School time is not fun time part 2

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Gray pov
Ok so maybe I was a dick. Maybe, possibly, kinda,

ok so I was a huge enormous dick.

Pestering Juvia about Lyon was probably not one of my best ideas but in my defense I had no control over what I was doing. It was like my mind lost control of my body and it did what IT wanted to do. And apparently it wanted Juvia. Juvia. I would have never thought in my wildest dreams that she was so addicting. I knew she lightly addictive, like sugar.

But suddenly every second with her was like a billion perfect dreams. All weekend, all day she was all that I thought about. And when I woke up this morning I hoped that seeing her, she wouldn't effect me the way she has been.

The mind can make up crazy thoughts and feelings that really aren't true.

And in this case I was wrong.

Seeing her get out of Lyon's car was like someone telling me that my life's dream and purpose was all shit and worthless and that my Idol told me I couldn't do it.

It was heart crushing, mind altering, painful. All I wanted to do was knock out Lyon and kidnap Juvia. But that wouldn't have been cool. Not at all. I wonder if that was how Juvia felt.

And when she yelled at me for pestering her I saw something. Something was in her eyes that told me she was in as much pain as I was.

So when I went to class and saw Juvia surrounded by our class mates I made either the best or worst decision I have ever made.

I sat down normally and started to friendly fight Natsu for nothing particular but just to do something. I may fight Natsu a lot but he is my best friend (sorta) and was like a brother to me (an annoying ass brother, so a normal brother I guess).

"So what was with Juvia yelling at you ice prick." he asked getting me in a head lock. Well that was blunt. I pushed him off of me and punched him in the stomach.

"None of your business flame for brain." I said. He then grabbed a hand full of my hair and pulled it down then kicked me in the back.

"Well it is my business of you hurt her, Juvia is one of my friends." he stated. I then grabbed his waist and rolled with him over a desk and I made him land on his back.

"You have never asked about her before, did Lucy ask you to ask me? Man you are whipped." He punched me in the face.

"I maybe asking for her but I am not whipped" I scratched his arm so he would loosen his grasp. I got up and waited for him to get on his feet.

"Lucy and Natsu sittin in a tree, he's so whipped he cannot see, first comes kisses, then comes sex, then comes-" He threw a punch at me before I could finish.

Fighting before class had become a tradition for us. No one stopped us or watched us. Teachers tried to stop us but always failed. Punches, kicks, desks getting knocked over, and usually other people joining in was as normal as breathing. And then class president Tatiana Erza Scarlet comes in and knocks us together.

"This is a school not and wrestling match. You will pick up these desks now!" She yelled. Scary. We grumbled and did what we were told.

Juvia pov
When Juvia finally got a break when professor Gildarts walked into class. And let the day begin.

~~~~time skip~~~~~
57 people. 57 different people have asked about what happened between Juvia and Gray. 3 rumors have spread to 'Gray got Juvia pregnant from a one nightstand' half right 'Juvia got amnesia and yelled at Gray for not knowing who he was' Juvia wishes. And finally 'an alien has taken Julvia's body' wow. People will really believe anything won't they?

At last period, which was her free period, Juvia sat in the empty Cafeteria. Usually students had to stay outside but still remain on the school grounds during their free period but Juvia was very well known and trusted between all the teachers.

And so maybe she was a little bit of a suck up. But hey, she gets crazy amount of benefits for being a suck up. Like being able to be inside during free period. If she was to go outside she would just have to face more people asking about the rumors and such, and Juvia really didn't want to be bothered by that right now. So instead she was comfortable and safe inside the secluded area. She was alone with her thoughts, which is either and good thing or a bad thing. But might as well start with the big question.

Gray. Does Juvia still love Gray?

Juvia feels strongly for Gray that much she knows but love? That was tricky.

What does Juvia feel around Gray.

Giddy, butterflies, safe, warm, seen, but also a burning hatred.

On and on Juvia thought up questions and she attempted to answer them, but the answer was also so complicated. Well maybe thats who she is. Maybe she is just complicated. Maybe none of this matters! Maybe no one gives two shits about what Juvia feels! Maybe she should stop. Stop trying to be simple and good. Screw good. What has been being a good girl brought her? Fatherless, scared, obsessive, sad, and she is no where in life! Most of her friends tolerate her. Ok, maybe not Gajeel, but the rest get annoyed with her and roll their eyes.

Juvia was bad, for a short amount if time. Back when her and Gajeel were in the eighth grade they were part of a little gang called phantom Lord. They even had their own group within the gang called the element four. People of the back streets feared her and respected her. She was powerful and strong. No one wanted to mess with the rain women. But then Juvia met Gray and Gajeel finally accepted his feelings for Levy and they quit the gang. Maybe that was a bad choice, not for Gajeel, but for Juvia. He got his best friend and eventually girlfriend.

Maybe Juvia should have ever left. What would life be like?
But what does it matter now? That was years ago and nothing she can do now. She has feelings for Gray and even if she doesn't know wheather they are good or bad the feelings are still there. They are still gnawing at her.

Juvia was so deep in thought that she screamed when someone sat next to her. They wrapped their arm around her waist and covered her mouth with their hand. Juvia's heart fluttered and spun. Her mind fogged with the overwhelming feeling but then cleared.


"If I let you go, promise not to scream?" He whispered in her ear. She nodded. He slowly let go of her. Juvia stood up and straighten out her shirt.

"What was that for! You shouldn't sneak up on people like that!" Juvia scorned.

"You watched me walk up to you! You were just off in la-la land. But that doesn't matter because we need to talk." Gray said putting his hands on Juvia's arms. Juvia shrugged them off.

"Fine, we can talk but don't touch Juvia." She said sternly. Gray smirked.

"You know, you're kinda hot when you're angry." Juvia flushed.

"Stop it Gray. Juvia has a boyfriend. A boyfriend who is your brother." Juvia crossed her arms and sat down. Gray rolled his eyes.

"You know, you keep saying that but I can still hear you screaming my name when we had sex. Remember that?" Gray said, slowly getting closer to Juvia with every word. Juvia's heart pounded. Her face was hot and she was shaking.

She remember, oh how she remembers how much she screamed. And oh how she wanted to do it again.

"THAT, was a mistake. Juvia will not-" In the attempt of trying to scare Gray Juvia tried doing what he did with the 'slowly getting in his face', but instead it backfired and Gray pulled Juvia's face closer so our lips crashed together.

Because of Juvia's shock her mouth was wide open so he got full entrance into Juvia's mouth. For a second Juvia was frozen, until her anger bubbled and she slapped Gray. And it wasn't a small little girly slap that you see on those drama shows, no this was a fully opened hand flying from the back of her to the side of his face slap. A slap that left a nice little red make and a very confused Gray.

"D-Don't t-touch me." Juvia stuttered. She then turned and ran.

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