🌺The hurtful truth...🌺

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You smiled softly at him and you grabbed his hand and held it gently as if it were fragile glass, he smiled and brang your hand to his lips and kissed your knuckles softly
"As long as I'm here with you nothing will happen to you..." Oka said in a small voice, you couldn't help but let your heart flutter at those words
"Thank you Oka..." You thought to yourself as you looked at him in awe, he nervously cleared his throat
"Would you like to take a seat?" Oka said motioning to his bed, you nodded and let go of his hand
"I never knew you had a little sister" You said as you sat down on the corner of the bed, letting your hands run over the soft covers
"You never asked" Oka said sheepishly as he dug through his drawers, he let a smile tug on his lips when he found what he was looking for
He pulled out a deck of black cards with gold details on it, the cards were rather large...well larger then regular playing cards at least
"What are those?" You asked as you leaned forward trying to get a better look at them, he showed them to you but when you tried to grab one he was quick to pull it back
"Oh sorry" You said with a nervous giggle
"There tarot cards it's what's gonna help you get a reading on yourself" Oka explained carefully yet you didn't quite understand it, you both jolted when there was a soft knock at the door
Then the door handle rattled acople of times before the door swung open revealing Marilyn holding a stuffed bunny
"Mama said she wants to talk to you" Marilyn said as she looked at Oka then gave a small glance at you
"Tell her I'll be down in a s-"
"No mama wants to see you right now" Marilyn said as she crossed her arms, you couldn't help but giggle softly at how adorable she looked scolding her older brother
Oka deeply sighed and gave you an apologetic smile got up and exited the room, yet his little sister stayed and just looked at you
"...Do you like my brother?" Marilyn asked as she held her stuffed bunny, you blushed alittle and nervously scratched the back of your neck
"Perhaps...why do you ask?" You said sheepishly, she tootled up to you and jumped onto Oka's bed
"He likes you he always talks about you" She said clasping her hands together and making a kissing expression
"(Y/n)'s sooooo perfect she always talks and smiles at me she's always wants to be with me i think I'm in l.o.v.e" Marilyn mimicked her brother with much exaggeration in her tone, you couldn't help but burst out into a laugh at how she was talking
"It's true though! He does like you!" Marilyn said as she made her bunny face you and held out it's arm as if it was talking to you, you looked at her
"Oka actually likes me?...love's me?" You thought to yourself as you felt a blush creep onto your face, Marilyn gasped and she made an 'ooooo' sound
"You like my brotheeerrr! You love him! Love! Love! Love! Love!" Marilyn shouted and you covered her mouth but quickly retracted it when she licked your hand, you wiped your hand on your jeans and shivered
"Okay maybe I-"
"Marilyn time to get out"
You two both looked at the door to see Oka holding a tray and Marilyn pouted but obediently left the room, leaving only you and Oka
"Sorry I took so long my mother wanted me to prepare for the tarot card reading" Oka said with a nervous smile, he then kicked the door closed and placed the tray on his bedside table, you looked what was on the tray
"Two cups of tea and...a bowl of fruit?" You thought to yourself as you slightly tilted your head, oka noticed your confusion
"It's chamomile and black tea if your wondering...oh! The bowl of fruit is just for a snack if you get hungry" Oka said as he waved his hand dismissively
"Is there a difference? Like you know witch difference with the tea?" You asked as you examined the cups, when you looked back at oka you practically saw the stars in his eyes
"Chamomile will help you with the anxiety and lack of sleep your having but it also helps with stress as well" Oka explained carefully and you nodded listening carefully
"Then there's black tea which helps strengthen your emotional state and it'll repel negative energy" Oka finished as he clasped his hands together, you gave a small smile and he looked at you as if waiting for you to pick one
"I'll just take the chamomile Oka but thanks for the explanation" You said with a small smile and he carefully handed you the cup being careful to not spill the substance, you smiled softly at him and took the cup and gently blew on the tea being careful to not burn your tongue
"I just wanna warn you the reading may be... utterly honest" Oka said hesitantly, you arched an eyebrow
"Honest?" You said confused to which oka replied with a simple nod of his head
"Do you wanna begin? You know to get it out of the way?" He asked as he took his own cup of tea and took a small sip, you thought about it for a moment and nodded
He got up and grabbed the cards before sitting back down with you
"Okay...i need you to close your eyes and clear your mind..." Oka said as he focused his attention to the cards, you were hesitant to close your eyes
"I need you to remove any negative thoughts from your mind" Oka said softly, you struggled for a moment nervously fidgeting
"I-I can try-"
"No i need you to do...if you don't clear your mind your answer won't be clear" Oka said firmly, you took a deep breath in and held it for three seconds and let it back out
You continued doing so until your attention only remained on the soft covers you sat on, the gently breathing that would fall from Oka's lips
"Okay..." You softly softly and Oka merely hummed in response and you heard cards shuffling
"Open your eyes" Oka commanded softly and you listened, when you opened your eyes you were met with a line of cards on the bed
"Pick three that speak to you..." Oka said as he looked at you, you looked down at the cards and saw three almost paper thin strings attached to three cards
And so you picked them
'wheel of fortune'
'Ten of cups'
'Ten of wands'
"It feels wrong...like uneasy" You said as you looked up at Oka and you showed him your cards to which his smile had contorted into a frown
"Th-There fine don't worry" Oka said as he averted his gaze and attempted to grab the cards from you but you pulled them back, you knew he was lying he always looked around when he was lying
"Tell me what they mean" You said firmly as you held the cards in you hand, he swallowed thickly and looked away
"Please Oka...i need to know the truth" You said softly as you placed down the cards, he sighed and glanced at you from the corner of his eye
"Okay I'll tell you...but your not gonna like the answer" Oka said as turned to face you, you saw how his smile had turned into a thin line of concern
He grabbed the three cards you had picked and looked over at him, you saw how he held the cards as if they were an awful texture
'Wheel of fortune'
"The negative side of this cards resembles a negative phase, bad luck and lack of self control...I'm guessing you've been having trouble at home?" Oka said as he looked at you, you looked at him shocked and hesitantly nodded your head
'Ten of cups'
"This card is telling you your feeling neglected or perhaps you have poor timing for what you want or need" Oka explained and you saw how he looked at you with such worry, if anything it concerned you
"Is this what he meant by the cards being utterly honest?...i don't like it..." You thought to yourself as you began to pick at your skin on your hands
"...Is someone avoiding you? A friend? Family member? Or perhaps your just wish to see someone who's deceased..." Oka said and you felt everything around you suddenly turn quiet, your breathing had begun to come out in uneven puffs of air and you felt yourself shaking
"You wish to see Amao don't you?"
