🌺 The date 🌺

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You woke up due your phone ringing, You groaned and answered it without even looking at the contact name
"Hello?" You said in a raspy voice
"(N/n)? Are you sick or something?" He asked and you sat up and yawned
"Osano why are you calling me on a Sunday? We don't have any school today" You said as you got up and stretched
"I wanted to ask you something" He said
"Okay go on?" You said as you headed downstairs for a cup of water
"Whould you like to go to a cafe with me? Like hangout?" He said, you giggled beacuse this was so out of character for Osano
"A date you mean?" You said as you leaned against the fridge and plucked the sticky note from it
"Well if you wanna think about it like that then fine! Just answer the question idiot!" He huffed and you giggled
"Sure pick me up in Ten?" You asked and he hummed
"Fine I'll bring some books for us if you'd like, I know how much you love reading cuz you always got your stupid face in a book" He said with a chuckle and you smiled to yourself
"See you soon Osano" You pulled the phone away from your ear and hung up
You found yourself smiling ear to ear and you looked at the note that was on the fridge
"Me and the others are gonna be out for a bit so feel free to do whatever you want just don't stay out to late"
You went upstairs and took a quick shower, dried and brushed your hair then brushed your teeth
You rummaged through your drawers and settled on a pair of jeans, a (F/c) long sleeve with some combat boots
You got dressed and grabbed your phone and put it in your back pocket, you looked at the time and saw you had five minutes left so you decided to scroll through your phone
"Hey I'm outside"
You smiled and put your phone in your pocket and opened the door to Osano standing at your gate
"Common let's go!" He rolled his eyes and waited as you closed and locked your door
You two eventually started walking to the cafe
"So about this cafe what's it like?" You asked with a small head tilt
"Well it like your average cafe Coffee and baked goods" He said and he snapped his fingers
"I heard there iced coffee is to die for! Like seriously we should try some!" He said with a smile and you giggled alittle
"Your cute when your talking about something that your passionate about" You said with a soft smile and he blinked and looked ahead
"S-Shut up you idiot" He huffed and walked faster and you picked up your pace
You two eventually got to the cafe and walked in
"You go ahead and order first" Osano said and you nervously played with your sleeves
"Oh you gotta be kidding me"
He sighed and looked at you "What do you want?" He asked and you looked up at him
"The iced coffee please" You said with a small smile and you two walked up to the counter
"Hello welcome to our cafe are you ready to order?" The lady asked and looked at Osano
"Yes we'll have two iced coffee's" Osano said as he pulled out his wallet
"Sure thing will that be all?" She asked and he nodded
"Your total is gonna be 1,194 yen" She said with a soft smile and Osano payed her
"Okay your order should be out soon can we have a name?" She asked as she grabbed two medium sized cups
"Osano Najami" He said and she smiled and you two went to sit at a table
"Alright so I got some books that I think you'd like" He said as he rummaged through his bag
He pulled out two books one was a romance and the other was a thriller
"Pick one" He said as he set them down, You hummed and thought for a moment before picking the thriller
"Osano Najami!" The clerk called out and he got up and got the drinks and headed back to the table
"Here you go" He said as he handed it to you, you smiled and took the drink
"Thanks I really appreciate it Osano" You began to drink the iced coffee and you hummed and opened your book
Hours had passed and you two were halfway through your book's, Then Osano closed his
"So where do you wanna go?" He asked and you marked your page and closed the book
"I'm not sure what do you recommend?" You asked and he thought for a moment before snapping his fingers
"There's a manga store nearby wanna go check it out?" He asked with a smile and you nodded
"Alright then let's go!" He grabbed both the books and stuffed them into his bag
You grabbed the empty cups and threw them into a bin and you two began walking to the Manga store
"Do you read Manga often?" You asked as you walked abit closer to him due to all the people
"Yeah of course! Who doesn't?" He said with a chuckle and you smiled
"Oh wipe that smile off your face you idiot" He huffed
You were about to say something but someone roughly bumped into you making you fall
"Watch where your going!" The man shouted before walking off
"Hey are you alright?" Osano asked as he helped you up
"Yeah I'm fine" you said with a nervous smile
"Here" He offered his hand and you looked at it
"Are you just gonna look at my hand or hold it idiot" He said with a hmph
You smiled and held his hand and you two began walking again
Eventually you two got to the Manga store and you were in awe at how many books lined the shelves, it seemed to never end
"Impressive huh?" Osano said as he nudged your side, you nodded and immediately ran off dragging Osano with you
"Hey! Don't run idiot your gonna fall!" Osano shouted and you stopped when he tugged you back
"Settle down your like a five year old jeez" He huffed and led you to some manga
"Go ahead and choose whatever fits your taste" He said as he let go of your hand, you began searching and eventually settled on four different types of Manga
"That's it?" He asked and you saw he had about six manga books
"Yeah for now that is" you said with a smile and he chuckled
You two went up to the counter and payed for the manga.
You looked up and saw that I was getting late already and you sighed
"You gotta go already?" Osano asked
"Sadly yes I don't want my Mom and siblings to kill me" You said with a nervous smile
"I'll walk you home" Osano said and you nodded as you held his hand and began walking home
"Thanks for buying me all this stuff it's really nice of you" You said with a smile and he huffed and you two walked in silence
"Alright here we are" Osano said as he let go of your hand
"I'll see you at school tomorrow alright?" Osano said and you nodded and waved bye to him before going inside
"I see you had fun~" Your mother teased and you huffed and kicked off your shoes
"He's just a friend Mom" You said as you went upstairs and got changed into some comfy clothes
"But maybe he can be more than that" You thought to yourself with a smile

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