🌺 Why... 🌺

542 22 3

You kept glancing at Osano as you scribbled down notes in your journal and answered questions in your worksheet, you chewed on you pencil as you tried to figure out one of the harder questions but gave up
You got a sticky note from your bag
"Help me please? Question 13 it's to difficult for me : (" You looked at the teacher and saw she was reading so you crumbled up the paper before quickly but softly throwing it on Osano's desk it landed with a small tapping noise, he jolted ever so slightly before looking at it and unfolding it
He stuffed it into his bag and continued working
You sighed and just guessed for the question before glancing at the clock
"Almost time for lunch I should ask if Osano if he'd like to join me for lunch at the fountain" You smiled to yourself and began doodling on your worksheet
"Hopefully he doesn't push me in like last time"
You smiled and the students began packing up and you soon followed once the teacher gave the okay and got everyone's papers she dismissed class but you waited outside the door due to Osano staying behind to talk to the teacher about something
You couldn't help but get startled and jump back a bit when the door opened abruptly but then you soon relaxed when you saw it was Osano, He just looked at you and began walking so you sticked to his side
"Do you wanna have lunch with me at the water fountain?" You asked with a small smile, he glanced at you for a brief second before turning his attention back to his path
"I'll pass I'm not that hungry" Osano said blankly and you couldn't help but frown ever so slightly
"Is something bothering you? Do you wanna talk about it tangerine?" You asked as you grabbed his sleeve
You were taken aback when he ripped his arm away from you as he glared daggers into you
"Just leave me alone already!" He shouted yet his face softened when he saw your hurt expression
"Leave me alone..." He said much softer before walking away leaving you with you hand pulled to your chest, you watched as he walked away with clenched fists and rounded a corner that's when he disappeared out of your sight
You couldn't help but feel hurt at the situation that occurred he'd never blown up on you like that, you sighed and headed outside rather than the fountain like you'd previously planned
You planted yourself on the ground as you placed your bag next to you before hugging your knees close to your chest and sighing heavily
"Did I do something wrong?" You asked yourself as you let your head fall onto your knees, you felt hurt and you couldn't help but tear up but you clenched your jaw
"No I don't wanna cry...people will see..." You told yourself yet your tears were on the peek of the bridge of falling you just wanted to be invisible so you could cry in peace
"(Y/n)?" You looked up and saw Aso
"What are you doing back here? Is everything alright?" He asked and you quickly wiped your face and put on a smile trying to look like you weren't about to cry
"Yeah I'm fine" You said yet you could feel your voice threaten to break
"Are you sure? You can always talk to me" He squatted infront of you so you'd be face to face then he just kept poking questions at you and you felt yourself grow annoyed due to being upset and he wasn't making it better
"I said I'm fine!" You shouted but regretted it when you saw him flinch, that's when your tears spilled over like an overflowing tub
"I-Im sorry I didn't mean to yell at you" You said sheepishly as you began crying
You tenced up when Aso pulled you into his chest and played with your hair
"It's okay don't worry I get that your upset" Aso said softly as to not startle you, you clutched onto his shirt and began to cry more
This moment reminded you of the time when Mujo comforted you while you were crying so you couldn't help but feel safe in Aso's hold
"It's okay your okay" Aso said as he continued to play with your hair as you cried into his chest
You eventually calmed down but you didn't let go of Aso beacuse you felt comfortable in his hold
"Feeling better?" He asked softly you didn't say anything but you just nodded
"Do you wanna talk about it now?" Aso asked but you shook your head, he looked at his watch and sighed
"You should get going lunch break is gonna end soon" Aso said as he patted your head
You sighed as you got up
"Thank you for...making me feel better" You said sheepishly, he nodded and you picked up your bag and began to head to your locker
Once you got to your locker you opened it and a piece of paper slipped out and fell gently onto the floor, you picked it up thinking it was one of your worksheets but saw it wasn't your handwriting
"Meet me on the rooftop after school we need to talk it's important"
