🌺An eventful day🌺

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You attempted to hit the targets that were practically teasing you, you threw the last orange ball trying desperately to knock down the target but it bounced to the floor to your disappointment
"Awww...this game's rigged!" You shouted out as you crossed your arms, Mujo patted your head in a poor attempt to calm you down
"Mind if I give it a go?" He asked as he gave your hair a slight ruffle, you huffed and looked up at him
"Go for it..." You said with a slight pout, he kneeled down and pushed the coins into the slots until it gave a small ping sound
"Alright then let's see if this game's actually rigged or not" Mujo said as he rolled up his sleeves, he waited for the orange balls to roll down before he began picking them up and throwing them at the targets
Much to your surprise every ball he threw knocked down one target, you watched as the tickets spilled out from the slot
"Wow! Your so good at this game! Holy crap!" You said in disbelief and with a slight laugh, he glanced at you with a smirk and kept throwing the orange balls at the targets
"The last one!" Mujo shouted as he threw the ball and knocked down the target successfully, you clapped in excitement with a smile on your face
"Wow! That was impressive! I never knew you were so good at games!" You said as he kneeled down and tore off the tickets that were connected to slot, he chuckled and stood once again before handing you the tickets
"Please that was a piece of cake" He said as he ruffled your hair, he glanced at his watch that wrapped around his wrist and frowned ever so slightly
You noticed his unhappy expression and tilted your head
"Is something wrong Mujo?" You asked as you looked at him, his attention snapped twords you and he shook his head
"No, it's nothing it's almost time for you to go home is all..." Mujo said with a sad smile, you too also felt a small frown creep it's way onto your face as you looked down at your shoes
"But!" Mujo said, you looked up at him to see him with a smile
"I say we play one more game, your choice!" He said as he looked down at you, your eyes lit up in excitement as you grabbed his sleeve and began to drag him to the nearest shooting game
"Oh are you sure you wanna play this one? It's really...violent" Mujo said as he looked at you with a nervous smile but then saw how happy you were
"Yeah! Years of playing video games with my brothers surely won't fail me today!" You said with determination laced into your voice as you kneeled down to slip the coins into the slot
You quickly got up and took a hold of your gun holding it correctly, you waited for the dialogue to finish so you could show off on how good you were at these type of games
"Now be careful out there! And try and kill as many of those monsters as possible soldier!"
Your character ran out into the field and that's when the game began, you shot each and every zombie, mutant, monster, bug and slime that was in your sight, each time you shot one of the monsters that got to close blood whould splatter on the screen
"W-Wow...your really good at this game (N/n)" Mujo said slightly concerned as he watched you focus, you killed the last zombie and cheered when a high score popped up
New score! 1,240!
You watched in disbelief as tickets spilled out like crazy from the machine, you and Mujo celebrated as you two jumped up and down
"Good job (N/n)!" He praised you as the tickets finally stopped spewing out of the machine, the tickets laid in a messy pile as you kneeled down to neatly fold them
"One more game?" You asked as you stood up and gave him a pleading look, he forced himself to look away as to not be tempted to 'of course!' and take you to another game
"Please Mujo? Only this game and I promise I'll go home!" You pleaded as you clasped your hands together and looked up at him with the best puppy eyes you could give, he sighed and looked at you ready to say no but the look you were giving struck him right in the heart
He sighed deeply and placed his hand on your head with a small smile
"How about we go try out those bumper cars instead?" Mujo asked as he removed his hand from your head and leaned down to be face to face with you, Your eyes lit up and your cheeks flushed ever so slightly
"I'll take that as a yes" Mujo said as he grabbed your hand and led you to the bumper cars, a number of other teens were there but thankfully you didn't recognize any of them
"Here, so you don't waste any of your coins" Mujo said as he handed you ten of his coins, you smiled and nodded
Once you two made it to the front of the line you payed with your designated coins and hopped into a bumper car
You jumped into a (F/c) car while Mujo got into a pink one, you strapped yourself in as you waited for the game to begin
Once it begun you and Mujo attacked each other not even batting an eye at the other people that were in the other cars, you jolted forward when Mujo hit your bumper car from behind letting out a loud laugh
"Hey no fair!" You shouted as you turned around and practically rammed into his car making the both of you jolt forward and laugh, eventually the ride ended and you two got out of the cars and headed to go turn in your tickets and get some prizes