"No! No! I know he's dead! I don't wanna see him! He's dead!" You covered your ears and began to breath quicker, you hadn't even heard the door open and Oka's mother come in
"I don't ever wanna see him again!"
You were holding one of Oka's stuffed animals while you recovered from your outburst
"I really shouldn't have blown up like that..." You thought to yourself as you sighed deeply
"I-I should go... it's getting late..." You said softly as you put the stuffed animal down and got up, Oka stood up quickly
"I'm s-"
"Don't be...you warned me and i didn't listen...it's okay" You said with a small smile, he nodded and then perked up as if he remembered something
"Oh! I have something for you" Oka said as he began to go through his drawers once again and gave you a small pouch, curiosity got to you and you reluctantly opened the pouch to reveal
"Rocks?" You looked at Oka and he nervously smiled
"There Crystals, I thought you might've wanted to have them" Oka said as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck, you smiled alittle and closed the pouch back up and held it in your hand
You made your way to the door and exited to the room and carefully made your way downstairs, you went to the front door and just when you were about to slip on your shoes you heard footsteps behind you
"Are you leaving?"
You turned around to see Marilyn and you nodded
"It's getting late so i have to go" You explained to Marilyn, she looked around before looking back at you
"You aren't mad at my brother are you?" Marilyn asked as she held onto her stuffed animal, you looked down and cleared your throat
"No...no I'm not mad at him" You sighed deeply and put on your shoes before tying up your laces
"Will you come back?" Marilyn asked as she looked up at you, you smiled alittle and patted her head
"Maybe..." You forced yourself to turn away from her and walk out the door, you took a deep breath of fresh air and began walking home
It was most likely already 11:00 considering how pitch black it was the fact that it rained didn't help either, it was so quiet...it was unsettling
"Why'd you have to blow up like that...you never let things like that get to you..." You thought to yourself as you kicked a rock and watched it skid onto the pavement, you grabbed your phone from your pocket
You felt your blood run cold...
"You might wanna get home quick"
"Don't want someone to kidnap you right?"
"What the hell?..."
You quickly spun around looking around everywhere, you put your phone in your back pocket and began to speed walk home
"Okay everything's fine don't freak yourself out!" You told yourself but you couldn't help looking over your shoulder every once and a while, every car that passed put you on edge and every noise made you jump
"Almost home... almost home" You began to walk slightly faster but then stopped when you hear police sirens, you looked behind you to see a small flicker of red and blue but paid no mind to it
"Wonder what that's about..." You thought to yourself, once you say your house come into view you felt overjoyed but you noticed something
Those sirens had become louder and they sounded more near
You turned around to see that the lights had become more vibrant
"Okay then! Focus on getting home!"
You forced yourself to look away but then started to run when you heard a loud metal clang, you didn't even bother to look behind you
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"
You ran up the stairs of your front porch almost twisting your ankle on one of the smaller step's, you twisted the door knob and practically threw yourself inside slamming the door shut behind you
"What's going on?!" You mother shouted but you couldn't even get out a word, your lungs burned from running home so quick and you were shaking
"(Y/n)? You alright what the hell happened? Are you hurt?" (B/n) asked as he knelt down and checked over you, your mother just simply stood and watched
"I-Im fine I just freaked myself out" You managed to get out as you slipped off your shoes and shakily got up, your brother was quick to help you but once you put your hand up he left you alone
You quickly headed to your room not wanting to be with your family right now, you flicked on the lights and closed the door but you could still hear those damn-
Thunk thunk thunk!
You practically jumped out of you skin and quickly looked at your window to see Ōsoro trying to open the window with a worried expression, you went over to the window and opened it letting him inside to which he practically faceplanted
"What the hell-"
"Quiet!" Ōsoro said as he quickly shut the window and ran to go turn off your lights, he stood motionless as the sirens zoomed by and then let out a sigh of relief when you both could no longer hear them
"H-Hey dolly..." Ōsoro said as he flashed you a nervous smile
"I can explain..."

Ayato Aishi X Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now