🌺He's gone...🌺

496 22 10

You rushed into the restroom and made your way into a stall before locking it and leaning against the door, you squeezed your eyes shut and let your bag fall to the floor with an audible thump
You let out a choked sob and sat down on the closed toilet before letting your tears spill like an endless stream, You covered your face with your hands as you cried into them your breathing had turned into gasps and hiccups
"Why...why him?! Why not anyone else?! What did he ever do to anyone?!" You thought to yourself as you bit the inside of your cheek to prevent yourself from talking out loud, your mouth filled with a metallic taste as blood dripped onto your tounge
"Amao was nothing but kind...so why? I wish I'd talked to him sooner...now i can't...he's gone...he's not coming back"
Your tears got heavier as they rolled down your cheeks and dripped onto your skirt, you sniffled and tried to wipe away your tears but they wouldn't stop
You looked down at the ground as your chest rapidly rose up and down trying desperately to gather air back into your lungs but it was no use due to you hiccuping, Your tears dripped onto the bathroom tile your eyes burned and your chest tightened in discomfort
"Why does everyone i care about leave me..." You thought to yourself as you watched a puddle form on the floor due to your tears continuously falling in the same spot, You wiped away your tears and forced yourself to breath in and out and eventually your breathing turned into calm gentle puffs of air
"I might as well skip...i don't feel like being chewed out by the teacher..." You mumbled as you wiped your face with your arm and grabbed your phone from your bag, you clicked onto your brothers contact and debated if you should call your older brother to pick you up but knowing him he wouldn't so there goes that idea
You sighed as you dropped your phone into your bag and hugged your knees close to your chest, your mind couldn't help but drift to the time you two whould make funny faces at each other in the hallway and pass notes in class
That's when you began to space out you closed your eyes and everything went quiet, your surroundings disappeared as you relished in the memories that popped into your mind
"Are you sugar? Cuz your so sweet!♡"
You smiled to yourself and looked at Amao who was writing down notes with a small smile and a tint on his cheeks
You drew a heart on the paper and tossed it back on his desk, he opened the paper and he smiled at you
"Amao!" You shouted as he began walking away with a tray, he turned around with a tilt of his head
You giggled and stuck out your tongue as you crossed your eyes, he chuckled and crossed his eyes as well he booped his own nose making it push up abit so it'd look like a pigs nose
You two laughed alittle before waving bye to each other and going separate directions
You were forced back into reality when you hear the small pitter patter of raindrops and the slight whoosh of wind, You sighed heavily
"Crap i didn't bring an umbrella...that's what I get for not looking at the weather forecast" You thought to yourself as you let your shoes touch the floor, you grabbed your phone and looked at the time
"(N/n) can you try these out for me? It's a new recipe" Amao said as he held out a tray of what looked to be like donuts, nevertheless you plucked one from the tray and inspected it
"I saw it online and i had  to try it out!"  Amao said with a smile, you held it up to him
"You tried to make a donut right? You forgot one important thing the hole... donuts always have a hole in the middle" You said as you held it up, he blushed out of embarrassment
"Oh well uhm..." He nervously rubbed the back of his neck and mumbled
"Hey don't sweat it it's fine bet it tastes amazing"  You said as you took a bite and were greated with a filling in the inside, you hummed in delight at the taste
"This taste amazing amao! Your gonna be a great baker!"  You said with a smile
You were snapped into reality when you heard the sky give a slight rumble, you cowered down ever so slight...you were never a fan of thunder nor lightning
You hugged your knees close to your chest and hid you face then let out a deep sigh
"Amao whould've been a great baker...it was his dream to have his own bakery" You felt yourself tearing up so you tried to wipe away the tears that were threatening to spill but they already began to fall
"No! Stop crying! Stop it! Stop stop stop cut it out!"  You told yourself as you frantically tried to wipe away your tears but they kept falling
You jolted harshly nearly falling off the toilet but you grabbed onto the sides of it as you began to try and calm your racing heart, you sniffled and wiped away your tears
"Dammit...i didn't bring an umbrella" You huffed in annoyance and got some tissue before blowing your nose and wiping your tear stained cheeks
Krrk thoom!
You quickly covered your ears and squeezed your eyes shut, you felt yourself shaking so you began to count like (o/b/n) had told you to if you ever got to scared
Krrk Boom!
