🌺 Nurse's office 🌺

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"Fuck! What do I do? What If he tells a teacher or worse...the principal he'll call cps!" You thought to yourself as you continued to get dragged inside the school campus by Aso
Once you and Aso stepped foot inside the building you ripped your arm away from him
"Why do you care so much?! It's just a couple of bruises!" You shouted at him, He just sighed and looked at you sympathetically
"I know your mad at me but its for your own good (N/n)..." Aso said as he went to grab your hand but you pulled your hand away from him, you scowled at him and huffed
"Why can't I have a couple of bruises without someone on my ass about it?! I whould've been fine Aso! I didn't ask for your help! I didn't ask anyone for help!" You shouted your voice getting louder and slightly echoing through the halls
"Those marks are clear signs of abuse or an aftermath of a fight...so please let me help you" He grabbed your hands and sandwiched it between his calloused ones with a soft smile, You couldn't help but slightly relax your tence shoulders at his soft smile
"It won't hurt to get you patched up so please...let me do this for you" Aso said as he gently kissed your knuckles which resulted to you blushing, you sighed and looked at him with a small smile
"I guees it whouldn't hurt" You said as you slowly pulled your hands away and let them fall to your sides, He smiled and placed his hand on the small of your back and began to lead you to the nurse's office
Before you two got to the nurse's office you slipped on your sweater and your mask so you whouldn't draw any unwanted stares at your bruises, you looked at Aso who was looking at his watched
He hissed as his nose scrunched up in frustration, he sighed and looked at you
"Do you think you can do this by yourself? I've got a class to look after" Aso said as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck with an awkward smile, you sighed
"Yeah I'll think I'll be fine" You said with a small smile, he beamed and kissed the corner of your lip and ran off
"Jeez don't be pulling stuff like that idiot!" You thought to yourself as you watched Aso run out of sight, you walked into the office and gave a small wave to the lady that was always seated at the front desk
You walked up to the nurse's door and breathed in before hesitantly knocking
"Just a minute!" You heard Mujo's voice ring through from the other side of the door, you looked down and nervously played with your sleeves
The door opened abruptly making you jolt and look up at Mujo, he looked down at you and smiled
"Oh hey (N/n) what can I help you with?" He asked as he stepped aside so you could step inside the office, you hesitantly went in the office and placed yourself on one of the nursing care beds
Mujo closed the door before having a quick conversation with the Front desk attendant, he sighed then turned to look at you
"What can I help you with?" Mujo asked as he walked closer to you, you nervously played with your sleeves and chewed on your lip
"Should I tell him the truth? No...I should lie that whould be the better answer...Right?" You thought to yourself as you glanced up at Mujo who looked down at you with his head tilted ever so slightly in curiosity, you sighed and looked at the wall
"Aso made me come here for a couple of bruises that's all" You said sheepishly as you glanced at him, he tilted his head but then quickly looked away when you grabbed the hem of your sweater and began to pull it off
You nervously giggled as you pulled of your sweater and folded it somewhat neatly
"It's alright I'm wearing my school uniform underneath" You said as you patted your sweater, he hesitantly turned to look at you then breathed a sigh of relief
His eyes drifted to your arm and he gasped and gently grabbed your arm, you winced due to the bruise still being tender
"Darling what happened? Who did this to you?" He asked with care and concern laced into his voice, you chewed on your lip and looked at the wall once again as to avoid his look at you
"Did someone hurt you? These are handprints darling..." He gently traced the handprint that made the bruise appear, your nose scrunched up in hatred at the memory of the event that happened last night yet you stayed silent
"Darling...answer me" Mujo said as he gently cupped your face, you two locked eyes and you sighed
"You aren't actually sick are you? My guess is that your hiding more bruises under that mask correct?" Mujo asked as he hooked a finger on your mask strap and slowly began to pull it off, you clutched onto your skirt as he fully pulled off your mask
"I ran into a pole..." You said with a pitiful chuckle as you averted your gaze
"Last time I checked poles don't make handprints..." Mujo said as he gently stroked your cheek with his thumb as to much sure to not hurt you, you slightly leaned into his hand and breathed out a sigh
"Let's get you fixed up shall we?" Mujo said as he pulled his hand away from your face and went to his medicine cabinet
"I can trust him...He's to kind to tell anyone" You thought to yourself as you swayed your feet back and forth as you waited for Mujo to get what he needed, you looked at him and saw his arms were filled with alcohol wipes, aloe vera, white medical tape, an ice pack and a small white towel
"I think this should do the trick" Mujo said as he placed them on the separate nursing care bed, He picked up the alcohol, aloe vera and the white medical tape
He then sat next to you and carefully grabbed your arm
"So do you mind telling me what happened darling?" Mujo said as he tore open an alcohol pad and began cleaning your bruise, you pondered and fought with yourself if you should tell him the truth or lie
"He'll tell on us! We can't trust him idiot!"
