🌺 It's just a scratch 🌺

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You and Aso continued to walk to school as he shared his silly little stories, you couldn't help but burst out laughing when he told you how a volleyball slammed into his face at practice once
"I-Im sorry! That shouldn't be funny!" You said as you covered your mask covered mouth as you let out small giggles
"No it's fine! It was totally funny!" Aso said as you two burst into a fit of laughter, you clutched your sides sence they began to hurt from laughing so loudly
"I-I can't breathe!" You said in between gasps for air and your giggling fit, Aso attempted to calm you and himself down sence his sides also began to hurt
Eventually you two settled down and you wiped the tears that pricked at the corners of your eyes with your sweater sleeve, You slightly frowned underneath your mask when you saw your school come into view
"What if I just skip?" You thought to yourself as you nervously chewed on your lip, you glanced at Aso who also seemed to have a frown on his face
You and Aso jolted before quickly turning around to see a large white fluffy dog, your eyes grew wide and you couldn't help but let a smile crawl on your face as you squealed
You got on your knees before putting out your hand for the dog to sniff it, nevertheless the dog curiously trotted over to you and sniffed your hand before nudging it onto it's head with it's tounge hanging out it's mouth
"Aww! What's your name puppy wuppy? Your so adorable!" You said practically baby talking the dog while you pet and scratched the dog
"Akira! Did you follow me again?" Aso asked as he crossed his arms, the dog whimpered and laid his head in your lap attempting to hide itself in your hands
"He's yours?! He's such a cutie! Who's a cutie patootie?" You said as you played with the dogs ears as you baby talked it
"Y-Yeah he's mine" Aso said with a chuckle as he watched you play with his dog, you giggled when the dog began licking your mask covered face
"Akira no!" You said in between giggles and the poor attempts of pushing him away
"Does he know any tricks?" You asked as you looked at Aso and continued to pet the dog, he nodded and snapped his fingers to which the dog responded by hopping off you and standing by Aso's side
"Impressive!" You said as you got up and clapped your hands, Aso chuckled as Akira barked
"I should get him home before he decides to go to class with me and gets me in trouble" Aso said as he nervously smiled
"Here, I think you need this" Aso said as he handed you your bags, you giggled as waved bye as he began to jog away with his dog by his side
"Guess I'll head to class early..." You said as you sighed and held your bag tightly, in the midst of your walk you began spacing out and thinking about god knows what
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you bumped into someone abruptly making you slightly stumble back but then gained your balance back when you felt hands on your shoulder to hold you steady
"You should be careful"
You looked up knowing that voice all to well considering he always had a remark in class to you, It was that damn substitute Mido Rana with that cocky smirk he always wore
"Your dressing different what's the occasion?" Mido asked with a small chuckle, you huffed and stepped away from him
"What does it matter to you?" You asked as you glared at him and crossed your arms, he held his hands up defensively as he let out a fall chuckle
"Just curious is all" Mido said as he looked you in your eyes, you slightly shrunk when he eyed you carefully
"Mind taking a walk together?" He asked as he glanced at his watch, you stood in place for a moment
"Should I? Do i have the time? He whouldn't be asking if I didn't right? Maybe I should go..." You thought to yourself as you eyed him carefully, you sighed which made him look down at you with a small tilt of his head
"I guees it whouldn't kill me to go on a walk with you" You said as you stood beside him, you two began walking in silence
You yelped when he quickly opened a door and pulled you inside, he pinned you to the door and loomed over you
"Get off!" You shouted as you pushed him away and held your arm, you looked at him confused when you saw his jaw tence
What you didn't know was that you hiked up your sweater, making your bruise visible
"Who'd you get that from?" Mido asked sternly, if you were being honest this new tone of voice scared you sence he was known to be quite flirty and cheerful
"What are you talking about?" You asked but then realization hit you when you felt cool air hitting your bruised arm, you quickly pulled down your sleeve and avoided eye contact with Mido
"It's none of your business" You sheepishly mumbled and glanced up at him just to be met with a look of disheartenment
"It does matter your my student (N/n), Therefore I should be worried on why you have a bruise like that..." Mido said with a heartbroken tone of voice as he slowly approached you, as if you'd be like a frightened deer and run away
"No you shouldn't! This is at home anyways!" You blurted out unintentionally, you flinched and looked down
"So this is happening at home?" He asked as you gently placed a hand on your shoulder which you responded by flinching away
"(N/n)...it's alright I won't hurt you..." Mido said as he went to gently cup your face but you put your hands up to shield your face
