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"Should I be worried about you bringing boys into our dorm?" I asked Olivia.

She doesn't look like someone who would sleep around, but it's never wrong to make sure.

She blushed "Oh no, you don't have to worry. I-" She hesitates "-I am not into boys."

"Oh then should I be worried about girls?" I smirked at her.

Laughing loudly she shakes her head "No, no. I don't have any girlfriend."

Well, I wasn't talking about girlfriends but whatever. As long as I don't have to listen to people having sex at night.

"Does your brother know?" I asked her, bluntly.

I know it is none of my business but I say what comes into my mind and if she gets uncomfortable about it she can call me out on it, I wouldn't mind honestly.

"He does, yeah. He is actually very supportive about it" Her face suddenly turns sad then "My parents, they are actually not very supportive."

Feeling sad for her, I stand up from my bed, where I was sitting previously and put my hand on her shoulder "Hey! People, who don't accept you can go fuck themselves, even if they are your parents."

She laughs and thanks me for making her feel better.

I don't usually make people feel better but she is a good kid. It's been only 6 hours with her but I could tell she is so innocent that it would make you feel like, you want to protect her.

It was nighttime, we both were sitting on our beds talking and getting to know each other since we both couldn't sleep.

The whole dorm room was quite big, our beds were aligned in front of each other. Both of our sides of beds were so different.

My side of the room was what you would call bland. I had a normal size bed and one side of the bed has a single-seater hanging swing chair that I love to use when I am reading a book with a cup of coffee and the other side has a shelf that is filled with books and a round mirror. The space beside the chair has a study table against the wall.

Olivia had the same size of bed but her bed wall was filled with photographs and quotes. I also noticed Caspian in some of the photos with his same stoic face. She also has purple lightning hung up on the wall. Her side of the room was very... bright.

"We should go to sleep now. It's late" Olivia said making my eyes snap towards her.

Nodding my head, I agreed with her.

"Goodnight!" Olivia chirped, turning her side of the lights off.

"Night" I said, doing the same.


The next day, I was all ready for my classes with my uniform. My parents finally sent it.

It's not like I couldn't have bought it myself but I just didn't want to and I knew it would piss my parents off so that was a plus.

This school has a very shitty uniform for a matter of fact. So, I decided to add a mix of, what you call it- Me factor.

The usual students go with sweaters for the winters but as we have already discovered, I'm no usual person, hence, I am wearing the school hoodie, that mostly the girl's team of Tennis wears. It's a good thing, I am going to apply for the team this year.

Under the dark blue hoodie that has Belladonna written in huge fonts is the light brown skirt that goes a little above my knees.

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