You let out a small yelp before the thunder took a small break, in the meantime you had grabbed your bag and slung it over your shoulder before you made your way to the sink
You looked at your reflection as you touched your face and looked at your slightly red irritated eyes, you sighed and splashed your face with water before patting it dry with some paper towels
"Maybe i should go to the library i have a test coming up anyways..." You thought to yourself as you flinched once again when you heard the sky give a small rumble, You began walking out of the restroom and down the hall
You turned a sharp corner a bumped into someone making you bump into someone, You stumbled back abit while the person fell on there behind
You flinched as you watched as the person fell and all there belongings spill out of there bag, you covered your ears to block out the other round of the booming thunder but then uncovered them when you snapped back into reality
"I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" You asked as you extended a hand to the person on the ground but then paused when you saw it was Kizano
He looked up at you with a small glare and he huffed, you shook your head and helped him up
"Thank you..." He said as he dusted himself off grimacing at the dirt that clung to his uniform, you nervously smiled and looked down at his belongings
"You have a bad habit of bumping into people (N/n), you should watch were your going" Kizano said with a sigh, You nervously kneeled down and began picking up his belongings trying your best to organize them
"After all you wouldn't wanna hurt the best performer in this school" Kizano said with a smirk as he placed his hands on his hips, you mumbled out a small apology before you gave him his belongings
"Thank you daring" Kizano said with a smile as he lifted up your chin but then paused when he saw how puffy your eyes were
"(N/n) have you been crying? Your eyes are all puffy" He tilted your head to the side as he inspected you, you got out of his grasp and looked away
"It's just allergies..." You sheepishly mumbled out, he sighed and left it at that
"Alright then well catch you later"
He smiled at you and walked off leaving you, you began walking to the library once again and went straight to the back of the library were a sofa was
You let your bag slip off your shoulders once you sat on the couch, you sighed and looked out the window that was next to the sofa
"I wonder if the rain will stop anytime soon..." You thought to yourself as you searched through your bag and pulled out your Math binder, you grabbed some highlighters and began studying
"a²+b²=c² sence a² is 24 and b² is 7  that whould mean uhm...24² is i think it's..." You began marking small lines on your paper counting each on until you got the answer
"I'm totally screwed...there not gonna give us calculators..."  You sighed heavily and still tried t figure it out, you were so deep in thought that you didn't realize someone was looking at the books next to you
"Oh this is such bullshit" You muttered to yourself as you huffed in annoyance, you went back to write on your messy paper
"24² is 576..."
You looked up to see a boy with black hair he didn't wear a black overcoat instead he just wore the white button up shirt, you looked at him for a minute trying to figure out why you recognize him
"What was him name? He's in my class right? His name is Ayano...that doesn't sound right uhm Ayato! That's it!" You thought to yourself as you smiled ever so slightly
"Your Ayato from my math class right?" You asked as you pointed your pencil at him, he blushed ever so slightly and nodded his head
"Thought so" You let out a small giggle and sighed, he tilted his head
"Is there something wrong?" Ayato asked as he leaned on yhe shelf, you looked at him and shook your head
"Just this upcoming test that's getting me all stressed out you know? I'm terrible at math if you haven't noticed" You scratched the back of your neck and gave an awkward smile
"I could help you if you'd like" Ayato mumbled just loud enough for you to hear
"Really? You'll do that? That's awesome thank you so much!" You flinched when the librarian shushed you, you gave an apologetic smile and looked back at him
"Here come sit down" You moved your papers from the seat next to you and patted the empty spot, he hesitated before finally sitting down and making himself comfortable
"Can I take a look?" Ayato asked as he pointed to your binder, you nodded before handing it to him
He hummed as he looked through it and began to explain to you what to do, he paused and looked at you to see you actually paying attention
"Do you have any colorful pens? Colorful pages and notes often help with this you know? It makes it more interesting for your brain" Ayato said as he continued to flip through your binder, you dug through your bag and pulled out some pens and highlighters before handing it to them
He began to go on a rant explaining once again while carefully marking your papers with the highlighters and pens being careful not to make it to messy so you could understand, you looked at him and smiled ever so slightly
"Your very smart you know" You said as you rested your head in the palm of your hand, he looked at you with a blush before awkwardly smiling
You were sitting down in your desk glancing at the clock while you read your text book
"Last class of the day..." You thought to yourself as you messily scribbled down notes in your journal, the rain outside was still pretty heavy but luckily the thunder had subsided only giving a small rumble now and then
You closed your textbook with a sigh not really caring for this subject, you scribbled down little doodles and glanced outside when you heard the rain fall harder