"Yes we can!"
You jolted when you felt something slimy being applied to your bruised arm, you looked at Mujo who was applying aloe vera to your bruise
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to" Mujo said as he gently rubbed the aloe vera gel into your bruised arm, you shook your head as he began wrapping your arm with white medical tape being careful to not make it to tight
"I trust you...just don't tell anyone...please" You pleaded as you looked at him, he stopped his movement for a second and looked at you
"My mom got drunk last night...and when she's drunk she gets angry and when she's angry she gets...Violent" You said as you felt yourself tearing up at the memory of how she screamed at you last night
"Sence I'm the youngest she always comes after me and this time my brother's couldn't get to me in time..." You clutched onto your skirt and you felt your chin being lifted, you locked eyes with Mujo who wiped away the tear that threatened to spill
He pulled you into a hug and placed your head in the crook of his neck, you sniffled and hugged him tightly
"It's alright...your safe here" He kissed your head and rubbed your back comfortingly, you whimpered and hugged him tighter like you were afraid he'd disappear if you let him go
"As much as I love the attention we still need to tend to you darling" He patted your back and waited patiently for you to let go, you eventually did and Mujo kissed your forehead
He grabbed the ice pack he'd recently gotten it had melted abit but it'd do the job he then wrapped it up in the small white towel he'd got
"This is gonna be cold okay?" Mujo said as he showed you the towel wrapped ice pack, you nodded and hissed when he placed the ice pack on your cheek
He let out a soft chuckle as he held it there and watched as your nose scrunched up due to you being so cold, you glanced up and him and flashed a small nervous smile
After a while he took off the ice pack and grabbed the aloe vera gel and unscrewed the cap
"You don't mind me touching your face do you darling?" Mujo asked as he looked at you, you shook your head and he squeezed some aloe vera gel on his fingers
He began to gently rub the gel on your left bruised cheek as he hummed a small tune, you smiled ever so slightly at how intently he looked at your bruised cheek
You patted your lap as you looked around then you looked at him, you never noticed but he was beautiful not handsome but beautiful
To the way his eyelashes curled prettily, to his clean and soft looking face, and the way his eyes sparkled when he talked about something he adored
"Is there something wrong darling?" Mujo asked as he glanced up at you, you were snapped out of your daze
"Huh?" You said in a confused matter, he merely let out a soft chuckle
"I can feel you staring at me not that I mind of course, I just thought you wanted to ask me something" Mujo said as he continued to rub the gel evenly onto your cheek, you blushed sence you thought you weren't staring that much but apparently you were and it embarrassed you
"O-Oh sorry i was just admiring how beautiful you are" You said without thinking you only realized what you said when he stopped his movements
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to say that! I just- ugh!" You covered your face with your hands as Mujo let out soft chuckles
"It's alright darling and I think your beautiful as well" He kissed your hands that were covering your face, you peeked out through your fingers and slowly brought your hands down to your lap
"You...you mean it?" You asked as you looked at him, he nodded and grabbed your hand
"Of course I do darling" He kissed your hand and looked at the time
"Let's finish up, it's almost time to go home" Mujo said but then noticed how you tenced up
"You could always...come hang out at my place if you'd like" Mujo said as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck, he then looked down at you and saw you had a smile on your face
After Mujo had finished patching you up you went to the locker room to change back into your normal clothes and grab your bag, once you did you made your way to the office once again
"I can't believe I'm hanging out with Mujo I wonder what we'll do for fun" You thought to yourself as you began to let your mind wander but when it began thinking of not so innocent things you shook your thoughts away, you facepalmed yourself with a huff
"Idiot, he's the school nurse!"
You stopped walking when you saw Mujo waiting for you at the front office, you whistled to which he responded with by looking at you and getting up
He walked to you and you walked by his side as you two stepped out of the school
"So where do you feel like going? My house? A restaurant? Oh! Maybe the arcade?" Mujo gave more recommendations but what caught your attention the most was the arcade
"Now that I think of it I don't think I've been to the arcade here before..." You thought to yourself as you hummed
"I'd like to go to the arcade if you don't mind" You said with a small smile, he nodded and went through his bag and pulled out his keys
"First I'll go take you home so you can get some clothes, You can change at my place oh! And I'll wait outside don't worry" He patted your head as he clicked a button on his keys and the car gave a small beep, you looked at his car
"Hm not bad an Audi" You thought to yourself as you walked by his side till you got to the car, he opened the door for you and you smiled before climbing in
He closed the door and rounded the corner before hopping in the car and closing the door, he put pressed the small button that replaced the keyhole and with that the car buzzed to life
If you feel lonely I could be lonely with you
The car loudly sung and Mujo quickly fumbled with the radio and turned it off in a hurry, he nervously chuckled when you giggled
"Oh stop laughing" He pouted as he huffed, you let out a few more giggles before settling down Mujo then put his seatbelt on and looked at you
"Car doesn't start moving until your buckled up darling" He tapped on his steering wheel as you huffed
Nevertheless you buckled up and he moved the stick into reverse and carefully backed up before moving it to drive, he them drove off after you told him your address
"Have you been to the arcade before?" Mujo asked as he stopped at a stop sign before driving off again, you shook your head
"Well I've been to an arcade but not the one here I'm kinda curious if I'm being honest" You said as you looked at him with a smile, he softly chuckled before stopping once again
That's when you realized you were at your house and you couldn't help but feel yourself tence up, Mujo patted your head with a sigh
"Don't worry you'll be okay, I'll be right here just scream my name if you need my help understand?" Mujo said as he looked you in your eyes, you nodded and hesitantly opened the door before walking up to the front door
You got the key from underneath the matt and unlocked the door as you walked inside you took off your shoes before heading up the stairs
"Who's outside (Y/n)?"
