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Hello my lovelies, I want to first of all say sorry if my author's note in 'friends with benefits' sounded really harsh or rude. I was just really mad when the other run off book failed and I really wanted to try again and I wanted everyone to know how much it hurt me when I saw you guys not caring. But I know it might have been a little too harsh and I want to say, I'm very very sorry if I made you feel bad or hurt you in some way.


Juvia POV
It has been two weeks since the carnival, Juvia has also not spoken or seen Gray. The first week was hell and Juvia almost went running back to Gray but she held herself together and now she is able not to get teary-eyes when she thinks about him or one of her friends mentions him. Juvia is very proud and since she isn't being obsessive with Gray Juvia has more time to do more personal things. She has finished a few books, studied for some tests and Aced a few. She has also found a love in swimming and has been going to the YMCA every Monday and Saturday.

It's amazing what can happen in two weeks!

Still, Juvia is scared to run into Gray, it could happen anywhere! Supermarket, school, even at the YMCA she isn't safe. Even with her improvements, she fears two weeks is still not long enough.

Suddenly Juvia's door swings open.

"Are you ready yet water women? I mean sheesh you are taking forever!" Gajeel says. Juvia puts her hands on her hips.

"Gajeel, how many times has Juvia told you not to do that!? One of these days Gajeel is going to break the damn thing!" Juvia scowls. Juvia was getting ready to go to the YMCA and Gajeel wanted to come alone. Something about wanting to pump some iron. (Probably for his new girl friend Levy.) and Juvia is happy to bring him along. Although Levy has known Gajeel longer, Juvia and Gajeel have been friends since elementary school and are very close. Juvia knew of Gajeel's infatuation with Levy since the 6th grade! She also loved to tease Gajeel with it, but ever since they started going out Juvia has been looking for something new to tease him with.

"So, tell me why I am going pound Gray." I stop. What did he just say?


"Juvia, you have been avoiding Gray for the past two weeks and you got rid of all your Gray dolls. So tell me why I should or shouldn't beat his ass for apparently hurting you?" he says with a completely serious face. Juvia look down to my bag Juvia was packing and sigh. Juvia put her towel in and throw her bag over her shoulder.

"Come on, we don't want to catch any traffic." Juvia says avoiding the subject. Gajeel grabs my wrist.

"Juvia what happened?"

"Gajeel, please Juvia is doing so well. Please don't make Juvia ruin that by making her cry." Juvia says not looking at him. Juvia feels Gajeel loosen his grip and Juvia continues to walk down the stairs.


Gajeel and Juvia get to the YMCA without much communication and we go our separate ways. Him to the work out area and Juvia too the pool.

Juvia throws her bag and her clothes in the locker and she feels a few tears fall. Juvia knows Gajeel means well but this was the first time someone commented on what was going on and it reminded her again of the pain she had to go through. So maybe Juvia isn't as over it as she thought she was. Juvia takes a deep breath and does a quick stretch to distract her from crying. She walks out of the locker room and takes a big whiff of the chlorine filled air. She walks to the chairs and feels a few eyes on her. This is normal for Juvia, straight men usually stair at her legs while she gets a lot of upfront complements from gay men as well. Juvia loves it when that happens. Gay guys at the Y are the best kinda guys. Juvia is a big supporter of gay rights and transexuals. Besides it would be wrong not too, her birth dad was one.

Her mother got pregnant at 16 and gave Juvia up for adoption. Although when Juvia was eight her biological father visited her and almost adopted her. They hung out and got ice-cream. Juvia told him of the bullies at school and how she wants to be a princess when she grows up. When the owners of the adoption home did a personal interview he wasn't afraid to tell them about the surgery he was about to go through. He was going to become a women. Unluckily this was a very Christian home and the people declined his adoption at that moment. They filed a court order to make him stay fifty feet away from me until Juvia is 18. Juvia sometimes sneaks a letter to him now and then but we haven't seen each other since she was eight. Her mother never tried looking for Juvia or even sent a card. Juvia was also never adopted and still isn't 18 so she still lives in the home. Gajeel was also the only person who knew about that. Juvia supported her dad and thought it was cool that her father was becoming a women. That's also the reason that she loved coming to the YMCA. She thought maybe she would run into him here or something, this was a big hang out for gays in this area. Actually Juvia should be saying her, maybe. Juvia doesn't know if he got the sugary yet. She doesn't want to assume anything or call him/her the wrong noun.

Juvia does another quick stretch and climbs onto the diving board. She takes and deep breath and a second before she jumps she sees someone. She hesitates her jump causing her to land on her back instead of her feet on the board. The board recoils and sends her falling off the diving board.

She hits the water and took a breath of water on accident. She starts waving her arms to swim up but suddenly something grabs her waist and she is brought up and is dragged out of the water.

Juvia coughs and gasps.

"Juvia lay down so you can get the water out if your lungs." The guy says.

When Juvia finally stop gaging and spitting water Juvia look at her savior.
Her white haired savior.
Her obsessive savior.
Her shirtless savior.

"Juvia are you alright? Can you breath. How many fingers am I holding up?" he questions, voice full of concern.

"Juvia's fine. Juvia can breath, and two." Juvia answers. Lyon smiles.

"Good. Now lets stand up. Come on." He leads Juvia to her chair and makes her sit down. He grabs her towel and wraps it around her. He then hands her a water bottle in which Juvia takes a greedy gulp.

"L-Lyon. What are you doing here?" Juvia asks.

"Well right now I'm helping you. Hasn't anyone ever taught you to jump off a diving board?" He says teasingly. Juvia squints and sticks her tongue out at him.

"Yes, Juvia has been taught how to jump off a diving board but to be honest Juvia was surprised to see Lyon here." Juvia says taking another sips of water.

"Well I was coming for a nice swim but I end up saving a beautiful maiden instead, I call that a good day." He winks. Juvia rolls her eyes

"You shouldn't, the maiden tried to kill herself when she saw Lyon." Juvia says light heartedly. Lyon pretends to be hurt and stands up.

"Well I guess I could have just let you drown if you are going to be like that."

"Oh Lyon you are such a drama King." She says. Lyon chuckles. Juvia stands up and hands Lyon the towel.

"Well thank you but Juvia is fine now. She won't keep you from your swim." Juvia then gets back on the diving board. She sees people tense up around her. The swimming guard gets ready to dive. The thing was, Juvia is a great diver actually. (She does the first dive in the video)

When Juvia surfaces she hears a few people clapping and cheering. Another normal thing for Juvia. She swims to the next area over and starts doing laps.

She doesn't know when Lyon started swimming as well but when she sits on the edge of the pool to catch her breath she finally notices.

"Juvia. You are such a show off." he says.


Also I don't mean to offend any Christian readers, the thing is that I actually have a friend to whom this happened too and I thought it was a cool dramatic thing I could add for Juvia.


alright my lovelies

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