"Should I just run home? I mean right now it's my only option (o/b/n) is at his part time job, (b/n) is probably gonna be out with his friends and Mom..." You shook your head not wanting to think about your mother, ever since you had stood up to her she's been ignoring you not even bothering to make you breakfast or your bento's
"I might get sick running home In the rain but oh well..." You slightly jolted when a small rumble of thunder sounded, you looked at the clock and began packing your things when you saw there was only five minutes left of class
"Alright class stop what your doing i have an announcement to make"  The teacher said making the class pause with confused looks, you tilted your head interested in what the teacher had to say
"An announcement? Probably a big test coming up or something" You thought to yourself as you let your head rest in the palm of your hand
"As most of you saw on the news last night one of my students and possibly one of your friends was in an...in an accident"  The teacher said and immediately the room went quiet, the only sound filling the room was the ticking of the clock and the pitter patter of the rain
"Due to that accident we are letting you student's have two days off to ensure your safety, we only want what's best for you..." The teacher said as she clasped her hands together
Everyone packed up there things while you just grabbed your bag and left the room, you headed down the stairs already dreading the fact that you'd have to run home in the rain
"Don't worry home is only...well a mile away" You sighed deeply and arrived at the front door to see the other students walking out with there umbrellas, you put your bag above your head and were about to take off
"Should you really walk home like that? You'll get sick"
You turned around to see Ayato holding a clear umbrella and concern clear on his face, You nervously smiled and held your bag
"Yeah I kinda have to i didn't read the weather forecast so i didn't bring an umbrella and then that dumb decision leads us here" You said as you gestured to the pouring rain with an awkward smile, he glanced over your shoulder and looked at you
"It's raining pretty heavily...you'll get soaked you know? Not to mention your bag as well" Ayato said
"It's upsetting that he's right...but what decision do i have?" You thought to yourself as you looked at the pouring rain
"I can walk you home if you'd like..." Ayato said as he began unfurl his umbrella, you looked at him shocked and held up your hands
"Oh no i really can't! I don't want you going home late just because of me!" You said with a small tint on your cheeks, he looked at you confused
"Last chance are you sure?" He asked as he adjusted his white button up, you thought for a moment before looking outside once again
"I don't have any other options..."
You sighed deeply and looked at him to see a small smile on his face, he opened his umbrella and stepped out into the rain and you soon joined him under it
"Alright let's go" He began walking and you matched his pace being careful not to trip or anything, over all the walk was pretty talkative
"Yeah I have two brothers there both a pain in the ass but they're there for me you know? How about you? Have any siblings?" You asked as you playfully nudged his side, he nervously smiled and looked at you
"An only child...parents are out to so it's just me by myself" Ayato said as he rubbed the back of his neck, you frowned ever so slightly
"Oh I'm sorry..." You said as you held your arm, he looked at you and chuckled
"Don't be it's alright" Ayato said with a shake of his head, you opened your mouth to speak but then let out a yelp when he held you away from the road, cold muddy water splashed on him as a car sped past leaving him soaked
"Fuck..." Ayato said through gritted teeth as he shivered and hugged himself, you took the umbrella and held it above him
"I'll give you a change of clothes, common let's go" You grabbed his arm and began walking not noticing the big blush on the poor boy, he followed you and you led him to your house
You grabbed the spare key from underneath a rock and unlocked the door, you led him inside and took off your shoes
"Wait here alright?" You said as you rushed to the restroom to get a towel and then went back downstairs to give it to him, you saw him shivering and hugging himself trying desperately to kep warm
"Here have this for now i know it's not much but I don't want you to stay wet" You said as you handed him the towel, he took it with a small nod
"You should probably take off your shirt" You said and realized when you said and blushed ever so slightly
"N-Not like in a weird way! It's just your shirt's really wet with muddy water" You said as you nervously rubbed the back of your neck, he hummed and began to unbutton his shirt
You looked away trying not to make him uncomfortable in any way, you glanced back at him when you heard a wet slosh sound
"Can I have another shirt? It's pretty cold..." Ayato said as he wrapped the towel around him, you nodded and motioned him to follow you to which you led him to your room
You went through your closet as he awkwardly stood next to your cabinet, you grabbed a hoodie that was way to big for you yet you still wore it and gave it to him
"Th-Thank you" He dropped his towel onto your floor and slipped on the hoodie, he let out a sigh of relief and continued to hug himself
"Oh! Right your pants probably got wet right?" You asked and you were about to leave but he shook his head
"I'm fine don't worry, although I should probably get home" He left your room and you led him to the front door, he grabbed his umbrella and waved bye at you as he began to walk home
What you didn't know is that you just made him more obsessed with you, now he was certain you were gonna be his forever

Ayato Aishi X Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now