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A chapter full of 'well...shit's

Juvia POV
We were watching Breaking Bad when we heard the knock.

"Juvia!" Shit it was Kista. I look at Gray who was as wide eyed as me.

"Gray" I whisper "get under the bed, now! She can't know you are here!"

"Juvia! Are you sleeping?" Kista yelled knocking again. I urgently point down. Gray rolls his eyes but slowly trys to fit in the tiny space.

"One second Kista, Juvia is- is getting dressed! Juvia's kinda naked!" I yell back, putting my shirt and blouse on. I heard Gray grunt a 'i wish' right before he disappeared.

After I was finished and Gray was hidden I finally open the door.

Kista was all smiley as always. But she looked different. Her usual strawberry blonde hair was curled and partially done up. And she was wearing a light green dress with actual make up. This was the first time I had ever seen her out of her mom jeans and usual large t-shirt. And I didn't think she knew what make-up was.

"Wow! Kista! You look! Wow!" I say, shocked and scared since Gray was under my bed.

"Oh thank you Dear. I have a date tonight, first one since Henry and I got a divorce. But before I was about to leave Lyon came and is down stairs right now. And if I do say so myself looks delectable." she said, whispering the last part then licking her lips and giving me a little 'hmm'.

I felt my heart stop. Lyon. Is. Here.

"Thanks Kista, um I'll be right down." I say getting some shoes.

But before I left I yelled out to Kista, a little louder then needed since the message was mostly for Gray.

"Hey Kista! Is it OK if Juvia leaves the WINDOW open?" I smiled. She gave me a dumb look and yelled back

"Of course?" I nodded and closed the door. Oh Jesus help.


"Lyon!" I say as I walk down the stairs. He gives me a big smile and we peck each other. "What are you doing here?" I ask.

He opened his mouth but Kista spoke first.

"Ok. My date is coming and Helen isn't here yet so can I trust you two not to go upstairs without supervision?" She asked, well more like stated. Oh yes you can, hopefully.

"Yeah, go. Have fun!" I say as she turns and exits. I look back at Lyon who, for some reason seemed like his eyes never left me.

"Can Juvia help you?" I ask. Suddenly he swoops down and kissed me, hard. I pulled back in confusion. And before I could ask what the hell was going on he pushes me back into a wall and kissed me again.

Because Gray was right about the whole domination thing, a moan escaped my throat. This made him a little more confident because he started sliding his hands down my hips and started going for my ass.
That's when I got my senses back and pushed him away.

"Ok, wow, um, Lyon. Why? What? Huh?" I ask feeling a little out of breath. He just smiled.

"I won't go far I promise. But I was told by Cana your thing for domination and how much you would enjoy it. And it seems like you do." he said in a seductive tone. His hair was kinda messy and his eyes were undressing me in the smoothest way possible...but Gray. Sshhhiiittt.

I felt my face get red and I shake my head.

"Cana is crazy and, God stop looking at Juvia like that! She can't focus!" I yell. I felt his hand go on my waist again and suddenly I was in the air.

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