🌺Your not lying are you?🌺

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"Why's Osorō running from the cops surely he couldn't have...no there's no way..." You nervously fiddled with your fingers as you looked at Osorō, Even thought the lights were off you could see his silhouette was hunched over
"Is he hurt?...he didn't hurt anyone...did he?" You thought to yourself and slightly flinched when he flicked on the lights, you felt yourself grow pale and your face contour into an expression of either horror or worry...maybe even both
The bottom half of his shirt was soaked in dark blood and his hands dripped blood onto your floors
"Look it's not what it looks like... i swear i didn't hurt anyone" Osorō said as he attempted to limp towards you, you grabbed a near by book and cocked it back getting ready to throw it at him
"Y-You stay back or I'll-...I'll throw this at you!" You shouted much louder than you'd wanted, your heart squeezed when Osorō face changed into an expression of betrayal
"(Y/n)... I'd never hurt you...you know that right?... you're all i have left you made me feel like i was more than just...this" Osorō said as he motioned to himself, you glanced around nervously and slowly lowered the book until it fell from your hands and onto the floor
"You made me feel like i was more than just...this" That sentence echoed in your head until it was overwhelming, you swore under your breath and looked at him
"Stay put while i get a wet rag for you alright?" You said as you slowly made your way around him, he made his way over to your bed and plopped himself onto it
"Not the bed your gonna get!-"
Knock knock knock
"(Y/n) who are you talking to?" (B/n) had asked as he attempted to open the door, once it opened just a sliver you threw yourself onto it making it slam closed
"Aw! what the hell!" You had heard him stumble back and hiss in pain
"Sorry! I'm changing!" You shouted through the door as you pressed your forehead against it and let out a sigh of relief, You heard him huff loudly
"I was trying to tell you that dinners on the table eat before it gets cold" (B/n) had said as he began to walk away, you locked your door and turned around to see Osorō out of sight
You saw the small droplets of blood lead to the closet so you curiously followed it, you opened your closet to see an uneven lump under the pile of blankets
"Osorō?" You lifted up the blanket to see him looking up at you with pained eye's, he cautiously stood up and would've fell if you hadn't caught him
"Jesus Christ Osorō what happened?" You asked almost in a whisper as you helped him sit down on your bed, he gritted his teeth and held onto his side
You pulled up his shirt to reveal a rather large gash on his side, you shivered at the sight
"W-We need to get you to a hospital" You said as you grabbed his arm and attempted to help him up but he tugged his arm away from you
"Are you crazy?! If i go they'll call the police and lock me up!" Osorō hissed out through gritted teeth, you glared at him and grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him twords you
"Osorō be reasonable here! You either go to the hospital or possibly bleed out to death!" You shouted alittle louder than you had planned, Osorō looked at you shocked with his mouth slightly agape
"Well?" You asked as you let go of his shirt making him lean back, he looked away and grabbed his shirt bunching up the fabric in his hands
You made your way to the door but paused before opening it
How the hell were you gonna get him to the hospital? You couldn't just call an ambulance to your house and your family would flip the fuck out if they saw Osorō
You chewed on the inside of your cheek and began to think of something, anything...
"That might work...it's stupid...but it'll have to do..." You thought to yourself as you opened the door and headed downstairs, luckily your older brother hadn't gotten home and your mother was watching TV
"Okay just grab mom's keys and take him to the hospital... she'll kill me once I get back but...i don't want him to die" You quietly made your way to the entry way and made sure to carefully grab the keys, they softly scrapped against the glass bowl but we're drowned out by the TV
You quickly made your way back to your room and locked the door behind you, you looked at Osorō and saw him holding one of your old towels to his leaking wound
"What's the plan?" Osorō asked as he cautiously stood up
"We're gonna have to climb out the window" You said as you held out the keys making them softly jingle, he let out a airy chuckle but then frowned
"(Y/n)...I'm sorry for all the shit i get you into..." Osorō said as he stumbled to you, he then put his forehead on your shoulder
You softly kissed the side of his head and then sighed
"Common we gotta go" You said as you helped him to the window, he began to climb out and you soon followed but not after turning off the lights
Once you reached the ground you helped Osorō to the car and unlocked it with the keys rather than the button, you carefully sat him down and flinched when he groaned in pain
"Don't worry Osorō your gonna be okay" You said with a worried smile, you closed the door and quickly hopped in yourself
You put the key into the ignition and froze
"Oh please tell me you know how to drive!" Osorō shouted worriedly and he looked at you, you looked at him with a nervous smile
"I-I got this" You said as you turned the key making it spark to life, you then reversed the car rather fast making you two jolt and causing the car to slam into the mailbox
You then froze when you saw your front door open and your mother looking at the car, you quickly backed up into the street causing you and Osorō to jump from the impact of the road
You watched your mother in the rearview mirror run into the street and angrily yell, you sighed deeply and let your eyes focus on the road
"Sorry mom..."
He hummed and glanced at you through the corner of his eye, you gripped the steering wheel tighter and cleared your throat
"What happened...? How did this happen to you? Better yet who did this you? because shit like this doesn't just happen out the blue!" You said as you stopped at a red light tapping the wheel nervously, He shifted so he could face you and huffed
"I don't know if you know him but i think he's from your school" Osoro said as he groaned in pain and held his would, Your eyes flickered to the now green light and took off
"His name's Ayaoto or Ayato, Eh some shit like that..." Osoro said as he let his head hang back, this caught your attention and you looked at him for a moment
"Ayato? As in Ayato Aishi?" You asked him genuinely confused, his brows furrowed and he exchanged the confusion
"You know that psychopath?" Osorō asked as he attempted to sit up but slumped down when he let out a pained groan
"Well I mean we're classmates but we don't talk much" You said as you fixed your attention back on the road and glanced at a sign
City hospital 2 miles
"He seemed like a nice guy he always kept to himself hell, I've seen him help some people to the nurse's office" You explained as you flipped on your blinker and switched to the other lane.
