🌺Recovery 🌺

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You woke up in an upright position and you looked around and saw (B/n)
"Hey princess...how you feeling" He asked and you looked down at your body and cautiously lifted up your shirt
The bruise wanted to make you gag so badly...
"Mom's on her way and (O/b/n) is signing some papers" (B/n) said as he clasped his hands together
"Did i break my ribs?" You asked and looked up at him, He did nothing but nod and put up two fingers
"The doctors said you didn't have to have any surgery or whatnot" He said and then (Y/o/b) walked in
"Oh she's awake? How you feeling?" He asked as he walked over to your side
"Like I can't breathe..." You said and the doctor walked in with his clipboard
"We're gonna prescribe her some Nerve block and Narcotics to help ease the pain" The doctor said as he handed (Y/o/b) a slip of
"She'll be free to go in acople of hours" The doctor said as he began to walk out
"Will I still be able to go to school?" You asked and the doctor turned around and sighed
"After Six weeks maybe everyone recovers differently some take shorter and others longer" He explained and your brother began to ask questions
"What is she not allowed to do?" He asked and the doctor sat down on the chair
"Mostly she's not allowed to do any Pushing or pulling and she's not allowed to engage in any sports she'll injure herself more if she does any of these things" The doctor explained
"For treatment you can put ice on the area of the break to relieve pain, You need her to take deep breaths to prevent Pneumonia and make sure she doesn't wrap anything tight around her ribs when there healing as I said before she'll injure herself if she does that" He got up and adjusted his jacket
"Is that all?" The doctor asked and your brothers asked and the doctor exited the room and your Mom bursted through the door she seemed to be out of breath
"(Y/n)!" She let out a choked sob when she saw the bruise on your rib
"Hey Mom..." You nervously smiled and your brother stopped her from hugging you
"S-Sorry I'm just so glad your okay when I heard you got hurt I got so worried" She sniffled and wiped away her tears
"The doctor said she'll be free to go after a couple of hours, He also gave me this" He handed her the slip of paper and your Mom read it and nodded
"I'll stop by the pharmacy when we get home...In the meantime make sure to look after your sister okay?" She told your brothers and they looked at each other then Mom and they nodded
"(Y/n) make sure to rest okay?" Your Mom said to you and you sighed and nodded
After you signed out of the hospital you went straight home and your brothers helped you to your room and made sure you were comfortable
"For the last time I'm fine (B/n)" You huffed already annoyed by the babying
"All right if you say so, Call if you need anything got it?" He said as he ruffled your hair and left your room
~Ding dong~
~Ding dong~
"I'll get it!" (B/n) shouted and you sighed and grabbed your phone and began to scroll on social media
You looked up when you heard a soft knock on the door
"Oka!" You smile and see he has gifts
"Hi (N/n) how are you feeling?" He said as he waited for you to invite him inside your room
"Alittle better it's just the bruising that hurts, Please come in" You motioned for him to come in and he nodded and walked in and placed some Japanese snacks on your desk and a black stuffed bunny
"Awww~ Who's this little guy?" You asked as you picked up the stuffed bunny
Oka softly chuckled
"A thank you gift, It's for you" He said as he hesitantly sat on the edge of your bed
"Aw Oka you shouldn't have" You said as you hugged the stuffed Bunny
"It's the best I could do, (N/n) you broke your rib trying to protect me I will forever be in your debt" Oka said as he gently took your hand and took it in his
You smiled and brought his hand to your lips and gently kissed it
He looked away to hide his blush and he cleared his throat
"I also brought some books for you" He said as he grabbed his bag and rummaged through it and pulled out (Y/f/b/a) books
"I saw you reading this certain book author in class one time" Oka said as he handed you the book's
"I thought you'd might like them" He said with a nervous smile, You took the books and looked at him
"Thank you so much Oka" You smiled and he smiled back, He seemed to think for a moment before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his phone
"Can I have your number? In case you need anything you can contact me" He said and you nodded and took his phone and typed in your number
"Well I should get going I'll come visit you when I have the chance okay?" He got up and picked up his bag and began exiting your room
"Bye (N/n)" He smiled and waved and left and you hugged the plush he gave you
He's so nice...
You thought to yourself and softly smiled
"So who was he? Your boyfriend?" Your brother asked and you huffed and glared at him
"No he's just a friend" You smiled to yourself and your brother rolled his eyes
You laughed alittle but immediately regretted it when your ribs began to ache like hell
You hunched over hugging your stomach
"You okay?!" Your brother went to your side and you nodded and just waited out the pain
It eventually went away and you knew you had to watch what'd you do
"Mom should be here soon with your medication alright?" (B/n) said and you heard a car door slam
"Speaking of the devil" (B/n) said and he left your room and went downstairs
You heard them talking but paid no attention to it
"Hey sweetie" Your Mom peeked her head in and you saw that she was holding a bag with a glass of water
"Got your medication" She went to you and set the glass on your side table and pulled out two pull bottles, You sighed
"I know, I whouldn't wanna take this medicine either but it'll make you feel better" She opened the two pill bottles and got one of each and handed them to you and gave you the glass of water
You looked down at the pills in your hand and popped them in your mouth and took a swig of water and downed the pills
"There you go you'll feel better in no time sweetie" Your Mom said as she patted your head
"It's getting late now so go ahead and get some rest alright?" She kissed your forehead and left your room, closing the door behind her

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