50 shades of Gray (edited a bit)

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Im baaaçkkkk. I am so so so so sorry. So much has happened, I feel like a completely new person since June. But I will try harder to give you this story. So lay back, relax and I will do my best to entertain you all.

Juvia's POV
Juvia fell into her bed and wrapped herself in her blanket. What the hell was THAT. She did the one thing she swore she wouldn't do again. She let the one person who has hurt her more than there are numbers kiss her, fuck her, make her love him. He was evil, pure consintrated evil. But Juvia is not without sin. She cheated. She cheated on Lyon. Someone who has never done anything but love her, respect her, adore her. And she cheated on him. With his brother. If she didn't feel like it before, now she definitely feels like slut. A cheating, dirty, lying slut.

When Lyon picked her up after school, knowing what she did with his brother, she could barely look at him. She gave him no good bye kiss and barley any words. Gray and Juvia's pride and lust had gotten to them both. Maybe she should end things with Lyon, run to Mexico, and die alone. But Lyon doesn't deserve that. He deserves someone who loves and cares for him. Someone who's not me.

Gray POV
What the hell was THAT. I sat on my couch blindly watching T.V. and thinking about the events of today. I let my pride and testastorme make a cheater out of Juvia. Sweet, innocent Juvia. This wasn't what I planned to do. But when Juvia kissed me like that, I just couldn't help it. I was actully waiting and thinking about what I was going to say or do. She must have taken it differently. I wanted to have a civilized conversaton and truly talk about what was going on. Instead I was mean enough to make her slap me and then I  fucked her. Wow, I am fantastic at civilness. Go me.

I get up from the couch and dump the can of coke I was drinking in the trash. Ultear and Meredy were cooking dinner. Meredy was Ultear's adopted daughter. Ultear was an amazing mom and sister. At first we all thought she was crazy for getting a daughter so young but now, she was probably the best mother anyone could have.

"Ultear, are you sure this is the right amount of salt?" Meredy asks while holding a teaspoon of salt.

"When have I ever been wrong about cooking? Just put it in silly and stop asking so many question." Ultear says while sturring her homemade sauce.

"I thought it was you who always said to question authority?" I said just to annoy her. Ultear glared at me.

"Yes, but with somethings like me with cooking you should never question." Ultear said roughly putting more ingredents in.

Ultear and Meredy wanted to night to be perfect. Lyon was coming over for dinner and they have been trying to convince him to move back. I wonder how well our conversations will be tonight. What should I break the ice with? "Hey bro, you look good, and I fucked your girlfriend in the janitor's closet. Mmm smells good Ultear and Meredy must be done." Yup, I am the Shakespear of conversation starters. I go back to the livingroom and turn off the T.V. I go upstairs and check my phone. I don't know why but I keep expecting Juvia to text me. Yet she hasn't done that since we were at the carnival together. The carnival. What an idiot I was. I got so scared to becoming so close to developing feels for Juvia I found the first girl I could find and started making out with her. I know I know, it was a dick bag move. But to be honest. Juvia is too special to be with me. Every female I have ever loved, romantically or non romantically, I have hurt and they left me. Once I get involved with them I fuck up and they leave. In Ur's case, die. I wanted Juvia to be different. I know how much she loves and adores me. I would have to be blind, deaf, and an idiot not to see that. But I didn't want it to happen again. She was to precious, too beautiful, too perfect. I didn't was to ruin that. But I'm worried its already too late. I made her cheat. Twice. It was always one fuck up, but now I did it twice. So twice the pain.

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