Mujo's slip of paper read 3,250 points while yours only had 1,890 points
You shrugged your shoulders and you two headed to the big center piece of the entire arcade, the prize collector
You scanned the small boxes tryna figure out what you wanted and that's when you looked up and saw it, there hanged the biggest stuffed bear you'd ever seen
Your eyes lit up as you looked at the stuffed animal in awe but to your disappointed it was way over your points, you pouted and walked away from it but Mujo stayed looking at it then he looked at you before smiling
"May I see your points?" The lady behind the counter said as she held out her hand, you nodded and handed her your slip of paper as Mujo stood beside you
"Okay, what would you like?" The lady asked, you hummed and looked behind her
"Can I have that box of huge Pocky? Oh! And that blue dinosaur plushie?" You said as you looked at her with stars in your eyes, she nodded and grabbed the two items before placing them on the desk and tapping away on her small monitor
"Okay you have 200 points left" You knelt down and looked at the small boxes behind the glass screen
"Can I have five taffy pieces?" You asked as you pointed to the candy, she nodded and gave your the candy and gave you a kind smile
"Alright that's it, here's your prizes" She slid them to you and you put the taffy candy in your overall pockets and held your plushie and Pocky
"What are you gonna get Mujo?" You asked as you looked up at him, he patted your head making you smile
"Do you want that teddy bear? I saw you looking at it earlier" Mujo said as he ruffled your hair ever so slightly, you tried to hide the excitement in your eyes
"No those are your points you should use them for yourself" You told him as you shook you head, although you really did  want that stuffed bear you didn't wanna make him get it for you
At that point on you kinda spaced out just hugging the dino plush you got and staring down at you shoes, you snapped back into reality when you felt something soft being pushed into your side
"Hello! I promise I'll be your best friend (Y/n)!"  The teddy bear said and Mujo peeked out from behind with a chuckle
"So how about it? Wanna be his friend?" Mujo said as you held out the bear to you and shook it tauntingly, you smiled and hugged it tightly
"Thank you Mujo!" You said as you looked up at him, he patted your head and looked at his watch
"Now you made a promise to go home missy, so it's time to go home" Mujo said as he put his hands on his hips, you sighed and pouted ever so slightly
"I know..." You said with slight disappointment, he grabbed your arm and led you to his car where he them opened the door for you
You smiled and hopped in placing your teddy bear in between your legs as your strapped yourself in
"What If I just stay with him?"  You thought to yourself as you watched him round around the car and open the door, He strapped himself in before he turned on the car and began to reverse
"Hey Mujo, I have a question..." You said as you hugged your teddy bear and looked out the window, he hummed in response as he began to drive off
"What if I don't go home? What if I just stay at your place for the night?" You said as you looked at him, he abruptly pressed on the breaks making the both of your jerk forward and the car behind you honk angrily
"Sorry" Mujo said nervously as he held up his hand so the people behind him could see, he began to drive off once again but he didn't answer you leaving you curious
"So? What if I did end up staying with you? Whould I be able to?" You asked once again as you slightly leaned towards him, you took notice on how he gripped his steering wheel
"Y-You really shouldn't (N/n), I'm a teacher after all" Mujo said with a nervous chuckle as he stopped at a stop sign and waited for the other cars to pass
"You know, it's alittle to late to say that considering you took me to your house and took me to an arcade where we then proceed to spend the entire day together"  You said as you looked at him with a victorious smirk, he sighed before looking at you
"Yeah I suppose your right but be warned I wake up early got it?" Mujo said as he poked your forehead and slightly pushed you back, you pouted and hugged your teddy bear
Eventually you and mujo made it to his house, he opened the garage with a button in his car and drove in
"Last chance are you sure you wanna stay with me?" Mujo asked teasingly as he looked at you, you rolled your eyes with a giggle
"Positive sir" you said as he turned off the car and closed the garage door, you unbuckled your belt and got out of the car
He opened the side door for you where you then took off your shoes and headed twords the couch, you placed down your teddy bear and stretched
"Do you have any pajamas?" Mujo asked you as he put his keys in a glass bowl, you shook your head and he excused himself before going upstairs
You sat down on the sofa making yourself comfy as you waited for Mujo to come back, you jolted when your phone began to ring in your pocket
You looked at your phone and huffed when you saw your mom's caller ID
You pressed the decline button and you searched through your messages, you clicked onto (O/b/n)
"Hey I'm staying at a friend's house alright?"
"As long as you still go to school I'm okay with it"
You turned off your phone and turned around when you heard footsteps come down the stairs, you saw mujo holding grey plaid pajamas in his arms while he wore a loose band t-shirt and some sweatpants
"I got you some pajamas sence you said you didn't have any" Mujo said as he placed them on the cushion next to you, you smiled alittle
"Thank you" You said as you grabbed them and got up, you excused yourself and actually went to the right room this time to change
You undressed yourself and put on your plaid shirt and you tried to put on the pants but they were way to big for you, you looked down and saw that the shirt ended at your knees
"I'll be fine right?"  You thought to yourself as you peeked out the room and hesitantly stepped out, you yawned finally feeling fatigue hit you
You made your way downstairs and smiled when you saw a blanket neatly throw over the couch, you grabbed the blanket and turned off the light before curling up on the couch and falling sleep
You jolted awake and covered your eyes with your blanket when you saw how bright it was, you groaned in annoyance as you got up and turned to the stairs to see Mujo on the floor
"Uh...Mujo?" You said as you went to him and looked down at him, he groaned and sighed
"I miss stepped" Mujo said as he looked up at you but immediately regretted it when he got a full view of everything, he burst out into a blushing frenzy and looked down practically slamming his head on the floor
"Wh-Why aren't you wearing the pants I gave you?" Mujo asked as he got up still red in the face and not daring to look at you
"Oh they didn't fit me and I didn't wanna ask you for anything else" You said as you rubbed the back of your neck with a nervous giggle, he glanced at you and looked you up and down
"A-Alright well go uhm wait here will you?" Mujo asked and you hesitantly nodded your head, he went to a room leaving the door open and eventually came out with your uniform neatly folded in his arms
"I washed your uniform I hope you don't mind" Mujo said as he handed you your uniform with a smile, you took it with a small nod of appreciation
"Go ahead and get ready we leave in twenty minutes" Mujo said as he slightly ruffled your hair, you headed upstairs and into the restroom
You took off the plaid shirt and replaced it with your uniform shirt along your skirt, you gave your face a quick wash and patted it dry with a towel
"My hairs a mess..."  You thought to yourself as you looked at yourself in the mirror, you searched through the drawers and hummed when you saw a hairbrush
"How convenient"  You thought to yourself as you grabbed the hairbrush and began to brush your hair so it wouldn't look so frizzy and crazy, you exited the restroom and went downstairs to see Mujo already in his nurse uniform ready to go
"So what do we do with him?" Mujo asked as he pointed to your giant teddy bear, you smiled alittle and hummed
"Can you drop it off at my house after school?" You asked with a small tilt of your head, he nodded and grabbed his keys from the glass bowl he placed them in last night and spun them around his finger before catching them
"Let's go" Mujo said as he headed twords the side door and you were quick to follow and slip on your shoes, you two hopped in the car and strapped yourselves in before taking off
"Do you want me to get you some breakfast or maybe a bento for lunch?" Mujo asked as he stealed a quick glance at you before focusing on the road once again
"I mean I'd love that but he's gotten me a lot of thing already..."  You thought to yourself as you smoothed out your skirt
"No I'm fine but thanks for the offer" You said with smile, he nodded and eventually you two got to school
You hopped out the car and grabbed your bag from the backseat, you waved bye to Mujo before heading inside
"Wow I've never been to school so early...it's so quiet"  You thought to yourself as you began walking to your classroom
Thud!  Bang!
"Ow! Crap!"
You looked at the door that the commotion was behind and of course your curiosity got the best of you, you slid the door open and saw many boxes messily thrown on the ground then you saw Kizano on the ground looking up at you while rubbing his forehead
"Morning (N/n) what brings you here? Did you perhaps come to see yet another wonderful performance?" Kizano asked as he smirked, you rolled your eyes and held out your hand
"Maybe but mostly because I heard you yell so yeah" You said as you waited for him to take your hand, he chuckled as he took your hand
"You know you don't have have to be afraid of admitting that your a fan darling" Kizano said in a teasing tone as he winked, you playfully rolled your eyes and hoisted him up
He looked down at the ground and saw all the costumes and props were spilling out of there boxes, he huffed in annoyance and bent down collection the items
"Do you need help?" You asked as you kneeled down and also began to pick up the props, he smiled before nodding
"Thank you (N/n) I appreciate it"
"Thanks again (N/n) you should probably head to class don't want the teacher bitting your head off or anything" Kizano said as he grabbed your hand and placed a kiss on your knuckles, you blushed alittle and grabbed your bag before rushing out
"What the hell was that?! Why am I attracted to that?!"  You thought to yourself as you power walked to your class before quietly making your way to your desk and pulling out the necessities
"Hey did you hear? One of our classmates apparently got murdered"
"I know I heard on the news last night so messed up...the way the news described it was downright terrifying"
"A classmate? Murdered? The hell are they talking about?"  You listened in on there conversation curious on what they were talking about
"I know right? That was some psychopath stuff...poor Amao he was so nice to everyone..."
"Amao? No.... there's no way I must've heard wrong"  You thought to yourself as you chewed on your pencil, you turned around and faced the girls
"Hey I know it's pretty messed up to ask but who got murdered?" You asked in a whisper so the others wouldn't hear you, the girls looked at you with a sad smile
"Amao, Amao Odayaku the boy that was in the cooking club" She pulled out her phone and tapped away on it making her acrilic nails clink against the screen
"Apparently the neighbors reported a stench coming from there house so the police went to go check it out and then that's where they found them just dead...The father was killed with this weird poison thing and the mom god even thinking about it makes me wanna gag..."  She covered him mouth and the other girl showed you her phone screen, you were mortified you'd never seen something so
Messed up
Amao didn't even look recognizable his torso had multiple stab wounds and his face was so cut up and covered in dry blood, you got up when you felt tears streaming down your face
"Hey are you alright?"
"I-I need to go" You grabbed your bag and quickly walked out of the classroom passing by the teacher that was about to enter the classroom and power walked to the restroom, your tears threatened to fall but you didn't want anyone to see you cry...
It was was no use your tears rolled down your cheeks and you bit the inside of your cheek

Ayato Aishi X Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now