Enemies At Best

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~Mary Jay~

The rest of the weekend finished off pretty quick. It contained Carter whining over his headache, Beck swooning over how nice Ali was, and Mateo coming in and out of their dorm when he needed something.

It was now Monday and I sat in dance stretching my hamstring before we went over the number. I'd caught onto most of the beginning and a few parts of the end. The middle on the other hand...

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, let's run it back!"

The music began and everyone took their assigned spots. Since I hadn't gotten the dance fully, I was near the back, closest to the door.

It started off smooth and simple as we glided across the floor, you know the drill. I probably looked like a chicken trying not to trip over the parts I didn't know.

After the number was finished, Ms. Lara guided us again. And again, and 11 more times. By the time we were finished, I was sweating like a sauna and had most of the choreography down.

"Stretch each other out, guys. Get water if you need to." Ms. Lara called out as she migrated towards me.

"Hey hey, MJ!"

"Hello." I took a swig of water.

"So how are you feeling?" She smiled down at me.

"Eh, I'm gettin' it. I think i'll have it down by Saturday."

"Good, good. You have a lot of potential, Mary Jay. If I were you, I'd actually take it serious." She raised her eyebrows as she spoke.

I shrugged in response, "I'm not sure. I like dance but I don't even know what I wanna major in. Soon enough I'll be graduating and going off to college."

"So get a scholarship in dance. I'd be happy to write you a recommendation letter if you dedicate yourself."

My eyes widened. I've been indecisive about college as I wasn't sure if Aunt Apple would be able to pay for it, and God knows my mother won't.

"You serious?"


She smirked at me.

"I'll think about it. I might just take you up on that offer, Ms. Lara." I wiggled a finger at her. She giggled before walking off to another group of girls.

I packed my things into my duffle bag and slipped my sweatpants on. I grabbed my water bottle before waving to a few girls and leaving. I desperately needed a nap.

"Well, that was entertaining." Mateo slow-clapped as I passed by him, bumping his shoulder.

"Why are you here?"

"Can I not be a supportive friend?"

"We're not friends."

"Fine, acquaintances."

I stopped and looked at him, squinting my eyes, "Enemies at best."

He rolled his eyes amusingly and I began walking again.

"How long have you been standing out here?"

"About 10 minutes. I was ditching history." He shrugged.

I scoffed, "What senior takes history nowadays?"

"People who want an education? Or are you set on becoming a stripper?" He smirked teasingly.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"I wouldn't complain."

I pushed his shoulder—hard, and rolled my eyes, "You're an idiot."

He didn't respond and instead kept walking. I was getting annoyed just by his presence.

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