🌺 Your grounded!🌺

502 22 10

Tw) Abuse
You looked down at your shoes not wanting to meet your mother's burning glare that bore into your head, if looks could kill you'd drop dead at that very moment
"(Y/n) (l/n) I asked you a question! Where were you?!" Your mother shouted as she stumbled into your room slamming the door closed behind her
"J-Just out getting some fresh air" You sheepishly mumbled as you nervously chewed on your bottom lip
"Why'd you come through the window? Why didn't you use the front door?" Your mother asked as she slightly slurred her words
"Has she been drinking?" You thought to yourself
"Mom, have you been drinking?" You asked as you looked up at her, she scoffed as she stumbled to your door and locked it
"Mind your damn business (Y/n)! I've had a long day!" She shouted as she scowled at you
You stayed silent not wanting to upset her anymore than you might've you knew your mother was an angry drunk always looking for someone to wail or take her anger out on, sence you were the youngest she always took it out on you any chance she had
"Well are you gonna answer me?! Or are you just gonna stand there like an idiot?! Why didn't you use the front door?!" Your mother shouted much louder this time making you jolt and look down at your shoes
"I...just wanted some alone time" You answered, she scoffed and stumbled twords you
"You really think I believe that bullshit your spouting?!" Your mother shouted as she roughly grabbed your arm, her nails digging into your skin and leaving indents
"Ow! Mom your hurting me! Let me go!" You shouted as you tried to pull your arm away but she just tightened her grip
"No! Your gonna listen to me and you better listen good! Why'd you start misbehaving once we moved huh?!" Your mother asked as she gripped your arm tighter, you knew that the patch of skin whould bruise
"(B/n)! (O/b/n)! Help!" You yelled as tears streamed down your face from both fear and the pain that your mother was causing you, your mother growled and slapped you across the face
You cried out in pain when you felt the burning and stinging pain in your left cheek, you heard your doorknob jiggling
"Mom! Leave her alone!" (B/n) shouted at the top of his lungs as he pounded on the door
"(O/b/n)! Help!" Your brother shouted as he twisted and turned your doorknob trying desperately to open your door
"(B/n) shut up! (Y/n) you listen to me! You've gotten after school detention, you've snuck a friend over and most likely whored around with him, and went to a sleepover without my permission!" Your mother shouted as she slapped you once again, you heard your brother's yelling as you cried
"Mom open this fucking door!" (O/b/n) shouted as he turned the doorknob and banged on the door rapidly
"Both of you shut up!" Your mother shouted loudly as she slapped you once again when you tried to push her away
"Don't you dare try and push me away (y/n)!" You mother shouted with venom laced into her voice, you raised your arms to shield your face but your mother pulled down your arms and slapped you again
"Don't put your arms up! Take your punishment you bitch!" Your mother shouted as she slapped you once again making you tumble to the ground and wail loudly, you heard loud banging on your door and they only gradually increased
"Leave her alone dammit! Mom! Open this damn door!" (O/b/n) shouted at the top of his lungs although his voice broke making it obvious he was panicking
"Your grounded do you understand me?! Don't you dare try and leave this room until you realize how terrible your behavior is!" Your mother shouted as she knocked over items on your desk, a picture frame shattered as it meet the ground and bottles clattered to the floor as you cried and shook in fear on the ground
"Leave her alone! Please!" (B/n) shouted yet you could hear that he was crying, your mother grabbed your phone and scoffed
"You see this?! This is the phone that I bought you and I say you don't deserve it!" Your mother said as she placed your phone down on the ground and began stomping on it
"Fucking ungrateful child!" Your mother stated as she delivered her last stomp to your shattered phone screen
"No!" You wailed out as you brought your hands to your mouth as to muffle your loud cries that left your mouth, your mother glared at you before stumbling to the door and opening it pushing past your worried brothers
They both rushed inside the room and (B/n) noticed you were on the ground
"(Y/n)!" (B/n) shouted as he got on his knees and attempted to look at your face but you kept turning away from him
"No! Don't look" you managed to speak in between sobs, that's when they noticed how trashed your room was
"Damn her!" (B/n) shouted as he pulled you into his chest and attempted to comfort you, you were a shaking and crying heap of mess you just couldn't calm down
"P-Please I wanna be alone I-I need to be alone" you said softly already feeling your throat getting sore from yelling and crying
Your brothers exchanged glances before sighing deeply
"Alright we'll leave you alone just call if you need anything" (O/b/n) said as (B/n) got up leaving you on the floor, they looked at you before leaving the room and closing the door behind them
You grabbed your phone and let out a choked sob as you heard your mom angrily yelling inside the house, you quickly got up and hid underneath your blankets
You felt like a kid hiding from a monster that you claimed to see in the closet but that wasn't the case this time, this time the monster came for you and hurt you but of course no one whould believe you
You sat up and grabbed your hand mirror looking at your face it was red and beginning to swell due to being hit so many times, you threw your hand mirror across the room and his underneath the blanket once more
"My face hurts...everything hurts, my chest hurts I can't breathe" You thought to yourself as you hugged you pillow close to your chest and softly cried into it, you just couldn't stop crying you wanted to but you just couldn't
