🌺 Trouble? 🌺

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~Beep beep beep~
~Beep beep beep~
~Beep be-
You turned off your alarm and groaned loudly before rolling over and covering yourself with your blanket
When you realized you couldn't fall asleep you huffed in annoyance and got up that's when you noticed the window it was open just a sliver, just enough to hear the wind whistle
You went to your window and shut it fully
"Weird I don't remember opening it..." You thought to yourself
"Whatever just get dressed" you told yourself, you got dressed and brushed your teeth and hair
"Was my hair always this short?" You thought as you ruffled your hair, you shrugged it off as you grabbed your bag and continued on with your morning routine
You went into the kitchen expecting to hear chatter but instead you were met by your Mom passed out clutching onto a wine bottle
"I made us all bentos, figured mom needed the rest" (B/n) said, you jolted at his sudden presence but then relaxed
"Did you make an extra one by any chance?" You asked as you set down your bag on a chair
"Yeah why?" He questioned
"No reason just asking" You answered as you went through the fridge and pulled out two bentos and stuffed them into your bag
"I'm gonna take off tell Mom I said have a good day at work alright?" You said as you put on your shoes and began walking to school
Once you got to school you set of for your class and walked In but you froze
"Why hello (N/n) nice to meet you again" He smiled as placed down the stack of papers he was holding
"Pleasure meeting you again Mido Rana..." You said with a tight smile, he chuckled and began placing a paper on everyone's desk
"Your here quite early could it be that you wanted to see me that badly sweetheart?" He asked in a tone that whould make any woman's knees buckle
"No just wanted to come to class early" you said as you pushed past him, he hummed and placed down the last paper
He leaned in close to your ear and softly chuckled when he saw you shiver
"I hope the overcoat I gave you kept you warm doll" He whispered seductively, you blushed slightly
"Oh also may I add I think you'd look wonderful in blue" he kissed the shell of your ear before walking away leaving you a blushing mess while you clutched onto your skirt
As soon as he sat down at the teachers desk students began to flood in, each of them sat at there desk and chatted with there neighbor
"Good evening class I'll be your substitute for today if you need any help feel free to come to me" Mido said as he looked and you and smirked
You looked down and began working on your work sheet when he gave the okay
"Thank God it's Science..." You thought to yourself as you flipped through your notebook for answers
"Need any help (N/n)?" You jolted and looked up to see Mido and you shook your head before resuming to your worksheet, Eventually you finished it and you walked up to Mido and placed down the paper
"Wonderful job (N/n) feel free to spend your time wisely" Mido said as he looked over your worksheet
"May i go to restroom?" You asked and he nodded
You exited class but instead of going to the restroom you explored for alittle, you found yourself at the rooftop looking at the other students running on the track
"Haha sucks to be you" You thought to yourself as you slightly giggled
You jolted when you heard the doors open
"Class is still in session no one should be up here yet" You thought to yourself as you looked over at the door but then quickly hid yourself
"Crap! It's Megamo! The hell is he doing up here?!" You thought to yourself, you panicked when you heard his footsteps get closer but let out a sigh of relief when they began to draw farther away
"(N/n) your not supposed to be here before lunch hours"
You jolted away from the voice and accidentally tripped on your shoes making you fall on your behind
"Oh sorry didn't mean to startle you are you alright?" Megamo asked as he helped you up
"Yeah, I'm fine just came up here to clear my head" You said with a small smile
"It's peaceful up here" you said quietly as you looked out into the field
"Indeed it is, it's one thing I love about this school" He leaned on the railing while gazzing on the outskirts of the field
You smiled and leaned on the railing as well, you two looked in comfortable silence
You jolted when you felt his hand on yours but then smiled
"I guees I'm off the hook right?" You asked and he glared at you but then sighed
"Yes, but only this once do you hear me? If I catch you up here again I'll take you straight to detention" Megamo said as he retracted his hand from yours
"With that being said have a nice day (N/n)" He said as he walked away, you smiled and sat down on the floor
You sighed and got up and went back to your class just to get your bag
"Where were you (N/n)? You took quite a long time" Mido said as he crossed his arms
"Sorry had to take care of something" You said as you picked up your bag
"Have a nice day sir" You said as you rolled your eyes and left class
Eventually you were in your class that you shared with Osano
You sat down and you both exchanged a small smile and got to work when your teacher said to write an essay
"An essay about destiny..." You thought to yourself as you looked at your paper for a second and then let your pencil write on its own
"I believe destiny is..."
