🌸 What a shame 🌸

753 25 16

Tw. Murder and torture
Ayato aishi pov.
I hummed a small tune as I made way down to the basement to meet my very special guest, I eventually got to the bottom of it and smiled when I saw the three family members tied up and gagged but I felt a small frown form on my face
"It's a shame it had to be like this Amao...we could've been nice friends..." I said with a deep sigh as I leaned against the wall, Amao's eyes flickered to me and began to water up due to anxiety or fear maybe even a combination of both
"I'm glad it turned out this way! Now we get to kill him AND his family!" My conscious said and I couldn't help but scoff and look at the two people that were next to him, his mother and father that were both passed out due to me drugging them up
I looked at Amao once again and saw that the rope that held him down was stained in blood due to Amao moving so rashly, his wrist were cut up and reddened
"Amao I warned you not to move so much, you'll hurt yourself before we have fun" I said with a soft chuckle as I went to him and patted his face, he flinched and trembled due to me being so close to him
"Kill him! Do it now!" My conscious said and I huffed and looked at Amao
"Pwmf dwmf hurf M! M ffry!" Amao attempted to shout through the gag, if I was being honest it brought amusement to me I understood what he was saying but I just wanted to mess with him
"What was that? I couldn't hear you Amao" I said as I leaned closer to him
"M soffy!" Amao shouted louder as he attempted to wiggle out of his binds which only made him wince, I frowned slightly and patted his face
"What'd I say about moving like that? You'll hurt yourself...well it doesn't really matter but you know I don't wanna play with something that's half dead" I said as my nose crinkled, he let out a choked sob before lowering his head so he was looking down at his lap
"Aww Amao don't be like that, were just waiting for your parents to wake up so we can have some playtime" I said with a small smile as I patted his head, he didn't respond to which I didn't care and merely walked away to my tray that was covered by a cloth
I removed the cloth and neatly folded it up as I looked at the neatly aligned set of knifes
"A kitchen knife, Skinner, butcher, Bowie, butterfly, pocket...I think that's everything" I thought to myself as I looked at each and every one of them individually, I picked up the Skinner knife and a smile found its way onto my face
"Just kill them already! Peel there skin off! Cut there limbs off! Drive the knife into there skull! Do it!" My conscious demanded and I found my body twitching and my heart rate gradually increasing, I looked back at Amao and smirked sinisterly
"No! We must have patience!" I told myself as I forced myself to place down the knife, I breathed in and out to put my beating heart at ease
"I must have patience..." I sighed and looked back at Amao who was trying to wiggle out of his binds I couldn't help but chuckle at his poor attempt, his face was twisted in pain and the ropes that held him down began soaking up the blood that spilled from his bound wrist
I couldn't help but let a smile form on my face when Amao's parents began to stir awake, his mother tried to move but reality hit her when she saw she was bounded and gagged
"Hm?! Hmf!" Amao's mother shouted through the gag then her eyes flickered to me and panick flooded in those dark pools that she calls eyes
"Good afternoon Mrs Odayaku you slept for quite a while I feared I killed you by accident" I said with a slightly chuckle as I looked at her husband, he already knew what was going on or so it seemed due to his calm expression but his breathing couldn't fool anyone he was terrified
"Now we can kill them! Let's do it quick so we can go see what senpai's doing!" My conscious said and I couldn't help but grow annoyed due to my conscious not shutting up and being patient, I walked up to Amao's mother and hummed looking at her face closely before smiling
"I say ladies go first so you my special guest get to first! Isn't that exciting Miss?" I said with a smile as I gently patted get face and walked to my tray of knives, I hummed and looked over them closely
"We have to keep her alive for now...so what? Skinning her? No...to boring" I plucked a knife from the tray and looked over it before throwing it carelessly with a sigh
"Maybe water boarding? No she could die...we don't want that yet...what about- No I can't do that...dammit! What can i-" I gasped when I got the perfect idea and let out a chuckle before I started laughing
"Excuse me for a moment if you don't mind" I said as I looked at the family of three and headed upstairs to my room
"Sewing kit...sewing kit...where is it?" I thought to myself as I dug through my cabinets then I found a needle and thread, I held it up making sure it was of quality for me to use
I headed back downstairs and grabbed my bowie knife before heading to the mother and smiling
"Why don't we play doctor Miss? That sound fun right?" I said as I twirled the knife in my hand, she attempted to try and trash around to get out of her binds but it was no use
The two boys began trying to scream at me through there gags which I found amusing
"Dmf hurf er!" "Gemf awaf frm er!" "Pwmf!"
