🌺Harsh and comforting words🌺

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You sat down at your desk and gave a small smile to Osano who sat next to you
He seemed like a nice guy
Well sometimes that is
He huffed and looked away but glanced at you when you sat down
"Did you get your homework done?" He asked and you smiled alittle and looked at him
"Yeah it wasn't that hard surprisingly" You said and he looked at you and scoffed
"Yet you look like your about to die when you do work in class" He said as he rested his head in his hand and your smile and pride faded and you looked down and he hissed under his breath
"That was a joke, Sorry" He said as he sighed, You smiled alittle and nodded
"No problem" You said and got out your journal
"He probably thinks your an idiot" The little voice spoke in your head "Your nothing but a mess, Something to throw away when done with" Your smile dropped and you looked down
"He's gonna get bored of you and leave you, They all do"
You shook away your negative thoughts and sighed
"Alright class! Today we'll be learning about the great depression" Your teacher spoke as she began writing down on the board.
After class ended you packed up your things and looked through your bag for your bento but
You forgot it
"Dammit" You muttered under your breath and you huffed and got up and you exited the classroom to see Osano leaning against the wall
"Oh! (N/n) I was wondering if you'd like to have lunch together" Osano said as he stood up straight and you nervously giggled and rubbed the back of your neck
"I actually forgot my lunch sorry Osano maybe next time?" You said and he seemed to buffer for a moment before blushing as he reached in his bag and pulled out his Bento
"You can have it, I don't eat much anyway" He said as he held it out
"Oh Osano I can't-" He interupted you but pushing his bento into you chest
"Just take it okay! You need the energy more than I do end of conversation got it?" He huffed and looked at you as you took it
"In exchange whould you like to I don't know hang out by the fountain? I usually read there" You said as you smiled alittle
"S-Sure! I mean yeah whatever, I usually read there too" He said as he crossed his arms and looked away
"Well I'll see you tomorrow then okay? I'll have lunch with you as well" You said as you began to walk up the stairs to the rooftop
"Your such a lifesaver Osano I truly owe you now" You thought to yourself as you sat down on the bench and began eating
"Hey, Isn't that the new girl? What was her name? (Y/n) (L/n) right? Jeez what a loser" You glanced at the girls that stood in a circle
"She's not even that cute like seriously look at her I can practically see her tummy rolls and stretch marks" The girl laughed as well as the other girls and you subconsciously wrapped your arms around your stomach in an attempt to hide yourself, You packed up your stuff and left before lunch was done and you sighed deeply
"Seriously look at her I can practically see her tummy rolls and stretch marks" Your mind played that sentence on repeat and you covered your ears and teared up
"Ma'am... Ma'am... ma'am!"
You gasped and looked up and your tears rolled down your cheeks and you saw a boy with short light blue hair
The student council president
"Ma'am are you okay? Why are you down here? You should be on the rooftop having your lunch" He said as he crossed his arms but his expression softened when he saw your tears
You sniffled and quickly wiped away your tears
"O-Oh it's nothing! I just got something in my eye" You said and he seemed to hum
You were always a bad liar
"Well in that case I'll take you to the nurse follow me" He turned away and made sure you followed him as he led the way
"I don't suppose I've seen you before are you perhaps new?" He asked as he glanced back at you
"Don't tell him he'll just make fun of you like the other's" The voice in your head spoke loudly, So you just looked down and you bumped into his chest when he stopped walking
"I believe I asked a question" He lifted up your chin and you sniffled
"Yes...I'm new My name's (Y/n) but you can just call me (N/n)" You said and he let go of your chin and hummed
"My name's Megamo Saikou as you've probably heard I'm the student council president it's nice to meet you (Y/n)" He extended a hand and you hesitantly shook it
"Now come we must be quick" He began to walk again and you continued to follow him you eventually got to the nurse's office
"I shall be on my way I'll see you later if there's ever any trouble look for me okay?" He looked you up and down before leaving
You knocked on the door before entering and you were met with a boy with pink hair and a white uniform
"Oh hello! How can I help you?" The nurse asked and you stepped in before closing the door
"I got something in my eye while I was on the rooftop" You said as you sat down on the chair next to his desk
"Oh no! Give me one second okay?" He asked and you nodded and he got out some medical equipment
"Can you take a seat on one of those beds over there?"
You got up and walked over to the beds and sat down
"Alright so does anything hurt? Is it painful to blink or anything like that?" He asked and you shook your head
"Which eye hurts?" You pointed to your left eye and he began to inspect it
"My name's Mujo kina by the way I suppose your new here beacuse I haven't had you here before" He said as he continued to inspect your eye
He was awfully close but after all he was inspecting your eye
"Your eyes are all puffy and red deary whould you like some eye drops?" He asked as he lifted up your chin
"Sure" You said flatly and he went through his medicine cabinet and pulled out a small bottle of eye drops
"Do you want me to put them in for you?" He asked and you nodded and he tilted your head back and you forced open your eye as he dripped the eye drops into your eye
Once he was done you blinked acople of times and wiped your eyes
"Deary I'm gonna need you to tell me the truth" You looked at him and he placed his hand on yours
"Where you crying? Your eyes were all puffy and I couldn't help but hear your sniffling" He asked his tone soft and caring, You felt
"No sir-" You were interupted
"Please call me Mujo and I hope you know that your terrible at lying deary" He said and you felt like a kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, You sighed in defeat and looked down
"Yes...I was crying" You felt a hand on your head and you teared up and hiccuped when he pulled you into his chest and began to pet you comfortingly
"It's okay deary let it all out" He continued to pet you and you burst into tears and let out a wail as you clutched onto his shirt
"It's all gonna be alright deary"
Those were the last words you heard until you fell asleep

Ayato Aishi X Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now