🌺Cooking club🌺

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"(y/n) it's time to wake up"
You groaned and rolled over on your side and pulled your blanket over your head
"Just five more minutes Mom..." You quietly mumbled and you whined when you felt your blanket being pulled off you, The light nearly blinded you when you looked up
"Sorry sweetie but I can't let you stay asleep in school forever" Mujo said and you blushed when you realized it wasn't your Mom
"Shit I'm sorry" You nervously giggled and you realized you just cussed infront of a teacher
"Sorry! Sorry!" You groaned and let your head fall into your hands
Mujo chuckled softly and patted your head
"Well someone's here to pick you up deary" You looked up and saw Amao
"Good morning (N/n)" He smiled and gave a small wave and you got up and stretched
"Are you still willing to check out the Cooking club?" He asked and you nodded
"Yeah of course Amao" You smiled and grabbed your bag
"Thank you for letting me rest Mujo" You smiled at the nurse and you and Amao left.
Once you two made it to the club you weren't surprised by the interior design
It was...well pink
"So we're gonna be baking is that okay with you?" Amao asked as he put on his apron and handed one to you
"I'm not a good Baker but sure!" You smiled and took the apron and put it on tied it and finished it with a bow
"We're gonna be making some Chocolate chip cookies one of my specialties may I add" He winked at you and you giggled at his playfulness
He began to rummage through the cabinets and you waited patiently while he got all the ingredients
"Okay! First we're gonna cream the butter and all the sugar's whould you like to do it?" He asked and you nodded and he handed you the hand mixer
He then added in the butter, White sugar and brown sugar
"You can start now (N/n)" He smiled and you hesitantly turned on the hand mixer and began creaming the sugar and butter
"There you go! Your doing good" He smiled and chuckled softly
"Now to add the eggs" He then cracked an egg into the mixture and you began to mix it all together them after a while he added another egg
"Just one more then we can move on to the dry ingredients" He said as he cracked in one last egg and for the last time you mixed it
"Wonderful! You did such a good job and you said you weren't a baker" He then got a separate bowl and got out the flour
"Here hold this for me please" He handed you the flour or more like pushed it into you but you still held it either way
"Oh god...please don't do this" You felt a sneeze building up and you then you sneezed making the flour go everywhere
"Oh dear" You looked up to see Amao looking at you and you looked around you it was All covered in flour
"I-Im so sorry Amao I promise I'll clean it up!" You placed down the flour and sneezed once again and all the flour that was on you shook off onto the ground
You heard a snort and then Amao began laughing
"Hey! Stop laughing!" You pouted and stomped your foot
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He said in-between laughs and you grabbed the bag of flour and dumped it over his head
"Oh you little- Come here!" Amao lunged at you and you squealed and ran away
He chased you around the room for what seemed like hours
"Gotcha!" He grabbed your hand and pulled you twords him and held your waist
You blushed darkly and you two looked each other in the eyes
You glanced away and cleared your throat
"We should clean up" You nervously smiled and you both began cleaning exchanging glances every now and then
"He got so close..." You thought to yourself as you felt your face heating up
"Welp! I think that's all the flour" Amao said breaking the silence and you perked up and looked at him
"Yeah hopefully" You nervously giggled and then you two fell into silence again
"I should get going my Brother's should be expecting me home soon" You said as you picked up your bag
"Oh should I walk you home?" He asked already taking off his apron
"Oh! No! No! It's fine!" You said as a blush crept onto your face and he paused for a moment a frown creeped onto his face
"Alright just be safe okay?" He said as he went to you and hugged you
You were already outside when you heard someone let out a cry
You paused and looked back
Every inch of your body wanted to keep walking but you wanted to help them
"What if they really need help..." You thought to yourself you held onto your bag tighter until your knuckles turned white
"Dammit" You muttered under your breath and you followed the cry's and pleads for help.
You were at the back of the school and your anxiety slowly creeped its way up into your chest
"Give it back!" You heard a voice shout out, You swear to God that that voice was sounded so familiar
You froze and you breathed in and out and ran around the corner
You saw Oka and he was being bullied by some delinquents
"Hey!" You shouted and everyone's attention snapped to you
"Who the hell are you?" A blonde boy asked
"(Y/n) (L/n)! Now leave him the hell alone!" You shouted and he glared at you
"Aww did your girlfriend come to save you freak?" The other delinquent asked as he grabbed Oka by his hair and pulled him twords him
That was your last straw you took off in a full Sprint at the delinquent that was holding Oka and you rammed into him making him fall but sadly you fell as well
"Run Oka!!" You pleaded and he scrambled to his feet before taking off
You tried to get up to follow him but the delinquent had already gotten up and he kicked you in your side so hard you felt all the air being knocked out of your lungs
You gasped for air and coughed as you curled up into a ball
"Hey! That's enough!" The blonde had shouted and the other glared at him
"She pushed me down! She needs to learn her place!" He went to kick you again but you heard a thump and then he was knocked out cold next to you
"Hey...Hey look at me" The blonde said
"Just breath okay? You'll be fine" He said as you tried to help you up
"Osorō Shidesu!" You looked over and saw Megamo and Oka
"Shit..." He muttered under his breath before taking off
"(Y/n)! Are you alright?!" Megamo helped you up and you winced loudly when he touched your side
"Oka help me take her to the nurse" Megamo said and immediately Oka was by your side hoisting you up and both boys took you to the nurse
When you got to the nurse you were in so much pain your side hurt like hell
The nurse examined you and lifted up your shirt to see the nasty bruise begining to form
"Do you have anyone I can contact deary?" The nurse asked and you nodded and gave (Y/o/b) number to him and he called him
"Hello? Is this (Y/o/b)? I'm calling from Akademi High School...No it's sad to say but she's not okay she got injured...Okay...Of course we'll be here waiting" He hung up and looked at you
"Your brother is on his way to pick you up darling" He said with a sad smile
"I'm such a bother..." You said and you winced
"Your not a bother (N/n) you saved me" Oka said and you looked at him
You smiled softly and he gently caressed your face
"Thank you (N/n)" He said as he kissed your forehead
An hour had passed and your brother bursted through the  door
"(Y/n)!" He went by your side and looked over you
"What happened to her" (Y/o/b) asked the nurse
"According to what Megamo and Oka said some student's beat her up...I believe she has a broken rib" Mujo said as he looked away
"You better have these students suspended!" (Y/o/b) shouted
"Of course...You might wanna take her to the hospital to confirm my suspicion" Mujo said as he grabbed a wheelchair and (Y/o/b) picked you up and gently sat you in the chair
"Everything's gonna be okay..." Your brother said, Your side hurt like hell it was almost unbearable you teared up and grit your teeth
"I-It hurts..." You softly said and your vision began to turn black and you slowly faded into conscious

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