"I've heard that one to many times sir..." You said softly as you felt yourself tearing up, you yelped when he pinned you against the wall and attempted to take off your mask
"No! Get off! Please!" You said frantically as you tried to push him away
"I can't let him see! They'll get cps involved!" You thought to yourself as you continued to try and push him away
"Please..." You said softly as you let out a chocked sob with tears streaming down your face, he stopped as you scrunched up his shirt in your palms
"Please just leave me alone" You sniffled and rested your head on his chest as you let out pitiful sobs, he gently placed his hand on your head and pulled you closer to him
"Im sorry (N/n)...So sorry" He gently stroked your head as you continued to wail into his chest
"I shouldn't have pushed you like that...I'm sorry"
The rest of your day went quite okay-ish at the moment you were in your science class, it wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst so you just absentmindedly listened to whatever peaked your interest
"I'm glad Mido said he whouldn't tell anyone..." You thought to yourself as you glanced at the teacher that was talking about a science project, you looked at the clock and began packing up your things knowing the bell whould ring soon
Students began to leave and you were quick to follow not wanting to be in class any longer than you had to, you went to the library before you headed to Gym, You scanned the shelves for the new (y/f/a) book everyone's been talking about sence two days ago
"Someone probably got it already...who knows" You thought to yourself as you glanced at the clock, you sighed when you saw you only had five minutes left
"I'll search for it later" You thought to yourself as you held your bag tightly and made you way to the ladies locker room, when you entered you went to your locker and grabbed your Gym uniform
"I should change in the restroom" You thought to yourself as you made your way to the restroom but paused when you saw how packed it was
"Excuse me" You said as you carefully pushed through the crowd but then tripped when someone put there foot out, you went tumbling to the ground hitting your knee pretty good in the process and scraping up your elbows
"Aww I'm so sorry" The girl said as she giggled and her friends soon joined in on the giggling fit, you not having any patience went into a stall and slammed it shut before locking it
"Aww is she angry? I thought I heard you say sorry" One of the girls said with a fake caring tone of voice, you huffed and hesitantly took of your sweater before cringing at the bruise that was oh so grateful placed on by your mother then you looked at your elbows taking a notice on how small droplets of blood peeked out from the fresh scrape
"I should've just skipped this damn class..." You thought to yourself as you changed into your gym uniform and slipped on your sweater once again, you grabbed your school uniform and left the stall before placing your uniform in your locker
All the girls began to flood out of the locker room and began to head to the track, you followed close behind and once everyone arrived at the track they did there daily stretches and began to run but you just walked
You hummed and looked to your side to see Aso motioning for you to come to him, you smiled alittle and made your way to him before walking beside him
"Aren't you gonna get hot in that sweater (N/n)?" Aso asked as he lightly tugged at your sweater to which you responded by nervously smiling
"I'll be fine it's not that hot" You said as you looked around to see the other students sweating and you couldn't help but feel sweat build up on your forehead, You and Aso continued to talk about his silly stories
"Oh! And there was this once time when I was playing soccer and I got confused and kicked it into our goal!" Aso said with a lightly chuckle as you covered your mask covered mouth and let out a few giggles
"Crap it's getting really hot" You thought to yourself as you wiped your forehead free from sweat
"Are you sure your not getting hot? You seem pretty red" Aso said with concern laced into his voice, you huffed and glared at him
"Just saying no need to be angry" He said as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck, if you were being honest you felt like an oven
Your mouth was sweating and your chest was building up sweat like crazy
"Fuck it! If I don't take it off I'm gonna have a heat stroke" You thought to yourself as you grabbed the bottom of the sweater and hesitantly pulled it off and your mask was next
"Oh my god! (N/n)! What happened?!" Aso asked as he looked at your arm and face, you flinched away when he tried to grab your arm
"Did you get into a fight? What happened?" Aso asked as he worried over you, He placed his hand on the small of your back and began to lead you away from the track
"I'm fine!" You shouted as you swatted away his hand but he grabbed your upper arm
"No your not fine! Your going to the nurse wether you like it or not alright?!" Aso shouted and he huffed and blew his whistle
"Take a break for now until I get back!" Aso shouted as he began to drag you away
"This is for your own good" Aso said as he looked down at you as you didn't say a word to him

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