You froze when you figured out who was speaking
"Just a friend Mom..." You said sheepishly as you quickly made your way upstairs, at this point you weren't walking anymore you were in a slight jog
Once you reached your room you stepped in before closing the door behind you and locking it, you let out a sigh of relief before you dug through your drawers
"Maybe some tights? Nah...Oh! What about shorts?" You thought to yourself as you held up a pair of shorts but then realized how worn out they looked, your nose scrunched up and you stuffed them back in your drawer
"Maybe not...hmm do I have any good clothes?" You thought to yourself as you looked through your next shelf, your eyes lit up when you saw a (F/c) skirt overall
You plucked it from it's spot and grabbed a (Y/f/s/a) inspired shirt before grabbing some converse shoes from your closet, you stuffed them in a bag before hesitantly opening your door and making your way downstairs
"So which friend is it?"
You slightly tenced but then became expressionless as you turned around to face her
"I am not gonna show that I'm scared of her" You thought to yourself as you held onto your bag so tightly your knuckles began to whiten
"Just a friend" You turned away from her and began walking away while she was bombarding you with useless questions, eventually she growled and began walking twords you
"(Y/n) (l/n)! I am talking to you!" She went to grab your arm but you pulled it out of her reach
"Touch me and I'll scream so loud the neighborhoods will hear me, including my friend that's waiting outside" You glared at her and balled your hands up into a fist
"Hit her! She deserves it!" Your conscious yelled at you but you didn't, instead you just walked away as she stood there dumbfounded that you stood up for yourself
"Don't expect me home anytime soon...(M/n)" You opened the door and closed it behind you as you made your way back to Mujo's car, you opened the door and hopped in before closing and buckling up
"Did everything go okay?" He asked as he placed his hand on yours, you smiled and nodded
"Whew, that's a relief" He smiled nervously and then began driving to his house, you watched as the houses slowly got bigger and bigger
"Guessing you live in a big neighborhood?" You asked as you looked at him, he hummed
"I guess you could say that" Mujo said as he flicked on his blinker and slowly rode into a garage
"My parents gave me this house before they passed away, it's filled with so many memories" He smiled and turned off the car, you let a small frown find its way on your face and he took notice to that
"Aw darling there's no need to be sad! It's alright" He brung you into a hug and patted your head
"Common let's go inside" He opened his door and you followed him to the side door where he then grabbed his keys and opened the door, Once he opened the door he took off his shoes and placed them by the door you did the same wanting to show respect
"The restrooms upstairs" He patted your head and you nodded and began to head upstairs
"Such a nice house" You thought to yourself as you let your hand slide against the wall, you eventually gave up on trying to find the restroom do you just went into a random room
You began to undress failing to notice the jingling of the doorknob, you slipped off your shirt and froze when Mujo opened the door
"Gah! I'm so sorry!" Mujo shouted as he quickly closed the door, you blushed darkly and facepalmed yourself
"Go ahead and change in there! I'll take the restroom!" You sighed when his footsteps began to get farther, you fully undressed and changed into your outfit you twirled around marveled at how the overall skirt looked on you
You found a mirror and looked at yourself that's when you noticed the pictures
"Are these...his parents? Is that him?!" You picked up a photo that had a pink haired female and a blonde haired male holding a toddler with that same bubblegum pink hair that Mujo had
"He looks so adorable" You thought to yourself as you let out a small giggle
Knock knock knock
"Darling are you ready?" Mujo asked his voice slightly muffled, you placed down the phone
"Yeah!" You opened the door and you gave a small tilt of your head when he blushed
"You look... wonderful" He nervously chuckled and that's when you noticed what he was wearing, he was wearing a white sweater with blue jeans
"So do you" You said with a smile and a small tint on your cheeks
"Common" He grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers together as you two made your way downstairs, you two both but on your shoes as you got in the car
"Let's go have some fun" Mujo said with a smile as he turned on the car
"This is gonna be fun!"

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