"Well apparently he's not considering the mother fucker stabbed me!" Osorō shouted motioning to the large gash on his side but then hissing in pain when he jerked to fast.
"Look i don't know why he went after you but I'm sure it was for a reason there's no reason someone would just slit open your belly!" You shouted back at him, he looked at you with a puzzled look.
"Are you defending him?"
"Am i defending him?" You thought to yourself, osorō sighed softly and looked out the window
"Look i don't know what your relationship was with that psychopath but i don't know why he attacked me, I've never even met him! Let alone pick a fight with him!" Osorō said.
This made you two sit in awkward silence.
Turn left to reach city hospital
You flicked your blinker on and turned left down the ramp and stopped at a red light
"(Y/n) I'm sorry...I'm sorry that all the time we hang out everything goes to shit...I don't mean to get you in trouble...i really like your company your the only person that genuinely trust me." Osorō said as he looked at you with a small weary smile.
You glanced down at the towel that he had on his wound and frowned sadly when you saw how soaking wet it was with blood
"You better hang on you punk...i-if you die on me I'll bring you back to life and kill you myself" you joked trying to keep his hopes up, he laughed weakly and shivered
"I'm cold (y/n)..." He let out a small chuckle and looked at you
"You know, i was always so ready to die but now...I-I don't wanna die, i finally have something to live for and I'm gonna die?" Osorō said as his eyes began to gloss over with tears
You began to tear up yourself and your eyes flicked up to see the light and you took off when it turned green
To your horror you saw a car racing twords you at a far to fast speed then everything went black.
"The hell is that noise?"
Your eyes fluttered open and you glanced around you
You were in a hospital bed
"We made it" You thought to yourself as you let out a small wheeze like laugh.
Your lungs burned and your body ached.
"Where's osorō?"
Beep beep beep beep!
You shot upright despite your bones screaming for you to lay down, you looked down at your arm to see needles and bandages in almost every spot on your arm
You ripped them out despite the pain... There was no pain it was numb everything was numb
You swung you legs off the bed and stood up ignoring the buckle in your leg ready to make you fall down to the ground
"I have the find osorō"
You leaned against the wall as you walked and pushed open the door.
You winced at the bright light practically blinding you, you shielded your eyes and looked around to see no one.
Everything felt so surreal your body felt like it was floating yet, your limbs were in so much pain
You began walking
Where to?
Who knows
All you knew was that you needed to find osorō, you stumbled as you walked looking around confused where you were going.
You glanced up at one of the door and pushed it open, you saw an old man lying there with an elderly woman by his side.
You closed the door and continued opening doors blindly, none of them contained the boy you needed to find.
"So tierd..."
Your body was slowly giving out, your once burning determination and adrenaline slowed to a stop.
"Last door...please be him"
You pushed open the door
There he was!
You stumbled over to him but stopped when you saw someone by his side.
You couldn't see them your vision was practically swimming and your head pounded in an uncomfortable rythum.
"You gave me no other choice...now she got caught up in your mess because you wanted help"
"That voice...i know that voice..." You thought to yourself as you attempted to move closer, your knees didn't allow it
That buckle that settled in your knees finally locked and it brung you down.
You flopped against the floor but forced your head up ignoring how your body wanted to melt into the ground, you saw something gleam
A needle?...
Why a needle?
"Don't worry I'll take care of her while your gone, it's not like she'll miss you anyways"
And with that being said he inserted the needle into his arm and pushed the mysterious liquid into his veins
Beep beep beep...beep...beep
"Osorō" you reached your hand out but your eyes became heavy, exhaustion was settling in and you couldn't do anything to stop it
Your hand dropped to the ground as you passed out from the burning pain raging through your body and the exhaustion taking over your brain
"This is all for you Senpai..."
"Ma'am wake up...your family's here...ma'am"
You groaned softly and you began to slowly wake up
"Ah wonderful your awake" The nurse said softly barely keeping her voice above a whisper
"Your family's here would you like to see them?" The nurse asked you once again, but instead of responding you sat up abruptly making your head spin.
"Is osorō okay? I-I...is he okay?"You asked frantically, the dream still fresh in your mind
"Osorō? Oh do you perhaps mean the boy you came in with?" The nurse asked to which you responded by nodding your head
She frowned and chewed he lip nervously
"I'm sorry ma'am...we went to check on him this morning but he was...unresponsive" The nurse explained
Your heart dropped to your stomach, everything around you began to blur
"Look at it this way ma'am at least he's in a better place" The nurse said trying to lighten the mood but you never believed that crap
"You really believe that? You really believe in that whole 'oh he's in a better place' crap?" You scoffed and looked away from her, she gently put her hand on your shoulder to which you responded by flinching away from her
"I-I just wanna be alone...please" You said softly as you felt your eyes gloss over with tears, the nurse sighed softly and left the room
"why does everyone i know keep getting hurt?...I'm sorry osorō i should've tried harder, maybe if I had been more careful you would still be here."
You hugged your knees close to your chest and let your tear fall, it started with a few drops then morphed into pathetic sobbing
"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry"
"This is all my fault...I'm sorry...it's not fair...i should've gone instead of you"
"It's not fair..."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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