🌺 After school detention 🌺

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When you got to your class you saw a crowd around the door
"What the hell? Is there a fight or something?" You picked up your pace and tried to peek in but couldn't see anything
"Hey what's going on?" You asked the girl that was infront of you
"There's a substitute and oh my God is he hot" She giggled
"Oh..." You sighed and pushed past people letting out small apologies here and there just so they whouldn't hold a grudge
You then heard the bell ring and everyone outside the door scurried away like cockroaches
Well more like fan girls which they were but whatever
"Alright class take your seats, Take your seats" He hummed and picked up a stack of paper's
"I'll be your substitute for today, My name is Mido Rana it is very nice to meet you all" He smirked and his eyes lingered on you for a split second
His voice was more flirty than strict but who cares, You weren't gonna lie he was kinnda hot
He then began passing out the papers and when he gave you yours his hand brushed against your arm you couldn't help but scoot it away alittle
You picked up your pencil and looked at your paper but stopped
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me" You sighed and wrote your name at the top
"Alright class go ahead and start on your math packet I expect it to be turned in by the end of the class" He sat down in his chair and played with a pen on the desk
You hesitantly raised your hand and he hummed and looked at you
"Yes (L/n)?" He stood up and you put your hand back down
"May I get a calculator?" You asked and he nodded and brought you a calculator, but not the one for the students he gave you the one meant for the teacher
You were about to protest but he raised a finger to his lips and made a "Shushing" motion and then walked back to his desk and sat back down
"Okay then..." You began to work on your packet but after a while you got extremely frustrated you were tapping your pencil against your desk and tapping your foot rather loudly
"(L/n) whould you care to explain why you are making so much noise?" Mido asked and to this point you didn't even care if he was a teacher
"Oh maybe beacuse I don't understand a god damm thing in this fucking packet" You said with a smile but it dropped after a split second
He smirked and stood up grabbing a sticky note
"Well I guess you love after school detention (N/n) beacuse that is were your staying this afternoon" He attached the sticky note to your desk and students around you snickered and whispered
You glared at him and he smirked at you as if saying "Checkmate"
He walked away and you looked at the sticky note
"(Y/n) (L/n) was disrupting class and then resorted to being rational so I apologise for her coming home late"
-Mido Rana
You groaned and let your head fall into your hands
"So much for going home..." You thought to yourself
After the bell rang you packed up quickly and tried to leave hoping Mido whouldn't stop you but he did
"(N/n)! Stop right there" He shouted loud enough for you to hear, you groaned loudly and sat back down while everyone else left, After the last person left you huffed and looked at Mido
"So what's my punishment Mido? You gonna make me do three times the work or speak to you about how I used such foul language?" You said with a smug grin painted on your face
He chuckled and loosened his tie and walked up to you
"Even better I want you to clean this entire classroom" You looked at him stunned
"Yeah you heard me I want it spotless got it Missy?" He sat on your desk and chuckled
"Common you gotta be kidding that's gonna take forever!" You protested as you stood up
"I'm not now you can either waste precious time or you can stand there yelling at me" He stood up as well and lifted you chin
You growled and slapped his hand away and grabbed the broom and mop from the closet
"Can I get the bucket from the rooftop?" You asked with a snarl
"Of course darling go ahead but do know if you leave I will be contacting your parents" He said sweetly
"God he pisses me off so bad!" You thought to yourself you huffed and made your way upstairs and got the bucket and filled it with water
You carefully made your way back to class being careful to not spill any water, Once you got to class you began mopping the floors
"So why didn't you just ask for help (N/n)?" Mido asked, you looked at him confused
"I'm talking about the packet" He answered to your confused expression
"Asking for help isn't really my thing I'm that student that just pretends everything's alright" You said while you continued mopping
You heard him hum but paid no attention to it, all you wanted to do was be done with this stupid task
You eventually finished mopping, sweeping and wiping down the desks all you had to do was wipe down the chalkboard
"This should be easy" You thought to yourself as you pushed a desk against the board and placed the soapy water next to you, You climbed on top of the desk and balanced yourself on your knees and cast a warily glance at the desk when it groaned under your weight
"Alright let's get this over with it's already been an Hour and a half" You said to yourself determined to finish cleaning
You then began wiping down the board making sure it was spotless
"Do be careful (N/n) I don't want you falling" Mido said and you huffed
"I'll be fine" You replied as well with a roll of your eyes
You eventually finished and you smiled to yourself and began to climb off the desk but you lost your balance and fell backwards bringing the bucket of water with you
It all happened so fast you didn't even know what happened you just felt cold and well...Wet
You looked around you and saw the puddle of soapy water covering you from head to toe
"(N/n)! Are you alright?" Mido asked as he helped you up
"Yeah I'm fine just fell is all" You said while hugging yourself struggling to keep warm
You saw that he seemed to stare at you for a split second but you noticed he wasn't looking you in your eyes he was looking at your chest
You completely forgot you were wearing a (F/c) bra it was practically glowing underneath the damp white shirt
"(N/n) you should know better than to wear a colored bra underneath a white shirt" He said strictly you blushed and looked away
"You should've listened when I told you to be careful or we whouldn't be in this situation now whould we?" He said as he grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him
"I'm sorry sir" You said quietly, you jolted when you felt something drape around your shoulders, you looked at him and saw he put his overcoat on you
"I'll drive you home you can't go home walking like that at night time you'll catch a cold" He said as he made his way twords his desk and plucked his keys from a cup, you were about to protest but he grabbed your bag and arm and began dragging you to his car
Once you got to his car he opened the door for you and you hesitantly hopped in
He closed the door and got in as well and turned on the car
"What's your address?" He asked and he began backing up and driving out of the parking lot
You told him your address and he began driving, The car ride was silent and tence if you could you could've cut it with a knife
"I'm sorry for swearing at you Mido i was just frustrated" You admitted and he glanced at you
"It's alright just don't let it happen again" He said as he continued driving, you nervously bounced your leg and you jolted when he placed his hand on your knee
"Stop that it's distracting me" He said in a stern voice you nodded but he kept his hand on your knee
After about five minutes of driving you arrived at your house, you grabbed your bag
"Thank you for the ride Mido it was very nice of you" You smiled alittle and he smiled back and patted your thigh
You opened the car door, got out and went into your house
"Where have you been?! Who was that? Why are you soaking wet?!" You mother bombarded you with questions and you shivered clutching onto Mido's overcoat
"I got after school detention and got a ride from one of our substitutes due to me being a clutz and dropping water on myself" You explained your mother sighed and ushered you upstairs to take a shower
You couldn't be more happy you rushed into your room and got a spare set of clothes and took a nice warm shower, it was just what you needed if you were being honest
After you took a shower you dried your hair and went back to your room and flopped onto your bed, you sighed and hugged the stuffed animal that Oka gave you, you yawned and let sleep take over you and you fell fast asleep

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