"I hate her! I wish she'd just disappear!" You mentally cursed your mom as you hiccuped and gasped for air, you felt your eyelids grow heavy and you found yourself slowly succumbing to the sleepiness that called you
"(Y/n)! Wake up! You need to wake up!"
You looked around frantically but we're only met with pitch black surface
"(N/n)! Wake up! Hurry!"
You squinted and tried desperately to catch something but you saw nothing but then you saw an outline of someone
"Who are you?! What's your name?!" You shouted at the outline
"Hurry! Wake up! He's coming!"
"Who's coming?! Who are you?!" You shouted as you continued to be wary of your surroundings
"Wake up! Hurry! Watch out!"
You looked behind you but instead of turning around you began falling
"Holy shit!"
You jolted awake and gasped for air as you patted around your bed to make sure you weren't actually falling, you sighed in relief as you let yourself fall back on your bed
You glanced at your window and saw it looked like early morning so you hesitantly got out of bed and grabbed your uniform before opening the door, you stopped when you saw (B/n) sitting down asleep on your left side of the door and (O/b/n) on your right
"Did they sleep at my door all night?" You thought to yourself as you carefully creeped to the restroom, you quietly opened the door and closed it behind you
"I wonder what that dream was about...eh whatever it was probably just a random nightmare, don't overthink yourself (y/n)" You told yourself, you paused when you saw your reflection
Your cheeks were slightly bruised, your hair was frizzy and your eyes were puffy as to make it obvious you were crying
You cringed at your reflection and huffed, you stepped away from the mirror and took of your clothes before hopping in the shower
"I'll have to wear a mask to hide the bruises..." You thought to yourself as you reached to twist the knob for the hot water but stopped when you saw your bruised arm
"I guees I'll have to wear a hoodie as well..." You sighed and got your shower ready before bathing yourself hoping your negative energy whould wash away with it but common let's be realistic here, once you finished showering you stepped out, dried your hair and brushed your teeth before getting dressed
You quietly headed back to your room to see your brother's gone but then realized that (B/n) had school and (O/b/n) had work that they'd have to get ready for, you went in your room and grabbed a (F/c) sweater before putting it on
"Good it hides my wrist" You thought to yourself as you grabbed your bag, you searched through your drawers knowing you had a simple black mask somewhere in there and eventually you found it
You smiled to yourself before looking out your room before you began to head downstairs
"Psst! (Y/n)" You looked behind you to see (o/b/n) holding out some money to you
"Get yourself a bento from a convenient store" He said as he walked to you and handed you the money and patted your head before smiling sadly
"(Y/n)...your face" He frowned and you held onto your bag tightly
"I'm gonna head out tell (B/n) I said have a good day" you turned away from him and went downstairs, slipped on your shoes and headed out the door
"I think the closest convenient store is five blocks away" You thought to yourself as you turned around and began walking to the store
"Crap I forgot-Oh right...mom shattered my phone" You sighed and continued walking, you began humming (Y/f/s) as you kicked small stones that were in your path
You couldn't help but smile and pick up your pace when you saw the convenient store come into view, you walked up to the automatic sliding doors and slipped on your mask before you entered the store
"Yōkoso!" You looked at the counter and saw a lady who looked in her mid thirties, you waved and began looking around the store
Eventually you settled on a Japanese soda and some pork belly onigiri for your lunch so you went up to the counter to pay, as she was scanning the items you took out the money from your pocket and waited for her to finish scanning
"That'll be 200 yen" The woman said kindly as she handed you your bag and in exchange you handed her the money, she put it in the cash register and gave you your change
"Have a nice day ma'am" You said as you grabbed your bag as exited the convenient store and began on your path to school, you took off your mask and placed it into your bag
"(N/n)! Is that that you?!" You turned around startled and saw Aso
"Crap what's he doing here?!" You thought to yourself as you quickly put your mask back on and waved at him, he smiled and ran up beside you as he began walking with you
"Fancy seeing you here!" Aso said with a bright smile as he softly chuckled
"I know right? You live around here?" You asked but tilted your head when he had a confused expression on his face
"Is something wrong?" You asked alittle worried at his confusion, he hummed and put back on a smile
"Sorry! I didn't mean to stare I was just wondering if you were sick is all" Aso said as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck
"Play along it'll pay off later in the day (y/n)" You told yourself
"Yeah alittle but it's-"
"You should've stayed home! You gotta heal up (N/n)!" Aso shouted worriedly, you jolted and your brows knitted together
"I-Im fine don't worry Aso like I was trying to say it's nothing major" You said but then blinked in confusion when you felt your bag and grocery bag being plucked out of your hands
"In that case I'll do you a favor of carrying your stuff!" Aso said as he held onto your bags with pride, you couldn't help but smile underneath your mask
"Also at track today you don't have to run! Just stick to my side alright?" Aso said and you couldn't help but giggle at his gentleman like antics
"Okay Aso"

Ayato Aishi X Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now