Once you finished your essay you turned it in just in time for the bell to ring, you got your desk and grabbed your bag
"Ready to go?" Osano asked you as he gently nudged you
You nodded and you two went to the water fountain and sat on the ledge of it
"Okay so just to be clear I didn't make these, my brothers did" you said as you opened your bag and pulled out two bentos
He hummed and took one
"Thank you for the food" Osano mumbled as he began eating, you smiled alittle when he hummed and ate alittle faster
"Your brother sure can cook" Osano said while swallowing his food, a piece of rice clung to his cheek and you reached over and wiped it off
"Your so cliche! Idiot!" He playfully pushed you but immediately regretted it when you began to fall into the fountain, he went to grab your arm but it was already to late you fell in the water
After you wiped your face from the water that was dripping from your head you got up and looked at Osano who looked like he was about to have a heart attack
"I'm so sorry are you-"
"I'm fine" you said curtly as you grabbed your bag and stepped out of the fountain, a puddle began to form around your feet and you began to walk inside the school and to the nurse's office
"Hello how may- Oh dear! (L/n) what happened?!" Mujo asked as he got up and quickly grabbed a towel
"I fell into the water fountain..." You said as you dropped your bag and took the towel he offered to you
You began to dry your hair but you began to feel cold
Well I mean you were wet and there was air conditioning in the building that whould explain why your so cold
"Wait here sweetie I'll go and try and find you some spare clothes" Mujo said as he left the office, you took off your shoes and hugged yourself in a poor attempt to keep yourself warm
"I shouldn't be mad at Osano...I know he didn't mean it" You thought to yourself as you sighed and continued to dry your hair
After a while Mujo came back with a box
"I found you your uniform skirt but sadly I wasn't able to find a top all I found was an old black hoodie will that be fine?" Mujo asked, you nodded and he handed you the box
You went to the restroom and changed into the spare clothing, you understood why Mujo said the hoodie was old it's sleeves were all cut up and had small holes in them
"It'll work for now" You thought to yourself as you exited the bathroom
"Ah! Wonderful does it fit you comfortably?" Mujo asked as he inspected you
"Yeah it'll do for now" you said with a small smile
"Do you wanna rest here for alittle?" Mujo asked, you thought about it but shook your head
"No but thanks for the offer Mr Mujo" you said as you hugged him, he tenced for a second but wrapped an arm around you while patting your head
"You should get going (N/n) if you need anything come see me okay?" Mujo said as he gently kissed your head
You pulled away from him and put back on your shoes and headed to your next class
You were in your last class for the day
"The day sure did go by fast" You thought to yourself as you read your book sence you already finished your assignment
You looked to your side and saw a student struggling and he held up two fingers
You rolled your eyes and held up three fingers, he smiled and circled C
You resumed reading and eventually you were counting the seconds
You packed up your things and the class soon followed
Once your teacher gave the okay for you all to leave you headed straight home
Once you got home you kicked off your shoes and headed straight to your room sence no body was home yet, you went through your closet and were about to change but stopped when you hear a knock on your window
You looked at your window to see Osorō you hesitantly opened the window and he hopped on inside
"Hey long time no see short stuff" he said as he ruffled your hair you huffed and he gave you an apologetic glance
"Anyways, I had a question" He said as he sat on your bed
"Go on I'm listening" you said as you crossed your arms
"My buddy's throwing a killer party wanna come?" He said with a smirk, you looked at him with a confused expression
"A party? And you want me to go with you?" You asked as you let your arms fall to your sides
He nodded and your confusion only greated
"Why? Why me? Why not someone else?" You asked question over question
"I just think your cool it's a simple yes or no answer" Osorō said calmly
You stayed silent for a moment
"I'll...think about it" You said hesitantly as if forcing out the words from your brain
"Great I'll stop by later kay?" He got up from your bed and went to the window
"See ya later Short stuff" He smirked and hopped out the window
You stood there stunned
"What the hell just happened?" You asked yourself as you sat down on your bed
"(Y/n)! I'm home! Lunch is on the table!" Your brother shouted from downstairs, you got up and went downstairs and into the kitchen
"Fast food?" You asked as he took off his coat, he nodded and you went through the bag
"Hey (B/n)...you whouldn't rat me out right?" You said as you glanced at him
"Maybe depends if your giving me something or not" (B/n) said, he looked you up and down
"Why do you ask?" He said while crossing his arms
"One of my friends want me to go to a party with them and I know if I ask mom she'll say no so I need you to tell her I'm having a sleepover with Osano" You said rather quickly, your brother looked at you as if waiting for something else
"If you don't rat me out I'll buy you lunch for a week" You said with a sigh, he chuckled
"Deal just don't do anything stupid" He ruffled your hair, grabbed his food and left
You grabbed your food and went to your room all you had to do was wait for Osorō to come back
So while time passed you got changed into a long sleeve, pants and your usual combat boots
You eventually got bored and sat down on your bed and played on your phone while you waited.
You looked at the window when you heard a knock and saw Osorō, you let him in and he hopped into your room
"So? Yes or no short stuff?" He asked as he leaned against the wall
"I can't believe I'm about to say this but yes, I'll go with you" You said with a small smile
"Awesome let's go" He grabbed your hand and helped you out the window
"I can't believe I'm doing this!" You thought to yourself
You couldn't help but feel adrenaline rush through your veins as your house got farther and farther out of view

Ayato Aishi X Female Reader Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя