Kista's sin

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I didn't even comprehend Meredy until I was about half way to Juvia's. And when I did, I didn't care.

I figured she wouldn't tell anyone what she saw unless she gave away what she was doing, sneaking in, which I will talk to her later about. But, I ran on.

And I was running because Juvia was crying, and it made me snap.

My legs burned and I breathed heavily but I didn't slow until I made it to her place. I went to the back and I saw her window. It was still open. I grabbed the ledge and lifted myself in. I heard a gasp and I saw Juvia, red eyed and surrounded by tissues.

"G-Gray?" Juvia gasped. I got up from the floor and I went to Juvia. I slid onto her bed and lifted her onto my lap. I held her close kissing her forehead.

"Don't cry. I can't handle girls crying." I say calmly. I heard her laugh and sniffle. She grabbed onto me as well.

"Gray, did you run here? You are all sweaty." Juvia asked. I nodded and let go of her. I must stink.

"I'm sorry Juvia. I didn't think about-" but she stopped me by hugging me.

"No, no. Juvia thinks Gray smells sexy." she giggled. I rolled my eyes. "It reminds her of when we have sex." she said starting to kiss my collar bone. "It's a nice smell." I felt my breath hitch. This was the first time she has initiated sex. She held me tight and she continued her work of my collar. A hickey from Juvia sounded really really nice but we had things to talk about.

"Juvia." I said. But she continued and she moved her hands to my front and started to travel downwards. I felt my pants get tight but I had to bring it to the back of my mind.

"Juvia we need to talk." I said again. She look at me and smiled. I felt a hard push and I was on my back. She straddled me and continued her work on my pants.

Even though all I wanted was for her to continue I grabbed her hands and sat up.

"Juvia." I said forcefully. Her eyes suddenly watered and she cried.

"Does Gray not love Juvia enough!" she cried out. I was taken back for a second. I still held her hands up as I was processing what was going on. I suddenly felt a surge go through me. I pushed her down and kissed her. Hard. When I got up I glared at her.

"No. Don't you dare. You are not allowed to question my love for you. Juvia I am in love with you, I always have been." I stated angerly. "Why?" I demanded. She flinched. And cried more.

Guilt hit me and I got off of her.

"Juvia wants to make sure she isn't going to hell for someone who doesn't love her." she yelled. I froze. Hell? She cried harder.

I let her cry and calm down. When she was done she sat up and looked at me.

"Juvia." I said. "I'm sorry. I never meant for all this to happen." I grabbed her hand. "I love you. It's complicated and weird but I love you." I assured her.

She processed my words and then broke out into a smile. "Gray...Gray-sama..." she whispered. "Can you stay with me tonight. And tomorrow, can we hold hands in the hallway? And we both drive in your car and go somewhere, and kiss me between classes and-"

"You want to be official?" I asked. She nodded. I sigh.


That night Gray stayed with me. He took off his shorts and used my spare tooth brush and slept in my bed. I was surprised that he fell asleep quickly. And he snored.

I was fascinated. Even though he laid down normally he ended up in a star fish position. Good thing I like to curl up in a ball. The bed felt softer with him here. The air felt crisper. The temperature was always perfect. The world felt better.

I fell asleep to the sound of his breath and the rhythm of his snores.


That morning Gray had to run home before anyone saw him. He gave me a big kiss and told me he was going to pick me up. I laughed. I'm never going to use my car again, am I?

First day of officialness. I made a mark on my calendar and I laughed. It was only Wednesday.

I put up my hair in a nice messy bun and wore jeans and a t-shirt. I put on light make up and put some converses on. I went down stairs and I eat with the other girls. There was 13 of us and we have all known each other for a while. We did prayer and they all went into discussion about the Bible. All was normal and until one conversation.

"Did you hear? Someone saw a guy sneak into one of the girl's room last night." I froze.

"No way, did he come Out?"

"Nope, I'm guessing they sinned. Big time."

"My goodness. What a scandal."

"We shouldn't talk about this...but go on."

I was suddenly not hungry.

I thew my breakfast away and went outside. Gray wasn't here yet but I didn't want to listen to the girls anymore.

They know. They saw Gray. I mentally slapped myself.

In the middle of my self pity I almost missed Kista walk by me.

"Kista?" I yelled out. She froze up. I then realized the situation.

She was still in her dress, her heals in her hand, make up smeared and hair all messy. I felt my eyes go big.

"Kista!?" I yelled out. She smiled sheepishly.

"Juvia...I can explain..sorta." she said walking to me. She sat down at the sidewalk and wait for me to sit next to her. When I did, she explained.

Her and her ex-husband Henry broke up about a year ago. Henry was a mean old bastard but he was a 'holy man' and he was kind when Kista was younger. She married young and they had three kids. But that was the end of their happiness. He beat her. Yelled at her. Threw her. She would always come to work with bruises. She lost a lot of faith. She still has lost a lot of faith but she is better now. She finally got a divorce and has been, well, lonely. And she met some nice guy at her local church who, first had coffee, and now, well...

"He was so nice and sweet, and maybe it was the wine or the way he stared at me, but when he kissed me I didn't want him to stop...I woke up, called my kids and got the hell out of there. Luckily Mira figured what was going on and told Elfman and Lisanna I was at work."

Oh yeah, and she is the mother of the Strausses.

She put her hands in her head and I listened to her whimper.

"I'm going to hell. And he'll never talk to me again." she cried. I held her and stroked her hair, like she does for us girls when there is something wrong. Even though the orphanage isn't letting me see my father (or I guess 'mother') for stupid reasons, they took care of me. Gave me clothes and food and gave me treatment for when I was sick. Especially Kista. I loved her.

I kissed the top of her head and stood up bringing her along with me.
I looked her straight in the eye and said "Kista, you need to go home. Wash up and call that guy. Explain what happened and if he understands and still wants to be with you that's great, if he doesn't remember you are too good for that and he is as much of part of this sin as you are. Jesus talked about forgiveness, now forgive yourself and make this right. But besides, you deserve a little selfishness."

She hugged me again and cried. "Thank you Juvia. Thank you."

She wiped her tears away and smiled. That's when I saw Gray's car roll up.

Dark blue and sleek. That's as much as I know about how to describe cars. He rolled down the window and gave me a huge smile.

"Ready to go?" he said. I felt my face lightly flush and looked at Kista.

"Juvia has to go. Juvia'll see you later." I said and started to the other side of the car. I waved good bye and Gray and I-no,

my boyfriend and I went off.

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