this chapter. (edited because I don't know)

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Juvia POV
Juvia was confused. Shocked, flabbergasted, it was enough to make her head hurt. Why did Gray text her? Begging her to meet him at the park. And why is she going? This was a stupid stupid idea. But she continued on. Thinking about Gray's stupid face with his raven hair and toned body, and his prince-like charm, it made Juvia weak. She even put on fresh clothes for him. Why? Because she loved him. No matter what he did or how much it hurt her, she knows that she loves him. It's was stupid and it was just going to lead to more pain. But ignoring it and pushing who she is aside made things worse. Will it always be like this? A constant hate-to love-to hate-to love. It's seems like it. But Juvia is addicted to Gray. She just can't leave him. A month with out him felt longer now, it felt good, but not as good as being with Gray felt. Now she sounds like a junky. Maybe she can go to rehab. Or maybe get some medical drugs to help her. Or maybe both.

Juvia just shook her head and continued slowly to the park.

She needs to make things clear. But how? He knows that Juvia loves him. They have had sex to prove it. But Gray Fullbuster falling inlove with Juvia Loxar? Impossible. Maybe.

Suddenly I ran into something, making it scratch my side.

"Fuck!" Juvia yelled in pain. She had run into the park's sign post. A little wooden sign that is now leaning backward. Juvia needs to pay attention before something really bad happens.

"Juvia!" Gray.

"What is it Gray? Why did you need Juvia so badly?" Juvia asked crossing her arms. She didn't need him seeing her so weak.

But he didn't answer Juvia. Instead he grabbed Juvia and hugged her.

Juvia felt her face get hot and she put her hands on Gray's chest trying to push away but he just held her closer.
She looked up at Gray's light grinning smile.

"I needed to fill up on Juvia." Juvia's face burned.

"W-what does that mean?" Juvia asked. Gray let her go and took her chin and led her face closer to his.

"It means you are the only person that can make me feel better." he smiled.
"Juvia, why are you still with Lyon" he asked. Juvia angerly push him away.

"That isn't any of Gray's busness. And just for the record Lyon is nice to Juvia. He loves Juvia. He cares about Juv-"

"Why the fuck does everyone keep saying I don't care about you!?" he yells turning away flalling his arms. "Meredy, Lyon, you, probably Ultear."

"Because you have never shown other wise!" Juvia yelled back. Gray grabed Juvia's shoulders and looked deeply in her eyes.

"I don't care? I have done nothing but care since the day I met you. The only thing Lyon sees is how beautiful you are, I see everything else." Gray told Juvia.

"And what. Does Gray see? You know nothing." Juvia spat back pushing him.

"Juvia, you are smart, powerful, kind, loving, pure, strong, and words that don't exist yet. Juvia you are so much more than what you and what everyone else thinks of you." Gray said. Taking Juvia's face in his face. Juvia felt her face get wet but she moved her head out of his hands and glared at him. Making sure he didn't see the cracks in her will.

"Why is Gray being so nice now?" Juvia cried. "You have never shown this to Juvia. You made her and everyone else think you hate her. You have hurt her. Broke her." Juvia stopped and turned her back to him. She needed to be strong. "Juvia can't handle you breaking her heart again. Please stop."

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