I huffed in annoyance and began gently scraping her arm with the knife as I looked at her expression change from panick to sheer terror
"I'm gonna take off your gag alright? If you scream I'll have to cut your tounge off so make sure to keep quiet" I said with a smirk as I lifted the knife up to her throat, she nodded but I could barely see it due to her uncontrollable trembling
I put the knife down for a split second before untying her gag and letting it hang loosely around her neck, I picked up my knife once again and hummed
"Pwmf! Dmt humfh er m beggn!" Amao's father yelled through the gag as he thrashed around desperately trying to escape his binds to save his wife, I chuckled as I pressed down the tip of the blade onto his wives delicate skin to the point where blood threatened to spill out
"Please! What do you want?! Money? We can give you everything in our bank! Just please let us-" Amao's mother yelped when I slapped her so hard her head cocked to the side, I smirked at the way her cheek began to blossom in red and how tears streamed down her face
"We're here beacuse your idiot of a son couldn't follow the simple orders I gave him, I should've killed him a long time ago but I wanted to be generous" I said as I glared daggers at Amao and growled softly, I huffed and looked but at her with a smile
"This is gonna hurt so brace yourself alright?" I said with a smile as I twirled that bowie knife that was in my hand, her face scrunched up in confusion and as she opened her mouth to say something I plunged the knife into her arm
She screamed out in pain as I stabbed and twisted the blade in her arm with a big smile on my face, she trashed around and screamed at the top of her lungs as tears streamed down her face
"Stab her more! More! More! More! She looks so pretty covered in blood!" My conscious said as I continued to stab her over and over being careful not to cut anything important, I still wanted her alive after all
I smirked and I stabbed her arm one last time before she passed out due to the excruciating pain in her arm, I clicked my tounge in annoyance and walked away from her as I grabbed a bucket of water
"How rude..." I thought to myself as I splashed the bucket of water on her making her jolt awake due to the sudden shock, Her clothes clung to her body and her blood painted the water in a beautiful crimson red
"We can't have you passing out quite yet Miss, after all this is a family activity" I said as I placed down the bucket and walked over to her, she trembled and hissed in pain
"Acting time"
"That was to harsh for you wasn't it...I apologise I'll admit I was upset and I shouldn't have taken it out on you..." I sighed and gently stroked her head making her trembling come to an ease
"I'm sorry..so sorry" I rested my forehead on her's attempting to gain her trust and to my surprise it was working
"Please...wh-why are you doing this to us?" She spoke in a small broken voice as she sniffled, I sighed and pulled away from her
"Let's get you fixed up okay? The last thing we need is for you to get an infection" I grabbed the small sewing kit and I got the needle and thread ready, I grabbed her arm
"Aren't you gonna use anesthesia?" She asked as she tried to tug her arm away but to no avail due to my grip on her arm
"I'm sorry but I don't have anymore...Your gonna have to deal with the pain I'll be as quick as possible alright?" I said as I breathed in and began sewing her arm up, she tried not to move but she hissed and cried out in pain each time the needle dug through her skin
Eventually I finished sewing her arm up so I cut the remaining thread and sighed, her face was stained in tears and she trembled
"I bet your all hungry after all it's been what? A day and a half sence you've all eaten?" I said as cleaned up Amao's mother's arm, she wasn't as tence anymore which surprised me
"I'll go make you all something to eat" I smiled as I tied on Amao's mother gag once again and began to head upstairs
"See you all soon" I turned off the light as I walked out the door and locked it behind me
Once I was done cooking I headed back downstairs with a tray lined with four small bowls and four medium sized bowls, I flicked on the light and watched as the family of three looked at me
"Sorry I took so long I had to run to the store real quick" I said as I placed the tray on the old tattered table infront of them, they all looked at the tray with curiosity
"Okay so I'm putting alot of trust into you all, I've provided you all with a wonderful meal so I expect when I set your arms free you won't try anything" I said as I glanced back at them, they all looked at each other and looked back at me before hesitantly nodding
"Good! That makes this so much easier for me!" I said with a smile as I went to Amao's mother and carefully untied her being careful as to not strain her injury next to go was her gag
"Th-Thank you..." She said in a small voice as she softly rubbed her jaw
Next to be untied was Amao, I untied him and tugged off his gag he rubbed his bruised and cut up wrist as he stretched him jaw due to the strain of the gag
Lastly, I untied and pulled off Amao's father's gag, he looked at his Wife and Son with a small frown
"Okay! Now that everyone's untied let's eat" I picked up the tray once again before passing out the small bowls filled with white rice and the medium sized bowls filled with Miso soup
"Thank you..."
"Thank you..."
