🌺 Getting better 🌺

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You woke up due to a knock on your door, You groaned and got up and stretched only to be reminded of the injury you had
You winced and hugged yourself
"(N/n) are you awake?" You recognized that voice, You went to the door and opened it and saw Osano
"Osano? What are you doing here?" You asked and saw he was holding a bag
"It's not like I wanted to come here I was supposed to be here with Amao but he bailed on me" He explained and he huffed
"I'm glad your okay though, You are okay right?" He asked with concern laced on his words and you smiled
"Yeah I'm fine just hurts to do acople of things" You explained and you looked at the bag and he noticed
"It's for you I got you acople of things" He held it out to you and you took it
"I wasted good money so be grateful alright?" He said and you looked through the bag
A bento, some snacks, drinks and a blanket?
"What's the blanket for?" You asked and he blushed and cleared his throat
"It was mine when I was little I used it when I was sick or injured so I thought you'd like it, If you don't like it you can just-" You interupted him
"No it's fine, Thanks I appreciate it" You hugged him and he seemed to tence not moving until you went to pull away from him that's when he pulled you into a hug and sighed
"Why are you so reckless, Why couldn't you just mind your business? You whould've been so much safer!" He pulled away and held your shoulders
"My friend was in trouble and he needed my help! I wasn't just gonna leave him!" You shouted
"God your such an idiot! You got broken ribs you got off easy!" He shouted back and you muttered something under your breath
"What was that?" He glared down at you and you looked up at him
"You whould've done the same if it were me whouldn't you?" You asked, He tenced up and looked away
"Whouldn't you?" You asked once again but this time concern and disappointment laced into your words, He looked at you and sighed
"Your gonna be the death of me" He replied and he kissed your forehead and made his way down the stairs and left your house
Did he just...kiss my forehead?
You raised your hand and touched your forehead and found yourself smiling
"Sweetie?" You jolted and quickly brought your hand down to your side
"Yeah Mom?" You nervously smiled
"Who was that? You two seemed to be arguing is everything alright?" She asked and you nodded and saw the brown bag in her hand
"Pills? Again?" You sighed and she giggled
"Your gonna have to take them for the next six weeks" She said and you sighed
"Come downstairs breakfast is ready" She said as she made her way back downstairs
Wow bed resting actually sucks...I wonder how everyone's doing?
You thought to yourself and you looked away from your Tv and to your phone
Maybe I should text Oka ask him how everyone's doing
You picked up your phone and clicked on his contact and pondered for a minute
Maybe I shouldn't...what if I'm bothering him? Eh screw it
Hey oka how are you?

No answer...oh!
"Im good how about you? Anything bothering you (N/n)?"
"No nothing's bothering me just wondering how everyone's been is all"
"Oh! In that case everyone's fine"
"Well I whouldn't say everyone but yeah"
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Oh well Amao hasn't been to school ever sence you got injured pretty weird if you ask me right?"
"Is he okay? What happened?"
"Dont know he just kinda disappeared"
What the hell? That's not like Amao at all...
"Well...can you tell me if anything happens? You can do that for me right?"
"Yeah np just don't make yourself worry to much alright?"
"Talk to you later I gtg"
How odd...
You thought to yourself as you placed your phone down
"I shouldn't overthink this to much" You said to yourself as you got up, grabbed some spare clothes and began to change
What the hell was that?
You looked around and quickly put on your clothes
It sounded like a camera...Oh common (Y/n) stop being so paranoid
You told yourself and you huffed and exited your room and went downstairs
"Hey I ate one of your snacks that your friends gave you if you don't mind" (B/n) said
"It's fine just don't eat all of them" You waved your hand dismissively and went to the kitchen and opened the fridge and got the banana milk that Oka gave you and began to drink it
Pretty good...
You grabbed two more and went back upstairs and looked at the blanket that Osano gave you and you grabbed it and wrapped it around yourself
A note fell to the ground and you hummed and picked it up
I'll be dropping off your homework so expect me to be at your house soon stay safe you idiot
Feel free to text or call when you want just don't make it a habit
You smiled to yourself and placed the note down on your bedside table and sat down on your bed and decided to watch a movie
Horror sounds pretty good
You searched for a good horror movie but ended up settling on the house of wax
You wrapped yourself in the blanket that Osano gave you and you looked at the stuffed animal that Oka gave you and hugged it close while watching the movie
You spent the next hour watching the movie occasionally jumping every now and then
So is Bo technically a slasher? I mean he doesn't kill anyone but he leads them to Vincent who makes them into wax
Wait...is Vincent a slasher?
Ah shut up just watch the movie idiot
You eventually finished the movie and you looked at the time
Shit! Osano should be here any minute now!
You got up and slightly cleaned up your room and fixed yourself up as well
Hey I'll be there in abit with your homework be ready
Crap! Stop panicking! Wait...why are you panicking?
You thought to yourself and you facepalmed yourself
You sat down on your bed and layed down and waited
Knock knock knock
You smiled and opened your door and was greeted by Osano
"Hey Tangerine" You giggled alittle
"I'm sorry what?" He looked at your confused and you nervously chuckled
"It's a nickname eh just forget it it's alright" You held your arm and he huffed
"I didn't say that you couldn't call me that I was just wondering why you called me that" He said as he glanced at you
"Well your hair is really orange like a tangerine well not just because of that it's beacuse sometimes Tangerines are sweet or sour and that kinnda describes you" You said with a smile happy with your explanation
He blushed but looked away so your whouldn't see it
"You can call me that if you'd like just don't do it in public! Wait no you can if you'd like" He said and he huffed and facepalmed himself
"Whould you like to come into my room?" You offered and he looked at you and nodded and you let him in your room
"Your rooms such a mess but in a good way I guess" He said as he sat down on one of your chairs
He rummaged through his bag and pulled out many packets
"Oh god...is that all work?" You asked with worry painted on you face and he nodded
"If you need help just call or text me alright?" He said as he placed down the packets on your bedside table
"Well I gotta go alright? See you later" He got up and went to kiss your kiss your forehead but stopped himself and flicked it instead, You winced and covered your forehead
"What was that for?!" You asked and he huffed and patted your head and left
The fuck is he? A Tsundere?

Ayato Aishi X Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now