-Osano Najami
You folded the paper and put it in your bag
"I don't wanna go to class..." You thought to yourself as you took out your math journal from your locker and stuffed it into your bag
You headed to class and took your seat at your assigned desk, you took out your math textbook and journal and waited for the lesson to start
Once the lesson started you paid attention but kept letting your mind wander
"What does Osano wanna talk about? Does he wanna tell me what happened? What if he doesn't wanna be friends anymore? What if he hates me and wants nothing to do with me? What if he confesses to me?" You stopped writing for a split second while the last question played on loop in your head, it sounded ridiculous but what if it was true
"(L/n)!" You jolted and quickly looked up to see your teacher glaring at you
"I've already called you three times do you mind explaining why your not paying attention?" The teacher asked, you shook your head
"I asked you what you got for number sixteen" You looked down at your page and realized you'd only done ten questions
"I'm sorry I haven't gotten there yet..." You said as you looked down at your paper not wanting to look at the teacher knowing she was just gonna glare at you and make some snarky remark
"Well then maybe you should stop spacing out and actually pay attention for once" She said as she turned around and scribbled on the board
"I hate this class..." You sighed and began to doodle on your journal
You looked out the window and began to space out again thinking of the worse scenarios possible on what whould happen when you met up with Osano, you shook your head trying to get all the negative thoughts out of your head but they whould just be replaced with new ones
You sighed softly and began working on your worksheet again
"I wanna go home..."
You were in your last class of the day and you kept glancing at the clock waiting for the bell to ring in your ears
You quickly packed up your things and left class before the teacher gave the okay to leave but you could care less, you headed to the rooftop and went to the back of the rooftop where you and Osano whould hang out but...he wasn't there
You sighed and leaned against the railing
"Of course he's not here..." You said out loud as you held onto the railing so tightly your knuckles began to turn white
"Hey..." You quickly spun around and saw Osano
"You...wanted to talk?" You said softly as you held your arm
"(Y/n)..." Your eyes grew wide and you looked up at him beacuse he'd never called you by your first name
"We can't be friends anymore" Osano said, those word hit you like a truck you felt all the air get knocked out of your lungs and your eyes pricked with tears
"Don't try and talk to me" He turned away and began to walk
"No...no no no don't let him leave! Move! Run! Something!" You shouted at yourself you took one step then another and then you began to run at him, you grabbed his arm and pulled him back
"Osano please don't do this to me" You said as your tears began to fall, he looked at you and a frown formed on his face
"I'm sorry I just can't..." He pulled his arm away from you and turned around
"What did I do wrong?! Please! Osano!" You shouted as tear fell down your face in streams, he tenced up
"I-I can't..." He turned around and you saw that he was also crying
"Please Osano...tell me why..." You sniffled and hiccuped
"I can't! I want to but I can't!" He shouted as he clutched his chest
"Osano..." He looked at you and tenced when you hugged him
"Please..." He struggled in your grasp trying desperately to push you away but you held onto him tightly
He let out a chocked sob and hugged you tightly
"I-I love you...I love you so much but we can never be together..." He said softly you looked up at him
"Why not..." You asked in a hushed tone, he lifted up your chin and kissed you softly
"We just can't...I'm so sorry..." He let go of you an turned away from you
"Don't try and change my mind (Y/n)..." He walked away and down the stairs leaving you hurt and in tears, the sky turned dark and small water droplets fell from the sky
You headed downstairs
"(L/n)" You looked behind you to see your teacher and she handed you your phone
"Thank you..." You said softly as you began to walk home in the rain not caring if you'd get soaked in the freezing rain, when you got home you took off your shoes and headed to your room
You changed into your pajamas and layed down on your bed, you opened your phone and clicked onto Osano's contact
"I miss you so bad..."
You teared up when he didn't even bother to respond, you placed down your phone and hugged your pillow tightly as you softly sobbed into it

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