"Thank you"
I gave a small nod before I gave them each there own pair of wooden chopsticks, I sat down infront of them as I grabbed my own bowls and that's when I noticed then exchanging glances
"Oh please, dig in" I said with a small smile as I began to eat and sip my soup, they all hesitantly followed my actions
They hummed in delight and finished there meal rather quickly, they let out a sigh as a sign they were full
"Thank you for the meal ayato..." Amao said sheepishly as he stacked his bowls, I nodded and got up to collect there bowls
"I'll tell them in a bit..." I thought to myself as I placed the bowls aside and began to tie and gag them all up again
"You know what I find interesting? That Cyanide a quick acting poison taste like bitter almonds...it can also kill in only a matter of seconds interesting right?" I said with a smile as i sat down on a chair infront of them, there faces twisted in confusion and the feeling of being uncomfortable
"One of those bowls had Cyanide I don't know which one but we'll find out soon enough" I said with a chuckle that soon turned into laughter when there faces flooded with panick, I sat down infront of them and looked at my watch
"Now we wait I can't wait to see how the poison works! I've never used it before" I said as I let my head rest in my palm as they all looked at each other with panick flared in there eyes
Just them Amao's father began breathing heavily his chest fell and rose rather quickly, he then began to twitch and shake uncontrollably as if he was having a seizure
Then...he just stopped breathing his body laid completely still, I tilted my head as I headed over to him and check his pulse
"That's it?! That was so boring!" I shouted as I kicked his limp corpse, I looked over at the other two to see tears streaming down there faces and there gags wet with spit due to screaming and crying
"Miss Odayaku it's been fun but I believe our time must come to an end, so I'll let you choose" I said as I walked over to her
"Whould you like to be gutted with anesthesia or be electrocuted to death? I say you choose the second option after the first zap your brain fry's" I said as I took off her gag to hear her answer properly, she pondered for a moment while shaking unsure of what to say
"Please...just let us go...you don't have to do this..." She said softly as she looked at me with her eyes glossed over with tears, I growled in annoyance
"You know what I've decided for you and I say you deserve to be gutted right infront of your son" I said with a slight rasp in my voice, my anger was getting the best of me I've been dragging this on for so long and it's getting boring
I picked up the kitchen knife from the tray and looked at her
"Kill her kill her kill her kill her do it now do it NOW!" My conscious repeated like a broken record, my hands began to twitch and my heart raced
"COMMON JUST DO IT! CUT HER OPEN! DO IT!" I then lunged at her and drove the knife deep into her chest making her scream out in shock and in pain
Then everything went into a blur I stabbed her repeatedly watching as blood seeped out from the puncture wounds and how she trashed and moved around in pain due to me stabbing her repeatedly
I didn't even hear her or Amao screaming but it didn't matter all that mattered was that these vermin's whould be out of (Y/n)'s life for good
"This is for her! Don't you dare forget that! We're doing this for (y/n)'s sake!" My conscious shouted at me as I cut open Amao's mother's stomach getting a full view of her bloodied intestines, I didn't even noticed she stopped screaming and moving until I looked up at her
"I'll do anything for Senpai...Even kill vermin like these to keep her happy and safe, she doesn't need them in her wonderful life" I thought to myself as I looked at Amao who was crying and screaming against to gag, I smirked and my hands shook and twitched uncontrollably still craving for blood to be spilled and skin to be cut
I walked over to him and cut his gag off letting it fall onto his shoulders, he looked up at me with hatred as his frown turned into a scowl
"You Monster! How could you do this! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Go to hell!" Amao screamed angrily as he trashed around in his chair, I smirked and twirled the knife in my hand and looked at him with an insane look
My pupils were dilated, a wide grin was spread across my face and my hands were covered in blood
His mother's blood
"Oh Amao...does it look like I'll go anywhere besides hell? I've killed countless people without any hesitation..." I said as I gripped his face making him wince loudly
"Why do you care about (y/n) so much?! She doesn't even know who you are!" Amao shouted as he ripped his face away from my grip, I stopped for a moment and looked at him
"She made me feel alive..." I said as I tightened my grip on my blade but then placed it down and walked away from him, he looked at me confused as his chest rose and fell rapidly
"The first time she bumped into me she somehow made me feel complete...when I was little doctors saw me as...broken but (y/n) fixed me" I said as I looked at him with a smile but then it dropped into a frown
"And I won't let you take that away from me..." I said with venom dripping off my words, his expression turned into one of absolute terror
"Let me go! Please I'll leave! I won't ever come back here just please let me go!" Amao pleaded as he struggled against his binds, I chuckled and then burst out into a fit of laughter the same psychotic laughter he heard when I first brought him here
"That's why you should've listened to my warnings! But did you?! No! If you whould've listened I whouldn't have killed your parents and we whouldn't be in this situation!" I said as I picked up my knife and looked at him with a crazed smile, he struggled against his binds like hell the rope burning and digging into his skin
"Now...if your silent I'll make your death as quick as I possibly can okay Amao?" I said but then burst into a fit of laughter, I hunched over clutching my stomach
"Who am I kidding?! I'm gonna enjoy killing you!" I said as I walked twords him, he stopped moving and looked at me with fear in his eyes
"Please ayato...don't do this" Amao softly said and I said nothing but lifted my knife, then everything else was a blur the last thing I remember is the floor being painted red...
"Red's such a pretty color"
"Red's such a pretty color"

Ayato Aishi X Female Reader Where stories live. Discover now