Date with Lyon

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Juvia POV.
After school I saw Lyon's baby mobile parked right out front waiting for me. I felt a pang of guilt knowing all day Gray had whispered sweet, and sexy things to my ears and yet here I am, about to get in to Lyon's car. If it wasn't in-between classes or handing me notes with poems or plan compliments, Gray would just look at me making my heart go wild. Why Gray had decided that today was the perfect day to torture me was a mystery. But I enjoyed the torture and teasing, it made me feel warm and fuzzy. It made me feel loved. I sighed.

I turn to greet my boyfriend but before I could get words out my mouth was assaulted.

He put his hand on the back of my head and brought me closer deepening our kiss. He licked my lip asking for entrance which I didn't quite want to give him but he would suspect something so I opened my mouth and allowed his tongue to dance with mine.

When he finally had enough of me he slowly backed away but kept our foreheads touching and his hand playing with my hair.

"What was that for?" I asks. He smiles and kisses my cheek before returning normally in his seat and starting the car.

"Do I need an excuse to kiss my girlfriend? I feel like I need to do it more. I need my refill on Juvia." he said winking and taking my hand. Refill of Juvia? That's what Gray said too. I shake my head and smiled at Lyon.

"Well then how about we go out on a date? Juvia got a new dress resentally and Juvia would love to show it off." I said. Lyon smiled widely and kissed my hand.

"That sounds like a great idea." he said giving me a loving look. But the moment was intrupted by my vibrating phone. I take my hand back and looks at the text message.

From: Gray
You looked like you where enjoying Lyon's little kiss there. I bet I could and will do better though ;)

I force a blush down and texts back as calmly as possible.

To: Gray
Lyon gives very good kisses thank you very much.

I push send and almost immediately gets another text.

From: Gray
Sure he is. But I'm going to erase your lips of any memory, feeling, or taste of him. You are mine Juvia. Not his.

This time the blush couldn't be stopped. Thankfully Lyon wasn't paying attention and was just singing along with the music.

To: Gray
Juvia belongs to no one. And just for that maybe Juvia will kiss him more infront of you. Juvia will use lots of tongue and maybe even moan. How does Gray like that?

I felt satisfied and felt my blush leave. I take Lyon's hand again. I likes teasing Gray like this. I like it more that I would like to admit.

From: Gray
If you do that I swear I will make you regret it. And I'll kill him in the process. And it doesn't matter what you think Juvia. You. Are. Mine. And. Only. Mine.

I rolls her eyes and put my phone away.

"What was all that about?" Lyon asks sweetly.

"Nothing. Lucy just asking about an outfit." I lied. "So when will we go on our date?" I asked.

"How about Friday? We can get dinner and we go to a movie?" Lyon suggests. I nodded.

"Yes, that sounds fun!" I smiled. I squeezed Lyon's hand and looked out the window. But as we stopped at a red light Lyon's hand left me. I didn't think anything of it, that was until I felt his heat travel down to my thigh. I glance down to see Lyon laying his hand on my lower-inner thigh. I suddenly started doing math in my head. How long have Lyon and I been together? Almost a month I calculated. And he has been very respectful, the furthest we have gotten is a hot kiss but he's never really touched me in this way before. It was still nothing close to how Gray has touched me. I was alreadly in a playful mood because of Gray and now Lyon taking a new step in this relationship made me want to, well, play. I layed my hand on top of his. From the corner of my eye I saw him smile. I smirked and carefully and slowly brought his hand a little higher on my thigh. We had already left the light and Lyon didn't seem to notice. I moved it a bit higher then stopped. It was now at my mid-thigh and he still didn't notice a thing.

"Hey Juvia, how about we go to that little Italian place on Marcus Street?" Lyon asked. So innocent.

"Juvia could do Italian. Hehe, and getting a little ballsy now are we Lyon?" I said teasingly. He scrunched his eyebrows and glance down to his hand. His face turned scarlet and ripped his hand from my leg.

"I-I'm so s-sorry Ju-" He stuttered but I stopped him by laughing and grabbing his hand.

"I was just teasing Lyon." I told him and I layed his land back on my thigh. He smiled sheepishly and looked away. I wonder how far he would let me do this? I again move his hand a bit higher and this time he noticed but instead of stopping me he just squeezed.

"You vixen." He joked. I stuck my tongue out. He glanced down "Hey, your phone is blowing up." Lyon told me. I took out my phone to see 7 texts from.....


From: Gray
Lyon better not touch you
To Juvia

From: Gray
Only I should touch you in such ways
To Juvia

From: Gray
God you're beautiful
To Juvia

From: Gray
Please don't kiss him
To Juvia

From: Gray
It kills me too see you with him
To Juvia

From: Gray
Am I not allowed to be a little obssesed?
To Juvia

From: Gray
Please let me come over tonight?
To Juvia

I bite my nail. What the hell is going on with Gray? Its like he did a total 180.

"Is there something wrong?" Lyon asked now running his hand lightly on my leg.

"C-can you just bring me home instead of the park? One of the girls at the home is going on her first date and needs help." I lie. Why am i doing this for Gray? Oh right I love him.

"Sure, hope she has fun." He jokes. I smile. I pick up my phone and text Gray.

To: Gray
Just come now, and Juvia has a date with Lyon, Juvia belongs to know one.
From Juvia

So howd you like the first POV I got kinda annoyed with switching and I imagine its a bit confusing so how did you like it? I might do more and edit previous chapters but, uge so much work. Well I hope you enjoyed!!!!!!

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