late now. Fuck.

~~~~(sorry there is so many skips :()

Lyon's car was a baby blue Honda civic. Juvia called it the baby mobile because of the blue.

He opened the door for Juvia and then slid in the other side. Juvia's heart started to pound. We were alone. Did maybe he know? Did Gray tell him? Does he hate me? Oh god he hates me. Juvia is a terrible person. Oh god oh god oh god. Oh no he is going to say something.

"98.1 or 101.9." Juvia stared at him. She is such an idiot.

"Either is fine." she smiled. Juvia felt paranoid and scared. She wanted to scream. She needed the window open but unfortunately it was 36 degrees outside, not really opening window weather.

"Juvia are you ok? You look terrified." Lyon asked, voice full of concern.

"O-oh. Sorry, Juvia is fine. Just deep in thought that's all. Well how was your weekend, when did your temperature go down?" She asked. The lies seemed to roll off her tongue and she was thankful, Juvia is usually not very good at lying.

"It was terrible. Reminded me to never stay with Jura when I visit. While I was bed ridden Jura had his new girlfriend over and I had to listen to them do IT, over and over and over again. I am mentally scarred now." Juvia laughed. Jura was an ex-professor from his collage that ended up becoming one of his best friends.

Lyon eventually broke and laughed with Juvia. For a moment Juvia felt all inner tension melt.

"My fever broke last night. I then brought my stuff to Gray and Ultear's." Juvia's paranoia flooded her body once more.

"They are letting me stay, or I should say Gray is letting me stay, Ultear would rather have me live back at home." Lyon said driving up to the front of the school.

"Ill pick you up after ok? Have a good day!" he said with a smile and a kiss on the hand. He was such a gentleman. Juvia waved as he left then begain walking to school.

That's when the bad day started.

"You have sex with me then make my brother drive you to school? Juvia you tease." God damn it.

"That was a mistake Gray, it never should have happened." Juvia said not even turning to him.

"Aww Juv you're hurting my feelings. Has he even kissed you yet?" he questioned. Juvia spun to face him.

"Yes. Yes he has kissed me. And it was amazing. Now leave Juvia alone." Juvia then started walking away from him.


"LEAVE ME ALONE GRAY!" Juvia yelled. Juvia was shaky and sweaty. He was doing something to her that made her feel so exposed and venerable that it made her snap.

Gray stumbled lightly in shock. Other students stood in amazement that Juvia Loxar yelled at her 'one true love'. Juvia then started fast walking away. She wanted to go home.

Juvia quickly put her books away and started to class. English. Gray would be in there but so would Gajeel and Levy so she had some protection.

Gajeel and Levy were flirting by their desks when Juvia walked in. Juvia noted how cute they were acting. They must have had a good weekend if you know what I mean.

Juvia went straight to her desk and sat down. Unfortunately people started surrounding her and asking her about what happened in the hallway. She replied with the usual 'nothing' and 'its a private matter'. But they weren't satisfied with that and demanded to know.

Juvia felt crowded and uncomfortable, now she really wishes she stayed home. She knew that at the end of the day there would probably be rumors spreading around. Great.

Soooo yup! this is a two part chapter so I will see you all in the next chapter. STAY BEAUTIFUL. TaTa my lovilies!!!

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