🌺 Nightmare 🌺

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"It's your fault..."
You looked around startled from where the voice was coming from but it was to pitch black to see
"It's all your fault!" A voice yelled
"N-No! It's not I didn't do anything!" You shouted, tears began to creep up into your eyes
"It's all your fault!!" The voice screamed, it played on loop you felt like you couldn't breathe
You fell to the ground hugging you knee's close to your chest
"Your to blame!" You looked up to see the same boy you found dead and then he swung a baseball bat into your face
You startled awake with a gasp, you greedily sucked in the air trying desperately to get air back into your lungs
You wiped your forehead it was slick with a cold sweat you hugged your knees close to your chest and began crying
"Maybe it is my fault..." You thought to yourself you grabbed your phone and looked at the time
2:30 am
You opened your phone and clicked onto Oka's contact and called him
"Please pick up..." You thought to yourself as you sniffled and wiped away your tears
"(N/n)?" Oka said sleepily
"H-Hey sorry to wake you" you said with a nervous giggle
"No it's fine" He yawned and it sounded like he sat up
"You sound like you were crying are you alright?" He asked concern laced into his voice
"No...not really" Your voice began to break and tears streamed down your face
"I-Im not okay" you began crying and you wiped away your tears
"Do you want me to come over?" He asked, you nodded but then realized he couldn't see it
"Yes, please come quick" you sniffled and hugged the stuffed animal he gave you
"Alright (N/n) I'll be there soon, hang in there" He hung up and you put down your phone and wiped away your tears
You picked up your phone and got up went downstairs and to the kitchen, you searched through the fridge but nothing seemed appetizing
Your phone buzzed at you looked at it
"I'm here"
You closed the fridge and opened the door to see Oka with a backpack on before he could say anything you hugged him
"Thank you for coming..." You said sheepishly, he ran his fingers through your hair and kissed your head, you stepped away and let him inside
"You need to be quite everyone's asleep right now" You whispered, he nodded and took off his shoes before quietly placing them down
You grabbed his hand and led him upstairs and into your room you quietly opened the door and let him come in, you closed the door once he stepped in
He looked at you and gently cupped your face, he stroked your face with his thumb comfortingly you smiled and grabbed one of his hands and leaned into it
"It's all gonna be okay (N/n)" He said as he kissed your forehead, you looked at him and you two maintained eye contact then you two began to slowly lean in and shared a passionate kiss
He gently grabbed your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck, you both pulled away and sucked air in he smiled and kissed your forehead
"I-I brought some snacks" He said as he grabbed his bag and nervously rubbed the back of his neck
"O-Oh thanks...Oka?" He hummed and looked at you, you held onto his sleeve
"Can you stay with me? For the entire night?" You asked, he smiled and nodded
"Of course (N/n) anything for you" He put down his bag and he went to your closet but you held onto his sleeve making sure he didn't go anywhere, he gave you a questioning look but then it clicked in his head
You led him to your bed and you layed down he soon joined you after taking off his overcoat leaving him in a black turtleneck
You faced him as he held you close, you smiled and kissed his forehead
You slowly began to fall asleep as he ran his fingers through your hair
"Goodnight (N/n)" Oka said quietly as he kissed your forehead
Morning came around and you woke up due to your phone pinging
You groaned and went to grab your phone but you stopped when you saw Oka's sleeping figure clinging to you, soft gentle snores left his mouth and the tiniest amount of drool dribbled down the side of his mouth and onto the pillow he was sleeping on
You smiled and gently ran your fingers through his hair you quietly giggled when he smiled in his sleep
You carefully got your phone and saw you got a text from (B/n), You clicked on his contact and the bright screen nearly blinded you, you winced and turned down the brightness
"Mom said not to go to school today right now we're at the store want anything?"
"Some chocolate and (y/f/f)"
"Alright like I said Mom said not to go to school"
"What if I want to go?"
"Look just stay home alright? Jeez don't be stubborn idiot"
You smiled and looked down at Oka when he groaned, he began to stir and he yawned and looked up at you and blushed
"Good morning Oka" You smiled and he let go of you and wiped his mouth
"Morning (N/n)" He nervously smiled and you stretched and hummed when you felt your muscles stretch
"I-I should get going you know" He got up and you smiled
"Yeah I get it" You got up and handed him his overcoat
"Tell the others I said hi" He nodded and hesitantly left the room and soon exited your house
You hummed and looked at your phone and saw it was Osano, you opened the contact and sat down on your bed
"Hey heard what happened, sorry you had to see that"
"How about we have a sleepover at my place? Or your place doesn't matter idiot"
"Yeah did you not read the text message or are you just dumb"
"Sorry but yes"
"Thank you so much Tangerine! I really appreciate it"
"Whatever! Just be ready when I get out of school okay?!"
"Bye you dork!"
You put your phone down and layed down on your bed
"A sleepover with Osano that sounds nice" You subconsciously smiled to yourself and hugged your plushie
Many hours passed of begging and pleading your mother to let you go with Osano and just when you thought all hope was lost your Mother sighed and let you go
"Thank you so much Mom! Your the best!" You hugged her and rushed upstairs to pack your things
You grabbed your phone and clicked onto Osano's contact when you saw his contact name pop up
"You ready to go idiot?"
"Yup! I'm ready Tangerine!"
"Jeez you sound like a five year old I'll be there in five you better be ready!"
"I will"
You smiled and packed the blanket that Osano gave along with the manga he got you
You grabbed your bag and rushed down the stairs
"Bye Mom! Bye (B/n), (o/b/n)!"
You opened the door and saw Osano, you smiled and held your bag
"Ready to go?" You nodded and he grabbed your hand and began walking to his house
What you didnt know is that there were eyes on you watching your every move and step...

Ayato Aishi X Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now