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Juvia doesn't know what happened, one moment Juvia was still getting over Gray and the next thing she knows she is swimming with Lyon.

All week we have either been texting, swimming, or plainly hanging out. Juvia guess she never realized how entertaining Lyon can be, he is funny smart, undeniably handsome, not to mention sweeter that fucking chocolate and much, much more kind than Gray. But enough about descrpitions, what took place after our swim was what I really want to talk about. We were just drying off.

"Juvia, I have an idea. How about we both run home and change and we can go out to dinner."

Juvia's mind didn't even think about connecting the dots.

"O.K. so pick Juvia up in an hour."

Juvia ignorently said yes and suddenly when they were waiting for desert Juvia realized, it was a date. Juvia felt so stupid and childish, not even thinking about the possiblity of a guy who has been madily inlove with her could possibly ask her out! But, what was worse than the blind ignorace was that she was really enjoying herself. He made her laugh and come out of her shell a little, but mainly he made her forget. Forget about the pain and the sadness Gray made her feel. Even if it was for a little while. It was a blissful and comforting few seconds. It felt nice, not really good but not bad it was just nice. Yet Juvia would take 'just nice' over being rejected by Gray again.

Lyon kept asking Juvia out, if it was a simple walk in the park or another dinner. She didn't know when Lyon started referring to her as his girlfriend, but when he did, oh, you should have seen the look at Erza and Lucy's face. They were hilariously confused and scared. Then when Lyon left and Juvia referred to him as boyfriend (well it only seemed fair, and they were practically dating anyways) they were even more mortified.

"Juvia, are you sure he isn't slipping something into your food or black mailing you. Oh I swear if he is..." Erza said punching her palm. Juvia just laughed.

"No, no nothing like that. Juvia is really starting to like Lyon an he has been calling Juvia girlfriend so Juvia is going to do the samething." Juvia smiled. Lucy and Erza just continued to stair. Looking like deers in the head lights.

It has also been a month since Juvia has last talked to Gray. She has seen him by glances, either in the hallway or in class. But neither of us talked or really looked. Juvia did feel a little bad, she was friends with Gray then suddenly she stopped talking to him and started dating his brother.

Oh yeah, did Juvia forget to mention that? Lyon was one almost two years older than Juvia and Gray. We were in high school and Lyon was a freshman in collage. He still lived close and loved to bother his brother and sister. Oh and Gray's sister Ultear, Juvia is forgetting a lot resently...

Well Lyon and Gray are both blood brothers and were orphans, but unlike Juvia they were adopted. They were takin in by Ur, a kind and self powerful women. Ultear was her only child, and in fear of spoiling her and the plain wanting of kids she adopted Gray and Lyon.

O.K. so enough about Gray, currently Juvia is at the library studying with Levy. And by studying she means talking about Gajeel.

"Juvia would have never guessed that Gajeel could be so...kinky." Juvia said scrunching her nose.

"I know, it's lke a passage out of 50 shades of Gray or something." Levy said. Levy was lucky, she got a perfect guy and gets the most amazing sex ever.

"O.K. So what happened after Gajeel straped Levy to the computer chair?"

"Juvia! Say it a little louder, I don't think China heard you!" Levy blushed.

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