the after effect

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Ok so if you guys have noticed or not the inconsistencies of Juvia's POV going from third to first. That is purposful. I wanted to show healing in Juvia's mind. I got a private message telling me the inconsistentcy and I wanted to just clear it up. Soooo yeah, hope you enjoy
TaTa my lovilies

Juvia POV
Fucking Gray. Storming into my room. Stairing at me then kissing me with such feeling my mind completely shut down and Juvia just clings on to Gray. 

How can he do this to Juvia! Effect Juvia in such away that he gets me wrapped around his fingers in mire seconds. It's terrifying.

Resting Juvia's head on his chest Juvia's mind began to clear and anger bubbled in me. What.the.hell. How can Juvia want to kiss and hug him and yet want to bash his head into a fucking wall.

He is so warm and comfy, I could be in this position forever. Laying Juvia's head on him, my arm and leg drapped around him. His smell was intoxicating and made every muscle relax.

And yet Juvia had an unbearable need to yell at him and tell him off.

But I don't want to move.

With the mini war was going on in Juvia's head she just cuddled closer, half wanting to be closer and half hoping Juvia would crush him. God I hate how much I love him.

"Juvia." Gray suddenly said out of the blue.


"I'm surprised you aren't yelling at me by now, it's not like I don't deserve it." he stated sadly. Juvia looks up into his eyes.

"Oh Juvia wants to. And Bash your head into the wall. But lucky for Gray cause Juvia is too comfy and Gray smells too good." Juvia said settling back onto Gray. She heard Gray's chest rumble as he laughs.

"Maybe I should kiss you more often." he whispers softly. Juvia felt her face get hot. Kiss me like that? YES PLEASE.


"So you guys just laid there all day?" Levy asked. It is now Tuesday. The day after the school event. Juvia told Levy all the juicy details of why she didn't text her back.

"Yeah, it's so weird. How a weekend can suddenly change everything and yet nothing all at once." Juvia reflected.

"What do you mean?" Levy asked. We were in the library before school starts just talking and looking for books. Getting lost in the maze of bookshelves.

"Well Juvia being in love with Gray isn't a new thing, only this past month that had changed. So really Juvia just went full circle and is sorta back where she started." Juvia sighed putting the crappy teenage romance novel back.

"Full circle, plus Lyon. Whom you still haven't ended it with." Levy said getting serious and blocking me from the books.

"Gray is being all bi-polar and weird. Yes Juvia loves him but things are just too complicated. And she just can't do that to Lyon. Leave him for Gray like always." Juvia said looking down. She had her heart broken so many times, she couldn't imagine doing it to someone else.

"But leading him on like this isn't right either. You don't love him." Levy said sternly.

"But Juvia could. Eventually. Maybe." She said back. Juvia reached around Levy and grabbed a random book. When in doubt just do random.

"And while things are getting complicated and weird Juvia needs someone to be there in ways other people can't." Juvia said walking to the Librarian to check out the book hoping Levy was following.

The Best Worst Mistake I Ever MadeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora